Blackstone Code

Chapter 1367: airborne regiment

In the morning, the family enjoys breakfast together.

The nanny's expression was tidy, and she didn't show any surprise that Lynch stayed here overnight.

Of course she knew Lynch, but she didn't know that Lynch had such a relationship with her employer.

She glanced at the little boy secretly, and the little boy seemed to know the situation, which surprised her.

But... I feel that everything seems reasonable. After all, Vera's job is so good, she shouldn't be able to do it by herself, right?

She made an excuse for her own incompetence and Vera's excellence, which was not malicious, but just a natural reaction of people at the bottom when they faced people who were much better than themselves.

They don't think about whether they haven't worked hard enough, they only think that there are other external factors, such as how unfair the society is, and they don't give themselves opportunities.

There is a saying that is very correct, only the weak will question the injustice of fate, and the strong... are born to be damned!

After breakfast, Lynch sent Vera to work and then diverted to the flight research institute. The chief engineer was waiting for him early in the morning.

The two greeted each other briefly when they met, and then walked towards the test site.

"The ideas you proposed before, we have made some attempts, and now we have some results, and the rest is to carry out routine experiments..."

As the chief engineer gestured to the tower, an aircraft accelerated and took off into the sky.

This plane is much larger than a normal fighter jet and looks a bit bulky.

But it is different from ordinary bombers because its shape is more "full", like a frog with a big belly.

After flying into the sky and circling for a while, the plane entered the predetermined altitude and began to circle steadily.

After further instructions from the tower, its hatch was opened and some heavy objects were thrown out!

Anything dropped from that height, even if it wasn't a bomb, would have a terrible impact and destructive force, but none of the people present left, they just looked up.

Above those heavy objects, there was a white thing shaking constantly in the wind. After it accelerated to a certain speed, suddenly a big white umbrella opened!

Its falling speed became extremely slow in an instant, and it slowly floated to the ground at an acceptable level.

After all the heavy objects fell to the ground, the chief engineer drove Lynch to the "falling" site. These wooden boxes were basically intact, and some of the fragile items inside were also intact except for a few broken ones.

This is enough to prove the safety of this cushioned landing.

Lynch checked these fragile glass products and asked, "When will the specific airborne experiment be arranged?"

The chief engineer patted the ashes on his hands, "We are recruiting volunteers, and then we need training, which will take at least two weeks."

Lynch nodded, "As soon as possible."

Airborne is definitely a big killer for this era where there is no way to move quickly.

When the Ministry of National Defense came up with special operations tactics such as special operations teams, Lynch immediately thought of airborne.

After hearing Lynch talk about this tactic, the Ministry of National Defense and the military immediately expressed great concern about throwing these special operations teams directly into the enemy's rear area in the dark to carry out destruction behind the enemy line.

Moreover, airborne is not only able to airborne personnel, but also airborne supplies, which will make it very easy to resupply some special areas with inconvenient access.

In signing a new supplementary agreement with the Ministry of Defense, Blackstone Aviation needs to help the Ministry of Defense and the military to achieve rapid airborne tactical operations.

For this reason, Blackstone Aviation came up with a new design plan, with a larger load and a more single function.

They don't have any attack capability, and their defense is average, but their load capacity and flight distance are significantly better than those of bombers. They are given a very popular and easy-to-understand name—transport aircraft.

The prototype finished circling in the sky and returned to the ground. Now it is no longer a problem for the aircraft to take off and land.

Time always slips away from people's hands unknowingly, and by the time people realize it, it has been more than a week.

Lynch and the people from the Ministry of National Defense took a warship and came to the waters outside Bu Pain, where they will show the results of the airborne today.

Many people came from the Ministry of Defense, many people from the military, and even many people from the navy.

When the two transport planes flew over the sea and began to circle, everyone's attention was on these planes.

With an order, the plane's hatch was opened, and various materials were thrown first. When these materials fell out of the plane and fell to a certain height, they suddenly opened the parachute and began to slowly descend.

The officers began to discuss one after another. They could see that the descending speed of these supply boxes was very slow, and they knew that even if these items fell on the concrete floor, they would not be damaged much.

Followed by airborne personnel, these are volunteers recruited from Blackstone Security. Higher salaries and higher ranks in the company can always attract some people to join.

Although some people were injured during the high-intensity trial jumps during this period, no one was seriously injured, disabled or killed.

After the initial stage of trying, the first batch of paratroopers in the world have initially mastered the ability of parachuting.

People held up binoculars to watch the soldiers leave the plane, and some even exclaimed because it was too high!

In order to show the practical use of airborne, the transport aircraft flew very high, which can minimize the impact of the noise generated during flight on the ground.

In the sound that was not too noisy, small black dots appeared in the sky one after another, and after that, white "flowers" bloomed.

The Ministry of National Defense and military observers have shown great interest in this, and they even directly discussed the airborne technology on the spot.

Someone also proposed the previous assassination plan against Begao, and their special operations team crossed half of Mariro before reaching the capital of Mariro.

If there was an airborne at that time, they could transport these soldiers to the wilderness or mountain forest near the capital of Mariro and drop them by air, which is not only more secretive, but also faster.

There was a lot of discussion about how to use the paratroopers, and when those paratroopers returned by boat, there was a lot of discussion around parachuting from the Ministry of Defense and the military.

Later, the Department of Defense signed a second supplemental agreement with Lynch and signed an additional order.

They will buy twenty transport aircraft of the current model and related equipment at one time. Lynch's quotation is very high, but the Ministry of Defense doesn't care.

In addition, Blackstone Aviation will also assist the Ministry of National Defense and the military in forming the First Federal Airborne Regiment.

According to the training equipment cost of 20,000 yuan per person, plus the messy fees, this is not a small income!

"I heard that you recently paid a lot of money from the Ministry of Defense!"

On Monday morning, Lynch received a call from Mr. Wardrick, and they sat down for dinner that evening.

The relationship between the two is relatively familiar, and with the special relationship of Severella as a bond, their relationship is a little closer than ordinary friends.

It is no secret in the field of military industry that Blackstone Aviation has received several large orders during this period. With the cognition of the masters of Congress, it is impossible for them to know what is meant by secrecy.

In addition, the appropriations of the military budget also go from Congress, so it is not surprising that someone is involved or knows what is going on here.

"Lan Ying's president has been dismissed..."

Mr. Wardrick raised his glass, Lynch raised his glass from a distance, and they each took a small sip.

Lanying Aviation is a new joint venture company of several traditional military industries, which was established to fight against Blackstone Aviation.

They used some low-level means to trick Lynch from the beginning, but they didn't get the result they wanted.

In the new field of aviation, technology leadership is the key!

Some people in Congress and the Ministry of Defense may cooperate with big capitalists in their attempts to purchase ordinary military products, but the military rarely compromises.

To put it simply, whether it is the Ministry of National Defense or the Congress, they don’t need to go to the front line, so for them, it doesn’t matter even if they buy backward products. Anyway, they won’t get a single point less, which is enough .

But for the military, once a war breaks out, they are the ones who will go to the battlefield. It is impossible for the military to joke with their own lives. If the purchases are too obviously backward, the military will disagree.

Therefore, on the issue of military purchases, the attitude of the military must ultimately prevail. The military thought that Blackstone Aviation’s products were good, so they gave Lynch a big order.

Lan Ying Air's stuff can't be said to be bad, and it is also in a leading position in the world, but compared with those aircraft of Blackstone Airlines, it is obviously a little behind.

Capital has never been warm and affectionate. The failure to get a big order shows that Lan Ying's president made many wrong decisions. It is not so surprising that he was removed.

At the same time, as a joint-stock company, the board of directors also needs to be responsible to the president is the way to be responsible!

Lynch put down his glass and pouted, "They shouldn't be thinking about competing with me, they don't realize how stupid it is!"

If it was a bit arrogant, Mr. Wardrick nodded, quite approving.

"They don't want to believe in your magic!", he refers to the public opinion that Lynch "cannot lose".

He paused, and talked about the purpose of inviting Lynch to dinner this time, "Our factory has come up with a new design and prototype, a self-propelled gun that is more suitable for the frontal battlefield. As a shareholder, Gotta come and help."

Mr. Wardrick had previously established a heavy industry company to produce self-propelled guns, which was the preliminary design given by Lynch.

After several local wars, the company's designers broke out with inspiration, and combined with the actual feedback in the war, they designed a very special self-propelled gun.

Considering that Lynch has magical powers, has a good relationship with the military, and that he is also a shareholder of the company, Mr. Wardrick recruited him based on the idea of ​​not using it for nothing.