Blackstone Code

Chapter 1480: The collapse of adults is often only a m

It was slightly dawn, and Lynch had already woken up and started running.

A good life, self-discipline of work and rest, and health management are the foundation of living longer.

Although this world is full of accidents, no one knows whether they can survive the next accident, but as long as they are still alive, they must be responsible for their present and future.

He changed his clothes and started running and exercising.

Lemar has a very bad situation, but it can be said to be a very good situation, that is, the communication between Lemar and the international community is of a transit nature.

To put it simply, if you want to call someone like a phone, you first need to know their number, and then shake the handle——

That was in the past. Nowadays, phones are basically connected to wires, and there is no need to shake a micro-generator to power the phone.

Electric telephones will soon be able to communicate with the person on the other end of the line in a way that science can explain.

One thing to note here is that the other party must be at the other end of the line.

That is to say, if the other party does not have direct line contact with you, then it is impossible for you to talk!

This has also led to the charging of very high telephone service charges in each country on the charges for outbound calls.

For example, in the Commonwealth, a phone call to Gavra costs about one and twenty cents per hour.

If you make a phone call to Nagalil, it will cost about one and eighty-five cents.

Because of the distance, the difficulty of connecting, etc., the cost of international calls is actually very high.

However, there is no telephone bill calculation method in the Republic of Lemar, and the telephone network here is not connected to the outside world.

Deploying a deep-sea cable from the north-central part of the Eastern Ocean to the nearby land, which the ghost knows when there will be a problem, is no longer a problem of investment cost, but a technical solution!

At present, the telephone lines of mainstream countries are laid on the seabed, basically following a principle, that is, try to walk from the shallow sea.

No one knows what's going on in the deep sea, and if something goes wrong, it can't be repaired.

From the Republic of Lemar, whether it is to the east or the west, there is no close independence. It has left the archipelago, which is the deep sea.

Now there is no foundation for laying deep-sea cables, so in Lemar, in order to contact the outside world, in addition to the more primitive method of writing letters, there are only telegrams.

The occlusion of information can allow people to do a lot of things by taking advantage of this information gap.

At six o'clock, before the telegraph office went to work, Lynch had run for half an hour and returned to the hotel.

Hot water is sprayed from the shower and drenched on the body, quickly taking away fatigue and sweat.

The weather has warmed up, and half an hour of exercise has brought a lot of physical exertion and naturally produced a lot of sweat.

At 6:15, he began to browse some notes and manuscripts, took a short break at 6:50, and began to work at 7:00.

Many times the federal society has been promoting a kind of "self-discipline", and always use successful people as examples, such as Ms. Tracy, a strong woman who gets up at 4:30 for work, such as those who get up after 5:00. big capitalist.

In Lynch's view, self-discipline is actually a challenge to self from a certain perspective!

There is no harm in self-discipline, on the contrary, it makes you more aware of where your limits are.

If you want to make breakthroughs in your life, the best way is to break through your own limits first.

Be a self-disciplined person!

At 8:10, he sat in the dining room. The hotel had already prepared breakfast and delivered it, along with the breakfast, and a copy of the latest newspaper.

The special geographical environment of the Republic of Lemar makes it famous. There is only one newspaper that can cover the entire archipelago, and that is the "Republic Daily". It is said that the founder is still the first president.

Usually, there is no big news here. Most of the new projects have been approved, or some infrastructure has been started, or some commercial fields have been developed.

It's Lemar's biggest selling paper, but it doesn't really have any serious news, not that much serious news here.

But today, it uses a rather serious layout, without a little color, and the title of the front page is "Invisible Future"

I'm talking about the big news that happened in the international arena last night. The Republic of Lemar has been continuously lowered in the assessment of the World Development Council, and the Federal Financial Regulatory Commission has issued a dangerous warning to Ares.

In just a few hours, everything changed!

A federal Sol has been able to exchange for more than 200 Ares, and there is still the possibility of continuing to widen the gap.

If the government of the Republic of Lemar cannot give a reliable response today to restore investor confidence, then its exchange rate will only continue to fall!

Don't look at it as if it is not included in the international currency settlement, but when a country's currency collapses, it brings more than just stop the transaction!

The newspaper told everyone in large paragraphs what the people of Lemar would be facing if such a thing happened, as well as some of the current situation.

Lynch's expression didn't change much from start to finish, which was nothing special to him.

The moment Lemar National Bank tightened its funds by raising interest rates on savings, they were on their own on a countdown to destruction.

And they did not publicly issue additional currency, which destroyed the face value of Lemar.

Assuming that 100 yuan Aares can be exchanged for 1 gram of gold, the bank now has 100 grams of gold, and at the same time issues 10,000 yuan of currency.

Even if the outside world's assessment of Lemar is very poor, or the financial order is on the verge of collapse, Ares is valuable!

Because in any case, one hundred dollars of Ares can be exchanged for one gram of gold, which guarantees its most basic value!

However, the unannounced additional issuance ruined all this. When there was only 10,000 yuan in the past, 100 yuan could be exchanged for one gram of gold.

Now... Assuming that there are 20,000 yuan, then 200 yuan can be exchanged for one gram of gold.

But the problem is that there is no official document of the Lemar Republic to say how much they have issued, and now it is pointless for them to explain this to the society.

Because people have lost their trust in them, they will not easily believe what they say, how disappointed people are with the government of the Republic of Lemar, and how much evil is hidden in human nature, how much will Ares fall!

At the same time, the run on the island began to escalate, because the value of Ares as a currency has collapsed, and the value of this currency in social circulation is getting lower and lower, and it no longer has widespread circulation!

And import trade does not use Ares as settlement, then as importing merchants, they will not mark the price of goods as "Aares" units, which will obviously suffer a big loss, and they will only use some international currencies as sales unit to make sure you don't lose money.

The situation that Ares cannot buy things as legal tender really begins to appear. Everyone knows that it is money, but no one is sure how much purchasing power it can represent!

Is it half of what it was before?

Or just one percent of what it used to be?

Nobody knows!

Some speculators, small businessmen, began to "adventure", and they agreed that the islanders would use Ares to settle the settlement, but the price was more than ten times the previous price.

In the past, a pound of eggs was about 150 yuan, but now you want to buy a pound of eggs from those people, you may pay 1500 yuan, 2000 yuan, or more!

Materials are already very scarce, and the crazy accumulation of money by these speculators has catalyzed the explosion of internal and external factors and detonated all links.

Even if the National Bank's savings rate is ridiculously high, no one would want to keep money in the bank at this time, but take it out and use it to buy all kinds of things they can afford.

From a bag of wheat flour, a toothbrush, to a TV...

People started frantically buying everything they could see!

At 8:35 in the morning, the government of the Republic of Lemar issued a statement to the archipelago and the world, in which their unannounced additional issuance was only 5% of the total issuance.

In fact, this number is exaggerated a lot. In fact, they print less than 1% of the total circulation.

However, considering the current public sentiment, no one believed you when you said 1%, so the bank gave a figure like 5%.

But people still don't believe it!

Once something like credit is lost, it is very difficult to get it back.

Fortunately, some people still trust the Lemar government, but believing what it says will not help the run trend.

Prices are still collapsing, people's money is still becoming less valuable, and banks really can't withdraw money...

Everything, at this moment, completely exploded!

First on some remote islands, angry people began smashing stores, looting whatever was inside.

At first it was just a food store, then it spread to a clothing store, then an accessory store...

All the shops were looted, and finally they aimed at the This kind of smashing storm is spreading rapidly to the whole island, because the money cannot be withdrawn, because the money has become waste Paper, because of the past...

All emotions have a target when they explode in an instant, that is, the president and the ruling party!

"If the President hadn't offended the Commonwealth, none of these things would have happened!"

There is only such a dialogue in people's minds, yes, if the president hadn't offended the federal people, those foreign capital would not have been withdrawn urgently.

Supported by these foreign capital, the economic, social and financial framework that is developing and yet unstable will not be easily accessible.

If these currencies were not quietly added...

Everything is because of the President!

It's all because of him that Lemar became like this!

People rushed to the government building chanting the slogan "Down with the President", a coup d'etat is taking place from the bottom up because of the economic and financial collapse!