Blackstone Code

Chapter 1380: lore on

"The core of this game is to adjust the balance in time..."

Lynch watched the game screen being broadcast on TV, and continued to popularize Catherine.

"Its real method is not to immediately eliminate your opponent. That is actually very dangerous, because you can't eliminate a person first with your own strength."

"In other words, when three people unite, it is true that one person can be eliminated first, but it will become chaotic for the remaining three people."

"The really correct way is to let everything be controlled in your own hands!"

Catherine was still a little dazed. Since Lynch started explaining the "real gameplay" of these games, she suddenly found that her brain couldn't keep up with Lynch.

Hell, when they were in high school, there was almost no difference in their grades. In just a few years, not only did the gap exist, but was it so big?

Of course, she didn't completely understand, and she could also feel something special from Lynch's explanation, the electric snake danced wildly under the calm surface, and the thunder bursts!

She can also feel that if she can figure this out, she might be able to become someone like Lynch.

The whole world, in his eyes at this moment, may be just a game!

Lynch didn't notice Catherine deserted, and he continued to explain the core of the game.

"If we guess the answer, we don't need to give the answer ourselves, but keep someone in a state where we can be eliminated anytime, anywhere."

"Turning around, we can attack another person, and continue to obtain this person's information from the question until we need to refresh our question fee or defend."

"Whoever is strong, we will target whoever we are. While ensuring our own relative safety, we have enough control over the entire game."

"Only in this way, whoever you want to leave will leave, and you will be able to stand in the end!"

Catherine was still a little confused, "But you will offend everyone by doing this..."

Lynch can understand her meaning, you can deal with whoever is strong, this will create a very bad feeling for everyone, and you may be targeted.

But in fact, the chance of such occurrence is not great, because a "swinger" will swing over anytime and anywhere when he is weak. For many people, this is actually a kind of protection.

Just like the cooperation between Harry and the player in position 4 at this time, they were originally enemies, but now they are partners, and the two will not give up cooperation until they have regained their strength to stabilize their positions.

Even if a third person loses a point, this third person will join them!

So from the very beginning, there was no alliance at all, and everything was for balance, so among these people, it is very necessary to play their own role in controlling the field.

You can lead the charge, but leave the actual work to others.

This is a battle of intelligence and humanity, which has little to do with education, which is what makes it most attractive.

As the game progressed, player No. 2 was eliminated first.

With the live audience swaying the betting certificates in their hands, as countless audiences in front of the TV shredded the betting cards in their hands, and with the cheers of the gaming company, people sent away the second player.

No. 2 himself couldn't believe that he would lose, but the fact was that, Harry and No. 4, who were at a disadvantage in the beginning, now became the ones with the most points.

No matter what kind of psychological changes he has at this time, he has lost his chance to get a million forever.

He didn't leave right away, and there will be an interview later, as well as the shooting announcement of the new program.

Together with the winners, the three losers will show people the next month of their lives, in all aspects.

The battle between the three became more intense. Harry suddenly cooperated with No. 1 contestant, and strongly set the second elimination target on No. 4.

Player number four wanted to struggle, but it was a pity that there might still be a chance when there were four of them, but now there were only three of them, so he could only fight.

In the end, he unfortunately lost the game.

At this time, only Harry and the number one player were left.

Both of them had one card left, but just now player No. 1 eliminated No. 4, and he still had three chances to ask questions for free, but Harry didn't have any.

He has to pay the other party a lot of money every time he asks a question, and if his money is not enough to support him to continue asking, he will lose.

This is very scary. Don't underestimate the three free chances to ask questions. In the end, you may lose such a chance completely.

Harry raised his head and glanced at the glass box directly above, where one million cash lay quietly.

He has never seen so much money in his life, and now he is only a "one" away from the money and his dream.

The bookmakers shut down all betting on Millionaire because at this point there was no point in keeping it open.

The funds and benefits involved in the duel between two people far exceed their bonuses, even ten times, a hundred times the bonus!

After a short break and commercials, the picture on the TV returned to the scene of the game.

It was actually already past ten o'clock in the evening at this time. According to the normal situation, the ratings should start to drop, and there was a cliff-like drop at eleven o'clock.

People who have to work tomorrow, they can't stay up late. At this time, the TV series that should be watched are finished, and those top programs are coming to an end after two hours of broadcasting.

People are indeed a little tired, and they should rest.

However, at this moment, the ratings of the TV station have not changed at all.

Not only has it not changed, but the ratings of the TV stations under Blackstone Communications have increased again.

Some people may not be very interested in the process of the competition, but they are interested in who can get the million!

Harry and contestant No. 1 stood face to face. The expressions on both sides could no longer be described as indifference. It was simply a hatred that couldn't touch the depths!

Yes, hate!

They are the last hurdle blocking each other's way to the end of happiness. As long as they get over it, everything in the previous dream will come true.

But if you can't cross it, the dream will only be a dream after all!

"Contestants, please choose your own answer..."

The host blew the horn for the final battle.

Harry looked at the cards in his hand, hesitated for a while, and chose the "dinner knife" card among them.

After the opponent has also chosen the answer, the game officially begins.

Player number one let Harry ask first, and Harry glanced at his points. He had to get an accurate answer after five questions, or he would lose.

He thought for a while and asked, "Is it alive?"

Contestant No. 1 nodded, "Yes, it is alive."

After such a long period of elimination, everyone has mastered a set of experience, how to quickly find what they want.

Player 1 has the same problem, and he has less pressure, and he has three free chances.

"Is this something I touch every day?" he asked after a brief moment of thought.

Harry froze for a moment, this question was very tricky, he thought that the other party would ask a little bit narrower questions like "Is this thing edible" or "What is the shape of this thing".

Unexpectedly, the other party asked a tricky question from the very beginning. Everyone has to deal with table knives every day, but fortunately, Harry's choice is not "lonely".

Even within this range of circumstances, there are plenty of options.

Harry nodded.

He glanced at the points again, and it was already a little less.

The second round of Q&A begins.

"Are we... going to eat it?"

Harry originally wanted to ask the question "Can it be eaten?" In his opinion, there are only two types of animals, those that can eat and those that cannot.

But the opponent's question just reminded him, and at the same time, he also had some insights. In a one-on-one situation, how to give effective and efficient questions is the key to winning the game.

He changed "Can I eat it" into "Will I eat it", so that it is difficult to change the answer that can confuse the answer.

Contestant No. 1 was silent for a while, then shook his head, "Not necessarily..."

Harry looked at the host, and the host asked contestant No. 1 to give a less ambiguous answer.

Number One reorganized the language, "At least I don't know how to eat it, and no one around me eats it, but I can't guarantee that everyone won't eat it."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, this answer had actually narrowed down the truth to a very small area, and he already had some guesses.

Number one also knew that his chances of being hit were greatly increased, so he thought for a while before asking a new question.

Now every time he asks a question, he needs a period of time to think and calm down. One million is right in front of him, and he is too nervous.

This made his mind slow down sometimes, and he had to think hard and make sure he was calm and rational before asking questions.

In a one-on-one environment, asking questions is so crucial!

After thinking about it for half a minute or so, he asked, "Do I see it every morning?"

His logic is actually very Is there anything I have to touch every day?

If you can, then this thing is among the things you can touch in the morning.

If you can't, then exclude what you can reach in the morning, and the goal can also be lowered.

All of a sudden, the scope narrowed a lot, but even though it was narrowed a lot, there were still many possibilities. He raised a key question again, using the time period for identification.

In the morning, there are only a few things that a person can touch every morning. If Harry answers yes, then he only needs to find some similarities and differences among these few things, and he can guess the correct answer in two to three rounds at most.

Harry shook his head, "Sometimes, sometimes not."

Contestant No. 1 looked at the host. He was complaining, and he felt that the answer was vague.

The host shook his head slightly, the answer was not ambiguous.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief.