Blackstone Code

Chapter 1474: Additional points

Kent is a very ordinary Lemar, a native, not an immigrant.

Recently, the trading company he had been working for suddenly went bankrupt - it wasn't actually a bankruptcy, it just didn't open the door.

The owner of the company who has returned to China also said that when the business will resume, it depends on whether the situation in Lemar has a chance to ease, or wait until the end of the war.

And just like that, Kent lost his job.

In the Lemar Islands, people's traditional work was fishing in the past, and only a few large islands could grow a small amount of crops, so for Lemar in the past, fishing was almost an instinct of people's survival.

But with the development of the times, the progress of society, and the integration with the world, young people, including the previous generation, have communicated with the whole world.

Fishing is no longer the only craft that keeps people alive, people learn to work and learn more things. .

This also leads to the younger generation like Kent, basically few people will actively rely on fishing for a living, and they are not willing to go fishing.

After all, there are huge risks in the sea all day long, and it is not certain that you can make money.

How can you sit in the office all day, do some simple work, and get paid on time every month?

Young people's resistance to traditional work has made them lose their fishing skills.

Even if some people want to go to sea now, they either go to sea with other people's boats, and then they do some dirty work, and then they can't get much.

Or buy their own boat so they catch their own fish, but the question is why go out to sea if they can afford a boat?

This is like a vicious circle, and after the foreign trade has almost stopped, even if a large number of fish are caught now, these catches cannot be exported, and I cannot rely on these catches to obtain money, and I can only guarantee myself and my possible family members. starve.

This is not what the young people want, they want money!

And it's all the president's fault...

Fortunately, now the Liberal Party has helped Kent and found him a job. Although it is a bit hard and a bit tiring, it can get cash.

Having cash means being able to fill your stomach and have the ability to fight risk!

Every day, Kent's job is simply to put plants within a designated range on the island where he works.

Trees, shrubs, vines, etc. are uprooted and then burned...  

The work was tiring, hard, and dirty, but Kent didn't think it was a bad job.

At nine o'clock in the morning, after breakfast, Kent started to work. This job also included food and lodging. They lived on the island, which was also for convenience.

He was chatting with the co-workers, clearing some trees, and cutting down the roots of the big trees, when suddenly there were some noises in the distance.

Kent stood up straight on his waist and looked into the distance. The person in charge of the island was talking to a group of guys in formal suits.

The two sides seemed to be arguing, and the workers all stopped their work and looked over there.

After about two or three minutes, the group left, and the person in charge of the construction site called everyone together.

The person in charge is also a local. At this time, he looked dissatisfied, "Let's rest for two days..."

People asked what happened, and then Kent learned that there was a problem at a construction site on some other island, and a worker's foot was pierced by a steel bar.

It was then reported that the construction was not safe, and the police department in Lemar was called to investigate and oversee the incident.

There is no army in the Republic of Lemar, only the police and armed police. It is not a trivial matter to alert the police locally.

Although someone asked whether they would be paid during the two days of rest, they were stared at.

Kent felt that even though he didn't work for two days, he still had some money in his hand, and the construction site was managed and managed, and he could still survive.

Might as well be lazy.

But this thing is not so simple!

Pongio's diplomatic ambassador gave the president a suggestion to first slow down the development of these islands with various less important things.

As for why it didn't stop all of a sudden, it was considering that the only foreign investment project at present was rashly stopped when Penggio's order had not yet arrived.

The ordinary beneficiaries of this project will definitely explode because of this.

Don't look at it as if there are only tens of thousands of people doing preliminary services for this project, but behind these people there are their families and their parents!

Maybe there are only tens of thousands of people on the surface, and when the problem starts to spread, it is hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands!

With so many people making trouble together, the president is even more dangerous.

Therefore, Penggio's diplomats are procrastinating, let them work for a few days, rest a few days, and at most 20 days, Penggio's domestic orders will be sent out.

Of course, it is released in a third-party way, for example, through the release of these orders by companies in the same neutral countries, to avoid people's sensitive nerves.

With these orders, the prestige of the President and the DPP in the Lemar Islands has been re-raised, and they can start to clean up Lynch, the "federal businessman".

When the time comes, they will frame some things for them. As long as the people find that they can keep making money without relying on the investment of the federal people, they will not make trouble, at least they will not make trouble too violently!

This plan is very gentle, and there is no fierce confrontation, which makes the president a little relieved. At least he does not need to state that he has changed his position to resolve the crisis.

Now, that's the first step!

A two-day shutdown of work is not a small matter. Lynch soon found out about it, and he was also surprised.

Surprisingly, the president's reaction was so quick. He hadn't thought that it was the Penggio people behind the scenes. After all, he was not God and had no ability to know and be omnipotent.

But he expected the big president's counterattack!

"Mr. Lynch, what's next?"

At this time, the chairman of the Liberal Party in front of Lynch was like... Lynch was reluctant to use some words to bring down his upbringing, but he had to admit it.

In the political environment of Lemar lacking political struggle, it is difficult to raise those treacherous politicians in the Federation!

These people, if they are sent to the Federal District, they may be able to be mayors at most, and then onwards... they don't have this ability.

Lynch thought about it for a while, then calculated, "Notify all construction sites to stop all work."

The chairman of the Liberal Party was stunned for a moment, then a little embarrassed, "If they ask us why we stopped work?"

Now there are tens of thousands of people on the construction site, and if these people get angry, they can tear him apart!

Moreover, these projects are all projects of cooperation between the Independent Party and Lynch. To some extent, the two sides have been bound by this project...

No, the Liberal Party was helped, and Lynch can leave anytime!

Now that the prestige of the Independent Party has finally been established, it would be a pity if it was destroyed because of this incident.

Lynch looked at the chairman of the Liberal Party inexplicably, "Do you need to ask me why?"

"You can just ask those workers to ask our president..."

Afraid that the chairman of the Liberal Party might not understand, Lynch added, "Let them ask the president why we stopped our project!"

A few seconds later, the chairman of the Liberal Party suddenly understood, and there was a smile on his face.

It was originally only a two-day shutdown, but now it has become a direct shutdown, and then the responsibility is passed to the President.

He even thought more later.

If the work is to be stopped in the future, the sensitive, fragile and tense nerves of the workers will be broken, which will lead to even more terrible opposition.

If they don't stop work, then they're going to use some nasty tactics on the jobsite to get the results they want.

The chairman of the Liberal Party glanced at Lynch in awe, then got up and arranged for someone to do it.

That afternoon, Kent, who was sitting on the bed playing cards with other acquaintances, was suddenly attracted by some noise outside the door.

In fact, he didn't want to play cards either, but young people gathered together, and when there was nothing to do, someone would try their best to have some fun.

His luck was not very good. After losing more than 30 yuan, he wanted to stop playing. At this time, there was a lot of noise outside, which just happened to fulfill his wish.

He threw the card and ran out amid the jeers and taunts of his companions.

But after he really ran out, he realized that a lot of people had gathered in the distance, and these people were talking loudly, which was the reason for the noise.

After he walked in, he grabbed a coworker and asked a casual question, and what he heard immediately made him angry in an instant!

"You don't know yet, do you?"

"Now we have completely stopped work, and it is still requested by the President. We have not said when we will resume work. It may be a permanent shutdown..."

Kent's only thought at this time was to grab the president's collar and ask Why did he provoke the Federals first, and now he has to stop his hard-earned work?

What did these ordinary people do wrong to allow the President to target them like this!

The person in charge of the construction site continued to soothe the emotions of the workers. Obviously, it was pointless to do so at this time.

Then, someone suddenly shouted "Go to the president to settle accounts", as if everyone had found their direction at once, and ran towards the pier one after another.

This scene is not just happening on this one island, all the islands involved in the Paradise Island plan have been shut down!

Coupled with the instigation of some people, the influence of this incident is constantly expanding!

That night, a large number of people gathered outside the government building of the Republic of Lemar to protest, and some people went to the place where the president lived to protest.

Some people with a bad temper even throw stones and bricks at the government building or the residence of the president. Even the police can hardly stop the surging crowd outside!

The president is "famous" again!