Blackstone Code

Chapter 1433: talk 1 talk

Any major political change cannot be bypassed by a bipartisan committee, and as for why the Socialist Party is not talked about, it is because the Socialist Party has little say in this regard.

At least they haven't had any experience with this sort of thing. .

After Mr. Truman made a decision, Lynch made an appointment with the short-stature chairman of the Progressive Party committee.

They had an appointment in a villa in the suburbs. Compared with "public figures" like Mr. President, the chairman of the bipartisan committee is not particularly the kind of person who can be recognized wherever he goes.

However, the current situation is a bit special. Who knows how many pairs of eyes are staring around, and in the end, the place they agreed to is placed in a place that can relatively guarantee privacy and safety.

The old medieval design style makes this villa look a bit "shabby", and the building materials with shallow bark are used extensively, giving the villa a very primitive feel.

The flames were crackling in the gravel fireplace, and there was a metal pipe blackened by the fire, bubbling inside.

A very special scent filled the room.

The short old man stood by the fireplace. He clamped the metal can with a special metal pliers, then poured the contents into two cups, and then set the metal can aside.

He walked back to the sofa not far from the fireplace and sat down with two glasses, and handed one of the glasses to Lynch, "Try it, it's hard to drink outside."

Lynch looked down at the cup. The ivory-white wall was covered with a gold-coated rim, and the cup was full of bright red liquid. It looked... a little weird.

It was red, but not like blood, it smelled good, and there was some foam around the edges of the surface.

He blew, took a sip, and his expression suddenly changed.

Seeing the facial change that Lin Qi stretched out and became surprised, the short old man couldn't help laughing, "Is it very special?"

Lynch swallowed the little soup in his mouth and nodded in praise, "It's strange, I've never had something like this before, what is it?"

The short old man shook the cup in his hand and took a sip, "A drink called 'Holy Blood', it is said that it came from tens of thousands of years ago and is the favorite of a group of guys called 'King of Heroes'. drinks!"

Since the Holy Harmony Society began to scavenge all kinds of things related to legends from all over the world, a large number of things that have not been discovered by people have gradually been uncovered within the Holy Harmony Society.

The short old man is also a member of the Holy Harmony Society, and he is also a third-level member. He is already qualified to read this part of the document.

In a document from a ruin somewhere, the Holy Harmony Society found some very interesting records.

In the records, humans and gods cohabited together, and gods sometimes **** with humans, giving birth to some demigods.

These guys have the appearance of humans, but also some of the power of the gods.

Later, because the god-king was dissatisfied with too many demigods born from the **** between gods and humans, he forbade the gods to continue to have close contact with humans, thus widening the distance between gods and mortals.

Even secretly sent gods to strangle these "mixed blood", a large number of demigods were killed, and then some of them began to resist.

They called themselves heroes and fought against the gods.

The strongest thirteen heroes are called "King of Heroes", and they are the absolute main force against the gods.

And holy blood is their favorite drink.

It is cooked from more than 100 kinds of materials, some of which have become extinct. Through some research on ancient books, the Holy Harmony Society has found some substitutes, but it has lost its due role in the records.

For example, after drinking it, it can make manpower infinite, and the dragon's blood wood is getting less and less, and the core material is the wood core of dragon's blood wood, so basically no one knows about this thing in the outside world.

Even within the Holy Harmony Society, not many people know about it.

After all, not everyone is so idle to spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to reproduce an ancient book whose authenticity is unknown.

Listening to what the short old man said, Lynch took another sip from the teacup, and the fragrance became stronger.

He touched his muscles, "I seem to have really become stronger."

The short old man laughed, "That's just your hallucination after listening to the story. No one knows whether these records are true or false, including the handbook that recorded these ingredients."

"I've asked some researchers and they said these were just spice complexes and didn't detect anything different."

He said with a soft sigh.

In fact, the name of the largest small circle within the Shenghe Association is "Eternal Life", and the short old man is one of them.

There are some of the most powerful people in the Federation and even the world gathered here. They all have a common feature, that is, they are a little old.

The youngest are in their fifties, and the older ones are in their 80s and 90s. They spend a lot of money here every year to support the Holy Harmony Society to explore various ruins and find various legends.

And their purpose is actually very simple, just like the name of this small organization, they are looking for a way to live long.

Standing at the top of the world, the only thing that can make them tempted is probably only immortality? !

It's a pity that until now, immortality is just a dream. Although there are constantly relics being excavated, it proves that there may have been gods in this world, but who knows where those guys went?

Or... from the beginning, this was a malicious joke from the ancients?

The emotion passed quickly, and it didn't take long for the short old man to pack up his emotions. He gently pressed his hands on the armrests on both sides of the sofa, facing Lynch, "Tell me what you think."

Lynch nodded, "Is it possible for Mr. President to be re-elected?"

The short old man shook his head, "The Duncan family must be dissolved, so... I can only say I'm sorry, I know you have a good relationship."

His attitude is clear, the Duncan family touches the core interests of both parties, so they must fall.

For that, they will sacrifice Mr. President.

Lynch frowned slightly. He wanted to show his unhappiness, as a friend of Mr. President, when he heard this terrible news.

This is a statement, a statement of position, of course, he quickly gathered these expressions, "If Mr. President cannot be re-elected, then the next president..."

He didn't continue, and the short old man also had some curious expressions, "Do you want to recommend a candidate?"

It is common for capitalists to select candidates. If the capitalists have strong support for political parties, or are core supporters of political parties, the committee will also consider the opinions of these people as appropriate.

Although Lynch has not been a party member and supporter of the Progressive Party for a long time, he has shown potential enough that people pay attention to his opinions, otherwise the short old man would not ask him to meet here.

Lynch nodded, "I talked to Mr. Trueman, and I just said that I hope to nominate him as a candidate."

In fact, even if there is no nomination by the committee, anyone can publicly announce to the society that they want to participate in the presidential candidacy and become a candidate.

But self-announcement and party announcement are two different concepts.

The party's announcement means that the opinions within the party committee have been unified, and the candidates they propose will be tilted and supported by party resources.

This is the most important and crucial point. Without resources and support, the general election will not go far.

The short old man scratched his head, and could see that he seemed to be feeling a little... inexplicable. At this time and position, he no longer needed to hide his emotions too much.

"Truman is too young. Mr. President and I have discussed this before, and he thinks it will be another ten years or so before he will be suitable."

Lynch shook his head, "The war is about to break out, Mr. Chairman, now we must first consider the issue of dealing with the war."

"Mr. Truman came from the military and knew more about war and the military than anyone else."

"I do not exclude that we have a president who is a teacher, or a president who is an opera singer, but at this time, what we need is a president who knows enough about war!"

"Only in this way can we ensure that after the outbreak of war, our country does not make the wrong choice because of some 'military commonsense error'."

The short old man smiled and shook his head, "It's a far-fetched statement, Lynch, can you tell me the core reason?"

Lynch was thick-skinned enough that he didn't feel embarrassed at all. "I'm good friends with him. It's good for me that he can come to power, and Mr. Trueman is a real radical, not a fake one."

"This fits with some of my plans, plans to plunder wealth from overseas."

After listening, the short old man smiled and nodded approvingly, "Look, it's not that difficult to tell the truth..."

After he finished speaking, he began to The Progressive Party also advocated conservative policies in the past few years, because at that time conservatism was popular and people were reluctant to participate in international affairs too much. In order to get votes, everyone had to behave take a conservative stance.

Then activism took off, and even the Conservative candidates had terrible radical ideas, let alone the Progressives.

But it is clear to everyone how many of these people are real activists and how many are fake.

In a way, they are actors, giving people what they want to see, and then getting public support and votes.

But Mr. Truman, is the real radical, or the kind of radical that came out of the military.

This also means that he is dangerous in some ways, such as the previous naval battle with Gevra.

The President didn't authorize them to sink Gafra's fleet at all, but the Navy did it anyway, and that's really radical.

Radical, but also dangerous!