Blackstone Code

Chapter 1450: get on board

What is a good person?

When a girl is no longer your tender, you are a good person.

You are a good person when you can take your own losses and improve others...

There are many definitions of a good person. It seems that a good person is very disadvantaged, because a good person is always hurt, always hurt!

But there is a kind of good person who is also a good person, and this kind of person will not be hurt so much, because the task of eradicating evil has never been so resolute, even if the evil escapes the punishment of the law, it cannot escape justice. nice guy!

Yes, Mr. Trueman is such a good man. His military background gave him a clear view of right and wrong, yes yes, no no no.

The Duncans have done so many bad things that they have done enough for each of them to be shot a hundred times!

But now, tending to the needs of a certain aspect of the federal government-

Mainly because they feel that enough is enough, they don't want more secrets to be leaked, and at the same time they need someone to attract firepower, so they compromise in a way.

They acquiesced to the Duncan family's idea and plan to flee overseas, and let them board the ship so easily and go to other countries!

This is not the undoing of evil!

These decisions are not made by good people!

Watching these people leave, and continue to live their lives in a different place, thinking about the people who have been hurt by them, thinking about the things they have done that are more terrible than the devil, should they continue to live?

If this is what they end up with, moving to another place, continuing to enjoy the lavish life and spending the money they earned by murdering other people's lives, then this must not be the right choice!

Demons shouldn't be in the sun, and if they do stand in the sun one day, then either there's something wrong with them or the sun!

Mr. Trueman was reminding Lynch that these people should no longer exist.

The federal government tends to all kinds of demands and lets them go, but they shouldn't live.

Their deal with the federal government is over, and it's all outside the deal.

He thought that Lynch wouldn't do that, but when he got the result he wanted from Lynch's mouth, he couldn't help showing a knowing smile!

On the day the Duncan family "absconded", the federal government issued a wanted order, but it is very interesting that the level of the wanted order is not very high, only the orange level. .

And the reward amount given to them is not very high. Mr. Geruno himself only offered a reward of 50,000 yuan, and the others were between 5,000 and 30,000 yuan.

Some reporters also raised some questions about why the reward was so low, and when the level of the reward was so low, the FBI replied that the person on the wanted list was only an important member of the Duncan family.

However, no direct evidence has been collected so far. After the progress of the case investigation has made new progress, they will appropriately adjust the level of the wanted order and the amount of the reward.

It sounds like there's nothing wrong with it, but everyone who knows it knows that after throwing a few scapegoats out and quelling the public grievances, this matter can gradually fade away.

Not all members of the Duncan family have left, and some people are unwilling to leave. These peripheral members do not think they will be implicated.

They wrongly underestimated the "determination" of the federal government and overestimated the ruthlessness of Mr. Geruno.

They are the most suitable scapegoats!

The boat that Mr. Geruno was on, who had been drifting on the sea for four days, had approached the middle of the Western Ocean. They sailed very fast, and the boat itself was not a particularly big boat.

If it is too big, the media can easily find clues. Smaller boats are not so eye-catching, and there is not much movement when they leave.

Of course, a boat that can cross the sea is not a small one!

The continuous wandering made Mr. Geruno's body uncomfortable, and he was swaying all the time.

Sometimes the wind and waves are bigger, and the things he put on the table will fall or roll around.

Mr. Geruno, who has lived almost all his life on land, can't adapt very well. I wonder if he has recently started to gradually hand over his work to those young people, and the future is not far away. His angina has been in these four days. It never happened.

This is good news, a good sign, as long as his body can maintain relative health, it can help the family to get through the initial stage of development in other countries.

Just when he tucked the bookmark in the page and was about to finish reading, the butler suddenly hurriedly knocked on the door and stood outside.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen. In the upper class, it seems that everything has a very serious "sense of ritual". People's pursuit of a sense of ritual is actually an attitude of pursuing the upper class!

If the housekeeper wants to see the master, he also needs to knock on the door first. After obtaining the master's permission, he can open the door, and he has to stand outside the door and explain what happened.

He can only come in when the master needs the housekeeper to come in, and he can't go too deep.

Every thing and every behavior has its own rules, and no one can override it.

But now, the steward's behavior is very abrupt, which makes Mr. Geruno nervous.

As soon as he was nervous, he faintly felt his heart beating twice. At that moment, he felt like... he fell into the ice cave at once, and cold water rushed from the surrounding area, drowning his nose and mouth. The feeling of suffocation full of fear makes the eyes black!

"What's wrong?", he asked.

The housekeeper doesn't talk nonsense. At this time, no one will blame you for not knocking on the door. There is always a reason for not knocking on the door. If even this needs to be explained again... It must be that the screenwriter of the TV series does not know how to write it!

"Sir, some speedboats are approaching us."

When Mr. Geruno heard this sentence, he was still a little... surprised, or confused.

The speedboat thing... can it be used far away from the land?

Can it go that far?

But soon he came back to his senses, got dressed with the help of the butler, and went to the captain's room together.

In the captain's room, he could already see the ships.

Said to be a speedboat, in fact, it is larger than the speedboat that is used by people to play at the seaside. It is very fast and is very close to the boat.

Family members have been asked to stay in their cabins, and the deck is full of their family bodyguards, or gunmen.

They held weapons in their hands and stared at the speedboats vigilantly. The other party seemed to have discovered the situation on the boats and did not blindly approach them.

"We have sent out a plaintext telegram, hoping that they will explain their intentions, and at the same time, they have also sent a signal to the surrounding area, hoping that passing ships will approach."

The captain's response is very "written", and there is little change in what to do when and what happens.

In Mr. Geruno's eyes, the captain's expression was very solemn, "They did not respond to our communication request, and there are no other signal sources around, we may be in trouble."

Mr. Geruno asked, "When you say trouble, do you mean pirates?"

The captain nodded as a matter of course and said yes, which made Mr. Geruno slightly relieved.

In fact, the pirates are very easy to solve. All they want is money. There are many family bodyguards on board. If there is a head-on battle, the other party may not get any benefits, but may lose a large number of personnel.

As long as the two sides can sit down and talk about things that can be solved with money, it is not a problem for Mr. Geruno and the Duncan family!

"I'm willing to spend 100,000 yuan to buy our security. If they are interested in this money, they can arrange for someone to come and get it."

The captain didn't hesitate, and sent a telegram according to Mr. Geruno's request, but the other side remained silent.

This situation is depressing, you don't know what those people are doing, but you can feel the malice of these people.

For what purpose, when and how they will do it, these are unknown.

The unknown is the most frightening thing!

Just when the atmosphere in the captain's room was dull, suddenly there was... a buzzing sound outside, like... a plane?

In the next second, countless bullets began to pour from the sky toward the deck, and Mr. Geruno immediately thought of the federal government!

But soon, he felt that it was not.

If it was the federal government, they would have no chance to run so far, and they would have to call for such a big battle.

Arranging a gunship directly can easily wipe them out of this world.

Who but the federal government can use an aircraft on the high seas?

Two bullets of biubiubiu sparked on the deck and "runned" all the way to the captain's room. The steward hugged Mr. Geruno and crouched behind the console.

The bullet destroyed some ornaments on the console, and at the same time a bullet tore the butler's shoulder.

The bullet didn't hit his body, because of the angle, the bullet went in through his shoulder and tore off his entire arm and right chest!

And Mr. Geruno, under the protection of the, saw the mark under the plane's wings.

Black and mysterious black triangle, there is only one company in the world with such an ugly trademark, that is Blackstone Capital!

This is Lynch's man!

Six planes, constantly circling and shooting at the ship, the entire deck is full of bullet holes, and it is hard to see any living people standing on the deck!

After that, several speedboats that had been wandering around approached. They used a special hook that could be launched to hook the side of the boat, and then quickly climbed up.

For a while, the gunfire on the deck was loud, and not long after that, the captain's room was also occupied.

The whole ship slowly stopped.

Mr. Geruno was surrounded by his family, he tried his best not to show a dissatisfied expression, and his eyes were fixed on these people.

Just now, the housekeeper who had been with him all his life died because of his serious injuries!

They killed those closest to him!