Blackstone Code

Chapter 1488: Don't be ignorant of flattery, this tm i

Regarding Lynch's acquisition of Lemar National Bank, the president looked incredulous. He didn't think it was something that Lynch could do.

But Lynch looked at him suspiciously, "How long has it been since you read the newspaper?"

"Or how long has it been since you looked at the exchange rate?"

He picked up a newspaper in his hand and threw it away, "As of 9:00 this morning, one federal sol can be exchanged for 274 Ares, do you know what that means?"

"In the past, I needed to spend several hundred million to do things. Now I may only need to spend two hundred million to do it. I don't think there is anything I can't do."

The president still had that unbelievable face. He really couldn't imagine how people could be so rich?

One person, about to acquire a national bank?

How can he be so rich?

Even if Lynch gave him enough reasons, he still didn't want to believe it was true.

In fact, he didn't know that even if Lynch had no money, the six major federal banks were willing to lend Lynch money to buy it, because it was a bank with the right to issue currency.

In the federation, the right to issue currency is still in the hands of the government. The six major banks have tried many times to grab the right to issue money, but they all failed in the end.

Having the right to issue currency means that they can leverage their economic size to leverage a larger financial market, which is simply an irresistible cake for banks.

If Lynch really has such a plan, he may be able to buy the bank without spending a penny, so money is not a problem for Lynch at all.

His problem is that he doesn't want other people to interfere with his power, after all, he is also interested in the right to issue coins.

So naturally, if you can reduce some, you can reduce it. When the time comes, it will not be a problem.

In fact, judging from the current situation, Ares has no more room to fall, and with the increase in the negotiation process, Ares even began to rebound.

The only reason why Ares can't rise now is mainly due to people's vicious pessimism.

They believe that the National Bank may have issued a lot of new currency, and the National Bank's gold reserves are insufficient, and the negotiations have not ended. Based on these three points, the exchange rate of Ares will not fluctuate too much in the short term, and it will be quite stable. .

But this cannot always weigh him down. All negotiations must be ended as soon as possible so that all aspects of society can recover.

Lynch looked at the president, "All the documents are here, you should be more familiar with these documents than me, maybe you can find some problems for me that I didn't find?"

Lynch looked at him with a smile, "What do you think?"

This is not an invitation, but an order-like tone. The president does not know what will happen if he refuses, but he is very clear about what he will face if he agrees.

He was a little nervous, after all, this kind of thing was a crime, and the little conscience in his heart burned his conscience like a raging fire.

His palms were sweaty, and he wiped his trouser legs subconsciously, "Mr. Lynch, I don't know..."

He does not know many things, whether it is a good thing for the National Bank to fall into the hands of foreigners, and whether he will betray the interests of the country by doing so.

He doesn't know so much, and he knows so little, and it's hard to make a decision.

Lynch looked at him, he lowered his head, looking at the vamp.

Lynch took out a cigarette case, threw one away, and lit one himself. As he inhaled the smoke into his lungs and exhaled it, he said at the same time, "Actually, this is a good thing for the whole of Lemar."

"When Bank Negara is in my hands, there will be more capital pouring into it, and you can see it becoming more prosperous."

"As long as people are willing to work, they can certainly have a bright future."

"Society thrives on capital and markets, and the National Bank is a guarantee when it's in my hands!"

"For Lemar, there's only good, not bad."

Of course, this is a nice argument, and a slightly less nice and not so friendly argument is that if the Lemar National Bank is acquired by Lynch, it will become a bridgehead for capital to accelerate the oppression and exploitation of the Lemar people!

In the new era, economic colonization is actually more acceptable than military colonization!

Just like Nagalil!

Now whoever says that the Commonwealths are bad people, goes to Nagalil to exploit them, to drink the blood of the Nagalil people, those people will slaughter this person.

Has capital exploited people over there?

Yes, it is also the labor force. The labor they pay cannot be exchanged for the gains of the federal workers. Is this not exploitation?

But only exploitation?

Obviously not!

At the same time that capital exploits the majority of people, it also re-disintegrates the social structure, giving everyone a chance to rise.

Some Nagalilians have moved into middle-to-high-end communities, with servants and servants in and out, driving luxury cars, eating steak, and living a life of the best.

This was absolutely impossible in Nagalil's past, but now that it has happened, and it has happened, who would dare to say that everything that happened in Nagalil was bad?

When advanced capital forces economic colonization of a backward society, the first thing to do is to build, you have to cultivate the market, cultivate the economic and financial foundation, only in this way can you wield the sickle and clench it out one after another while exploiting and squeezing it. The last drop of blood.

In the silence, the president sighed and asked, "Can I refuse?"

Lynch nodded, which surprised him, but after Lynch's words, he could only smile bitterly.

"Of course you can refuse, I never force anyone, because I firmly believe that forced cooperation cannot maintain a long-term relationship."

"But I have to remind you that the previous great president is dead, and there are still a lot of responsibilities that people need to carry, and people need a target where they can vent their emotions."

"That person may be you, after all, you are still alive."

"You don't have to think about yourself, but you also have to think about your wife, your children, and your family."

"The anger of the people at the bottom often has the nature of anger. We will arrange for someone to protect them, but it can't last for too long. I hope you can understand what I mean."

"I'm not threatening you, intimidating you, I'm just telling you what will happen, and then what to do, it's up to you, I will respect your choice."

Lynch spoke candidly and freely, and he had nothing to hide.

Now that there is such a big problem, someone must take the blame. The former president is dead, and there is also a president who is alive and heavily involved.

So who needs to be considered?

The president thought for a while, shook his head, and took out his reading glasses, "Looks like I can't refuse?"

"I always respect your choice!" Lynch shrugged.

The president seems to have made a decision, "If I help you, what will I get?"

He stared at Lynch, and he was persuaded by Lynch, for various reasons.

Lynch thought for a while and said, "First of all, all of this is a problem with the previous president. We will help you clean the stains on your body, but considering that you did play a role in these things."

"So you will still go to jail, but don't worry, I always treat those who helped me well, and you and your family don't need to think about life."

"You will come out in about a year or two, and I will arrange another job for you, in the Commonwealth."

Lynch fiddled with the documents on the table casually. To be honest, the president still has some abilities, with very few bad debts, and he has done a good job in all aspects of the data.

Although sometimes not so flexible, at least he is not too bad in his own work.

He can't manage a national bank, although it's not really big, but it can do some good in other ways.

A talent that can be controlled by oneself is a talent!

Listening to Lynch's words, the president wanted to laugh. He wanted to ask if President Lynch's death had something to do with them, but after thinking about it, don't ask such taboo words.

He began to devote himself to his work seriously. Under Lynch's suggestion, the huge loan he received from the bank would become a bad debt and could not be recovered.

This has nothing to do directly with Lynch's subsequent acquisition of National Bank, which is a different matter.

Soon a bank in a bad situation appeared in front of Lynch, right on the table. He read the revised document and asked the president, "How much do you think it is worth now?"

The president thought for a while, "It's worth about 100 million."

He cut his assets in half again!

Lynch clapped his hands, "Very good, very good, then you can enjoy your vacation, of course, if you don't mind continuing to work for me, you can try to study federal and Books related to finance."

"In there, you will have enough time..."

Soon Lynch handed over the results of the investigation to the new president. Under the advice of the former president, the president was in charge. The bank over-distributed a lot of money, and there were also many problems.

These problems were basically found out under a thorough investigation, and now that the National Bank is on the verge of collapse, Lynch has provided a reasonable suggestion to the new president.

"I suggest that Lemar National Bank file for bankruptcy immediately, and then I personally take over it, I will inject funds into it, clear bad debts, solve many problems, and reappear in a new image."

"And there are many advantages to doing this, such as when it is held by me, the federal assessment agency's environmental assessment of Lemar will be improved, which will greatly increase the value of Ares, and Lemar's performance in International image!"

"I can also bring more active capital to Lemar, which will be of great help to Lemar's future development."

"This is a new era, and only by forming a group can we achieve common prosperity!"