Blackstone Code

Chapter 1466: Complete

President Lemar's speech was spread through the media, and some people who did not understand him gradually began to try to understand him.

One thing that people agree with is the cruelty of war!

During the First World War, the actual fighting was not very intense, but even so, hundreds of thousands of people died in the war!

Lemar is not a huge country, and it doesn't have a huge population base. All the islands here may have a population of one or two million.

Once such a country is involved in a war and becomes a frontline battlefield between two great powers, the people of Lemar will face gunfire and death whether they like it or not.

The president's voice was full of affectionate pleas, but also a kind of firmness that people could feel!

There was silence for a long time after his speech.

Just when some people thought he didn't impress the public, one person started applauding, and then everyone started applauding!

President Lemar's stern expression was also replaced by a smile. He hugged his assistants. He convinced these people that as long as the people were on his side, he would have the courage to fight against the Federation and Penteo!

Lemar will definitely not get involved in any wars!

This is his promise to the people!

President Lemar's speech quickly spread in the international community. Under the operation of some people with good intentions, the content of his speech spread at an unimaginable speed.

And in these descriptions, he has also been established as an extremely positive image!

In fact, there is no need for anyone to investigate. Whether it is the Federation or Peng Jieao, it is very clear that this is the effort of those neutral countries.

They dare not face the Federation, which is always gentle, and the dictator of Penteeau. They can only frantically publicize the actions of President Lemar to find out the way forward for them.

If the Federation or Penteeau does not continue to interfere with Lemar, then the remaining neutral countries will know what to do...

If the two powerful countries did not retain their decency, did not cherish their reputation, and interfered in Lemar's internal affairs, they would naturally not fight to the end.

For these neutral countries, they are unwilling to participate in the war, and the reason they want to remain neutral is that they do not have the capital to participate in the war.

For example, how can a country with a population of hundreds of thousands independent from the former principality participate in the war?

The whole country can't afford five thousand well-equipped soldiers, and the Penteo's army may destroy the country in only ten days. Why do they participate in the war?

Rather than being reduced to cannon fodder in a war, or constantly being blackmailed by the core country, it is better to maintain a neutral attitude early on.

At least it is less likely to be affected by the flames of war.

"... Lemar will never get involved in any war!"

On the TV, President Lemar waved his arms and uttered his final roar. His emotions passed through the TV screen and infected the people in front of the TV.

"Sometimes when I see these people, and what they do and say, I feel like a sinner!"

Mr. Truman lit a cigarette and took a quiet sip.

He looked at the face of President Lemar on TV, but what he thought about in his head was the situation in the Federation, Mr. President, himself, and the future of the Federation!

"If we change the time, maybe we will become good friends, sit together and chat."

"It can be seen that he loves his country and the people there very much, just like us!"

He tilted his head and looked out the window. There was no sign of a violent storm in the bright sky. As the temperature warmed up, the storm that blew up in the central part of the Eastern Ocean did not affect the weather in Bupain.

No matter how violent the storm on the sea is, it is always sunny here.

The sun shines warmly on people's faces, just like a mother's warm hand caressing the cheek, leaving warmth.

There is no doubt that Mr. Lemar's President is a good ruler, at least for the time being, but he is obviously very unsuitable for the Federation.

His attitude and approach have already made the federal government feel uncertain.

In fact, President Lemar explained to Mr. President after expressing his dissatisfaction with the Federation's construction of military fortifications in Modoric Port.

His explanation was that he was worried that the federal fortifications would irritate the Penteos. The two sides took the waters near the Lemar Islands as the focus of the battlefield and were affected by the war.

If possible, he hopes that the federation can carefully consider whether it is really necessary to do so.

But...that's the heart of the contradiction.

They felt that the Federal fortifications would turn Lemar into a battlefield, and hoped they would retreat a little.

But for the people of Sadoras, if the federal people were not at the forefront and retreated, then the mainland of Sadoras would be reduced to a battlefield.

Gu Ya/span> At the same time, for the Federation, if the northern waters of the Eastern Ocean are not controlled, the Penteo people can quickly land in Mariro, and then coerce the Mariro people to attack the Federation on land.

The Federals did not intend to engage in a land battle with Penteo's army, although construction of the Northern Line had already begun.

So in any case, the federal people must firmly build a solid line of defense in the northern waters of the Eastern Ocean. Whoever pulls the federation back in this national strategy is the enemy of the federation!

Even if, the original intention of these enemies is not to fight against the Federation.

Mr. Truman's thoughts drifted a little, but he was quickly pulled back by him.

He flicked his cigarette and sat for a while.

"It looks like...", he turned around, looked at Lynch who was sitting on the sofa, with a regretful smile on his face, "He won't cooperate with us anymore."

"Then, move him away..."

Mr. Troman raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. There was a calendar on the watch. He glanced at it, "It's March...the fourteenth. We'd better find someone more suitable before June. Don’t worry about others doing it, I’ll leave it to you.”

Lynch nodded lightly, "It's very easy, I will kiss it."

Mr. Truman frowned slightly, but then unfurled it, "The issue of the campaign..."

"Those people from the military industrial group will help you watch, don't worry, in this matter, the interests and goals of all of us are the same!"

If Mr. Truman wins the election and becomes the new president of the Federation, based on his relationship with the military, the military-industrial complex will have no shortage of orders in the next eight years!

Therefore, people in the military industrial group will care more about Mr. Truman's victory than Lynch. As a group that is rarely mentioned in the Federation, the military industrial group is also very powerful, not weaker than its "brothers" them!"

Not long after, Mr. Truman initiated a call to President Lemar, saying in a public release that Mr. Truman could understand Lemar's position and desire, and promised not to set the battlefield in Lemar.

Support for Lemar's desire for neutrality...

The reaction of the federal people made President Lemar a little relieved, and he no longer talked about the fortifications on the port of Modoric.

At the same time, the westernmost port was opened to provide supplies and rest for the fleet of the joint military exercise.

The diplomats of Penteio seemed to have calmed down. The federal people did not continue to put pressure on Lemar. If they tried to incite and incite President Lemar at this time, they might push him to the side of the federal people.

For a moment, it seemed that all the dark clouds had completely dissipated following the president's speech.

The sun shines on this land again. Although some people are not so reconciled, most people have accepted this result.

Not participating in wars also has the advantage of not participating in wars, at least people will stay away from death.

But under this seemingly calm water surface, there is a raging undercurrent!

It has been a week since Lynch arrived in Lemar. He took a special fast boat and set off directly from Bupain, passing through Sedoras and directly entering the Lemar Islands.

At this time, the joint exercise fleet in the Eastern Ocean has not completed all the exercise items, and is still floating near the Lemar Islands, which is why Lynch is willing to come here in person.

No matter what the problem, just a telegram and the combined fleet can surround the Lemar Islands.

As soon as he disembarked, when Lynch was still feeling the sense of security brought by his down-to-earth, the cousin of the sergeant's wife had already greeted him.

The young man is very shrewd, and he also knows that this is an opportunity, a very rare opportunity, and he cherishes it very much.

He wanted to help Lynch carry the suitcase, Lynch looked him up and down, and finally passed the suitcase over.

In fact, there is nothing important in it, just some business cooperation documents. The purpose of Lynch's coming here is business negotiation and cooperation.

Originally, he hadn't thought about it yet, but when he thought about what Lemar would encounter next, he suddenly realized that this was actually a good opportunity.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he planned to buy the National Bank of the Lemar Islands.

The full name of this bank is "National Bank of the Lemar It was founded by some businessmen and the past actual rulers of the Lemar Islands.

It is currently the largest bank in Lemar. There are also some other banks, but these banks have great limitations and cannot cover all islands. At the same time, they are not well-known internationally.

Lemar National Bank is famous because it is also the currency issuing bank of the Lemar Islands currency "Ares"!

The scale of Lynch's property in his hands is already very large, and he also needs a private bank to handle some work.

Those banks in the federal territory can only look at it. If they really want to buy it, the resistance will be very high, and he has no intention of challenging the existing financial rules.

Therefore, the simplest and most effective way is to acquire a significant foreign bank, and then transfer it to the federal territory through indirect shareholding.

At the same time, it can be listed on the market, maybe the acquisition fee can be earned back and a large sum of money can be made! To provide you with the fastest Blackstone password update, 1466 perfect free reading.