Blackstone Code

Chapter 1359: Beheading

Whether the girls in the flight research institute will be obedient in the end is still difficult to determine, but some people are definitely not so obedient.

Seeing that it is already at the end of July and there is not much time left before August, the great warlords of Marillo either came to the capital in person or arranged plenipotentiary representatives. In short, the entire capital of Marillo is now full of a breath of urgency.

It doesn’t seem to be any different from any time before, but people can feel a...unspeakable feeling, as if there is a thick layer on people’s chests and on people’s heads. , It makes people a little irritable, and a little breathless.

This is actually a fresh and positive attempt for many warlords.

In Mr. President’s manor, some of the first-arrival warlords have already sat together.

"...If the Federation can't get out of our territory, more people will be bought by them in the future!"

The person speaking was a medium-sized warlord, who was not too far from Sanchez's territory, and he was the most unoptimistic one at the moment.

Once the Federation represented by Sanchez decides to continue northward, the first thing to face is him and his territory.

Under the premise that the Federation has the advantages of three-dimensional warfare, he, and them, can't form any effective resistance at all!

Facts have proved that as long as the bomber flies diligently, nothing can't be destroyed!

He advocated his opinion loudly.

"You should go to the south to take a look. The set of cash crops that the Federalists are now buying has already bought many people."

"Not only did they not regard the Federation as invaders, but they cooperated very well with them."

"In the coldest winter, they even ran directly south, and the Federation members on the border did not stop them!"

"This situation is spreading northward, and some similar situations have appeared on my site. If we can't quickly curb the spread of this phenomenon, we will all face the same situation soon!"

The federal people paid higher fees for those cash crops, which also caused many Marilo people to lay down their weapons and return to the farmland.

Carrying a gun to join the warlord, in the final analysis, is to eat a bite and protect himself and his family.

But the current situation is not optimistic. The Federation has become the pain of all warlords. The ghost knows when the bomber will spin around on his head, and joining the warlord has become dangerous.

What the federal people did in the south not only met the needs of ordinary Malilo people in life, but also gave them a stable living environment.

People, the vast majority of people, still hope to have a stable life, so these measures have been supported by a considerable number of people.

These people have also become staunch "renegades". If it is not for joining the federal citizenship, it is not as easy as before. Some of them plan to give up their current nationality and directly turn themselves into a federal citizen!

Even these people will stand on the side of "peace" against the warlords who try to take them from the land, because this has violated their interests!

The warlord who was speaking was very touched. In the past year, people have been escaping from his turf, ran to Sanchez, and then cultivated a piece of land to grow those cash crops.

The federal people are too bad. They not only purchase their designated cash crops at high prices, but also borrow a variety of agricultural machinery to the farmers in Marillo so that they can easily complete reclamation, cultivation and harvesting.

His words did not arouse too many people's attention. Before those people felt this power, they would not think that the economy can become a decisive factor in the stability of the situation in Mariro.

In the central and northern regions, the confrontation between warlords and races is still very serious, and they did not feel the pressure from the cash crops.

In fact, it wasn't really a bump. Who would have thought that farming would solve some of Marillo's social problems over the years?

People continue to express their dissatisfaction with the federal interference in Marillo's internal affairs, which is why they are forced to sit here.

Bergao’s strategy was obviously successful. He made everyone realize that when facing their irresistible enemies, only unity is the only way out.

At this time, people will not talk about who is a Malilo and who is a Malori. The only thing they need to consider is to reunify as soon as possible.

Soon after, Bergao hurriedly walked in from outside, and as soon as he entered, everyone stood up.

This is a kind of respect.

Perhaps Bergao does not have many troops or weapons, but what he does at this moment and his future are worthy of respect.

When Marillo completes the reunification, even if it is only formal, it is a huge improvement for Bergao.

"Thank you for coming!" As soon as he entered the room, Bergao leaned slightly and continued to express his gratitude to these warlords. The warlords and the plenipotentiary representatives also responded.

He is a very gentle person, he looks similar to the President of the Union, he is not aggressive, and he can't see sharp edges.

He went to his seat and sat down, and then talked about some of the things he had just discussed with the big warlords.

"If you find everyone this time, you should also know what we are going to do."

"The first thing we need to do is to announce that Marillo will be reunified after internal adjustments. Of course, I also know that this road is actually much harder than we thought."

"We will tacitly allow you to keep the force in your hands. This is also the sincerity of me and all of us."

"Secondly, we will re-plan the administrative units and administrative regions. The entire Marillo will be re-planned into eleven states..."

These are the results of discussions with the big warlords. Those big warlords do not agree that two or three people are crowded in one state, so Bergao can only divide and reorganize the current administrative area to ensure that these big warlords are satisfied. Our needs.

As for the next step, these middle and upper-class warlords don't care too much about these things. Whoever dares to expand or shoot abroad is the common enemy of all!

Under Bergao's constant persuasion and persuasion work, everyone has reached a unity of consciousness, and now their first task is to expel the federal people!

The whole day of communication and communication made Bergao deeply tired.

He is no longer a young man, although he told his son that his heart is young, but his body is already old.

He can't do things without sleeping for days and nights like when he was young. As long as he doesn't rest in bed a little bit later, his body seems to have lost his strength.

After sending the last guest away, he sighed and sat on the sofa, leaning against the back of the sofa without any support.

The son who helped him send people back came back and brought him a glass of wine, "Drink a drink, then rest, you have done a lot today!"

The young man was a little surprised. He thought that all of this was impossible. It was impossible for the warlords to reunite around the central government, but now all this happened so miraculously.

He admires his father, for him, this is the miracle his father created!

Bergao took a sip from the cup, the alcohol poured into his throat, and a rush of heat began to turn, warming his body and expelling some fatigue.

Bergao sat down again, "I'm still a little worried, I don't think the Federation is so easy to be deceived."

He called Sanchez and persuaded Sanchez to give the Federation the wrong time.

In fact, he could not do that, but he did so after much deliberation.

Because he lacks time, Marillo lacks time. Once the Federalists decide to do something, and they have not completed the final meeting, everything will return to the original point!

All these years of hard work and struggle will be broken!

The young man said softly as if he was comforting, “There are still two shortcomings. If nothing happens, Marillo will reunite within a few days, and all this is your credit, father.”

Bergao raised his hand and waved his hand, "This is the choice of the times. We have only one way to go. This is not my credit. Anyone sitting in my position at this time will do the same as me!" "

He sighed long, "I hope everything goes well."

Marirodo has been in trouble for so long and should enjoy peace.

Bergao drank the wine in his glass, returned to bed and fell asleep quickly.

After watching him fall asleep, the young man turned and left, and asked the guards to ensure the safety of the president.

He knew very well that his father was right. Perhaps this is the choice of the times...

The next day, the President found a piece of news while having breakfast in the morning. He liked to read the newspaper during breakfast.

The newspaper said that Penzio’s secret plan had been exposed, and the sea fortress had become a battle plan known to the whole world.

The official Pengjieo kept which also made many people think this news is true.

When he saw this, Bergao frowned. From the report, he found that even if people find the Penzio’s killer, it is difficult to deal with it.

He had seen airplanes, those things high above them, flying at high altitudes beyond the range of most weapons on the ground, and then dropped a bomb.

They can bring terrible destruction without any direct contact.

"The Federation should be in a hurry." He subconsciously gave his own judgment. When the death sickle is in the hands of others, even the Federation will feel tricky.

But soon his eyebrows became tighter, because he suddenly thought of a question, would these irritate the Federation?

So that they make them do some unexpected things?

At the same time, outside the capital, a special elite squad from the Federation finally crossed half of Marillo in secret and arrived near the capital.