Blackstone Code

Chapter 1392: Small talk and warm winter

The Duncan family business...

Not legal after all.

At a time when the world is de-slaving and starting to respect human rights, there are still people capturing slaves, domesticating slaves, and selling, abusing and even killing slaves. These businesses are not only illegal in various countries, but also condemned by the entire society.

But it is the core industry of the Duncan family!

Some people do horrible things and become addicted.

An issue that sociologists have discussed is grading power to better observe the interaction between power and social structure.

Of course, what we need to understand is not how power plays its special role in the social structure, but simply the hierarchy of power.

One of the characteristics of high power is that it can take the life of its own kind without any reason.

Those tyrants and dictators in history and even now are like this, they are obsessed with the pleasure that this kind of high power brings to them.

But it's not just tyrants, dictators like it, and so do some well-dressed, glamorous high society celebrities.

Maybe at first they may have been... accidentally, like accidentally killing someone while getting pleasure through abuse, but they find that the thrill of killing one's own kind is significantly stronger than simple harm, and they get addicted.

Any indulgent desire will eventually lead to destruction. These people can't kill people casually everywhere, but they can get such things through the Duncan family, in a secret location, occasionally spending money, or through other means of exchange. Pleasure!

Brutal and terrible!

The international community is still civilized after all, and these people hide behind the scenes and use some other means to get what they need.

There is no more suitable target than "missing persons", and these missing persons are still from Nagalil.

The Duncan family has dozens of slave capture teams in Nagalil. These people do not capture slaves every day. They will select the targets they can reach according to the orders of some customers and some detailed requirements.

They'll look at those candidates, find the right one to grab him/her/it, tie a nice bow with ribbon after some domestication, put it in a box, and give it to their client!

Other than that, various flesh factories—the word sounds a little cruel, but it's actually pretty accurate.

Low wages, no security, and high risks make workers in these factories without any security.

Some goods and production processes that have been banned in the Federation have been reproduced in Nagalil.

Coupled with some cooperation between the Duncan family and the medical group, every year a large number of people are sent from their hands to all over the world, and then disappear silently.

There used to be some rumors like rumors that the Duncan family was hidden behind the largest flesh business in the Federation.

In fact, the skin and flesh business has entered the first step in the Federation. It seems to be very inconspicuous. In fact, the profit brought by these businesses every year is not lower than the annual income of the big consortium.

There have been many rumors about the Duncan family, who have been standing in the past, but this time, the situation has become more subtle.

Some ideological confrontation between father and son at the dinner table ended when Mr. Geruno's son bowed his head.

This "child" in his forties is actually not a simple person, and he knows very well that some things cannot be exposed.

It's just that he didn't think that the one that would make them hit hard would be the workers' union that doesn't even need to give face to a dog.

Mr. Geruno could not have had such a confrontation with his son on this small issue, but some people in the family have recently expressed anxiety or other situations, which made him have to pay attention to it.

He must show the attitude that as long as he does not fall, the family will not fall.

Seeing his son bow his head, he also withdrew his sharp gaze and continued to enjoy its roasted venison.

"The infiltrating power of the workers' union is too strong, and when one person gets real benefits through the workers' union, his experience will spread like a virus."

"There are so many things over there that we can't see. Maybe it didn't affect us very much before, but now, we have to hide them."

"Some factories, temporarily stop first, we don't lack this money..."

"As for..."

Mr. Geruno said and paused for a while, "Several medical companies, tell them, we don't want samples to be circulated!"

The medical group is actually a big customer of the Duncan family, and the federal government has many strict regulations in the medical field.

In the past, medical groups recruited many patients suffering from certain diseases in the name of "free trial special drugs" and directly conducted clinical trials.

Several major accidents have been caused, and a large number of patients participating in clinical trials of new drugs have suffered serious complications and even death, and the federal government has issued relevant regulations.

These drugs can be used on humans in small batches only after obtaining the approval of the Federal Food and Medical Safety Administration on the basis of the safety results of multiple animal tests.

And they have to promise to give the experimenters the greatest security, including but not limited to rescue anytime and anywhere, and follow-up medical treatment.

This greatly improves the cycle for medical groups to develop new drugs, and with the increasingly stringent requirements of the Federal Food and Drug Administration for new drug development, the cost of development is also increasing.

But in this world, there will never be only one way, which is why the medical group cooperates with the Duncan family.

There are some very advanced technology in a backward place like Nagalil, but there are no well-known medical laboratories, they are definitely not trying to find inspiration from the magic formula of the Nagalil people.

They are here to facilitate various experiments.

The Duncan family provides them with suitable and inexpensive samples, which are like caged guinea pigs, or orangutan monkeys or something.

They are used efficiently and then discarded.

The data obtained from these people can help local medical groups save a lot of money and shorten the development cycle. Therefore, the Duncan family has a very deep relationship with medical groups, and is even one of the shareholders of these medical groups.

The meaning of Mr. Geruno's words is that he does not want any test subjects to leave those institutions alive.

He took a sip of very light wine, rinsed his mouth, and spit it out.

After removing the wine stains, oil, or blood on his lips, Mr. Geruno looked at his son, "We have some problems now, as the core members of the family, the first thing we have to do is to handle us with caution. Every problem encountered."

"Instead of being blindly arrogant and thinking that nothing can break us."

"Leave these emotions until we've dealt with this trouble, now, all we need is be careful!"

Mr. Geruno has felt that pressure during this time. He is friends with the chairman of the Conservative Party committee and with the chairman of the Progressive Party committee, but recently he called and wanted to ask them out for a chat, both said. There is not much time.

It's only **** September, it's not the end of the year, it's not an election year, they may have time from morning to night, but they don't have time at their own invitation, which is actually quite telling.

As for Mr. President, in Mr. Geruno's view, it is just a seat that anyone can sit on, so the weight of Mr. President may not be as big as people think.

During this time, he has also been looking for the problem, what is causing some things to gradually get out of control, but there is still no clue. He always feels that there is a force pushing certain things to an end that he does not like.

So at this time, any problem should be taken seriously.

He doesn't think the Duncan family will fall in this storm, this is just a small challenge, like it has been countless times before!

The weather in September has been slightly cooler, and meteorologists believe that the weather this winter will become more severe, which has also caused some "winter escapees" in northern cities.

According to the media, these people will go to the south for the winter, and then return to the north after the winter is over.

This also makes the northern cities particularly bleak in winter, and many factories will be shut down because of this.

"There's a proposal for a winter security system to make sure people can survive in the winter."

"Otherwise, the situation of fleeing winter will become more and more serious, and it is possible that some cities will gradually disappear."

Mr. Truman handed a document to Mr. President, and the two were sitting in Mr. President's office at this time, chatting about some official matters.

In fact, the low temperature is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that people lack cold-resistant materials in extremely freezing weather.

Now some people leave the North and never go back.

The South can also find work, and the winter is not so cold, so why go back to the North to suffer?

All classes are fleeing, and big companies are experiencing shortages of personnel. With the help of capitalists, the local government and citizens have some ideas after research and discussion.

After reading the document, Mr. President scratched his head, "They want the government to heat it?"

"It doesn't sound like an easy thing to do."

In fact, this plan was also discussed in Congress. If the weather temperature continues to drop, the northern winter will become a nightmare for people.

But the north cannot be lost, there are rich mineral resources, including one of the largest oil fields in the Commonwealth.

If work in the North were to shut down completely during the winter, it would have a big impact on the supply of raw materials across the Commonwealth.

In order to maintain the stability of some raw materials from the north, in order to ensure the problem of oil supply and price stability, someone proposed a "warm winter" plan.