Blackstone Code

Chapter 1501: all wrong

It was still the familiar room, and the familiar person sitting behind the desk was still the same.

All of a sudden, things went wrong, the FDP chairman noticed.

First, the politicians who hold real power in the party are suddenly disobedient. They all have their own ideas. Only when they benefit from them will they look at you with less respectful eyes, as they did in the past, even in those eyes. With some caveats!

Hey, don't play tricks with me or you'll regret it!

Such is the look.

But it doesn't matter to him, he has made a decision, he is going to leave the Republic of Lemar to go to the Federation.

After serious, deep thinking, he believes that supporting the former president to remain neutral from the beginning was the biggest mistake!

If they could have taken refuge with the Federals or Pengios earlier, the problem would not have developed to this day, they would still be the ruling party, and he would still be the chairman of the ruling party!

He doesn't hate the Commonwealth, like all Lemars do!

They did not like the strict social rules of Pontiero over the equal liberties of the federation.

Even he himself can see this by keeping the money in the Federation and not Pongio.

However, it was too late, too late.

He can only go to the Commonwealth and start enjoying the rest of his life.

He sighed into the mirror, dedicated his life to this country, and it was his time to enjoy it. .

But, at such an important time, something went wrong.

The people in the room also came because of it.

Some of them had ugly expressions, while others had horrified expressions.

The one who committed suicide—

Police and the investigation team found suicide notes at the scene, but they did not believe it was a suicide, but a murder.

They found a lot of reasons, and even decided that the fool was killed first and then faked a suicide scene.

The reason is that the investigation team is investigating his suspicions.

He suddenly died to cut off the investigation team's investigation, which is obviously not right.

In the process of continuing to dig into the bastard, the investigation team discovered something that was not quite right.

The bastard's bank account was frequently flowing in and out, with a large amount going in and out quickly in the week before the president was killed.

Even in normal times, his account is not so normal...

Actually, from the point of view of the DPP chairman, this is nothing out of the ordinary!

The usual financial exchanges are frequent, because this **** plays a role of benefit transmission.

Don't look at Lemar's small size, with a population of only a few million, but everything that should be there, whether it's dirty or good, is here!

Including benefit transfer!

There are only so many foreign trade orders that can be obtained every year. Who do the orders are for, and who do not do them. The selection standard is not based on the skills and production capabilities these people show, but whether they are sensible people or confused people.

People who understand know how to maintain this relationship and how to obtain foreign trade orders from the government stably.

These money are not legendary outside, the money used to hire assassins, but only their internal interests.

When Lemar National Bank was in their hands before, they didn't think about how to cover up these things, because no one thought DAP rule would end anytime soon!

There are quite a few GDPs and ordinary people who believe that GDP rule will last for many years at least, because only they can get big orders!

Once GAD falls, their orders will only take care of some of their limited areas, while others will lose those orders.

This kind of guess cannot be said to be wrong. After all, the reason for sharing one's own things is because of fraternity. Now there is no need for fraternity, and naturally there is no need to share.

In the past, all companies that participated in foreign trade basically conveyed benefits to the Democratic Party.

These benefits range from tens of thousands to tens of thousands.

The money may not seem like a lot, but it's not a small number when all of it comes together.

People gather here at this time, as if they know if they are in danger, because the money is not taken by one person himself, but distributed to the majority of politicians who have actual power.

Including the former president, he actually got a lot of benefits from it.

Now the investigation team has been following this clue and has been investigating the flow of funds, which has triggered panic within the GDP.

If these things are revealed, for them, political life may end!

The combination of politics and capital in these small countries lags far behind that of the federation. Even if someone is disclosed in the federation, there may be a situation of receiving benefits, with various transparent investigations, there will be no serious results in the end. !

Because every penny of the federal politicians is very reasonable!

Financial investments, companies are acquired, patents are bought…

The gentlemen here are still too inexperienced, and of course this is also related to the fact that they do not have these projects to operate.

After a while, more financial products enter here, and the way they accept the transfer of benefits will be able to keep up with the international mainstream.

But for now, these are still problems.

There was deep exhaustion in the eyes of the DPP chairman. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

If you want to talk about the big truth, everyone can say it, and everyone understands, isn't it just offending the federal people?

But will say, can understand, what's the use?

People's eyes are focused on him, and he also knows the purpose of these people here. He wants to refuse, but he doesn't know where to start to refuse.

It's easy to sacrifice others, but it's hard to sacrifice yourself...

The next day, the chairman of the ADP party contacted the chairman of the Liberal Party, and the two sat on a bench in a garden at a street corner away from the city center.

One after the other, the two most dominant old men over Lemar were sitting here just so ordinary, and people passing by didn't even discover their identities.

"For a long time, we haven't sat down and talked like this." The chairman of the DPP party was a little emotional.

The chairman of the Liberal Party nodded, "Yes, we haven't met alone since the first and last competition."

Both of them were a little disappointed when they spoke.

They used to be very good friends and college alumni.

Of course, it is not a local university in Lemar, but an international university in Sedoras.

The admissions standards at that university are actually not very high, as long as you have the money, then you can get in.

Two people were good friends when they were young, which is actually quite normal. Lemar was so big. When the population was smaller a few decades ago, the entire upper class was a very small circle, and almost everyone knew each other.

It is normal for two young, excellent young people to know each other, not to mention they have the same hobbies and pursuits.

They went to the international university in Sedoras together and returned to the country after graduation, but they disagreed on some ideas.

The idea of ​​the GDP chairman is to intervene more and actively in the operation of society, and use the abilities of these high-end talents to find the right direction for Lemar.

But the chairman of the Liberal Party has a different idea. He believes that there is no need to interfere too much with the ideas of the Lemar people, because this is not an ordinary country.

Each island has its own local culture and ideology, and forcing these islands together will only make things out of control.

The two people's ideas are completely different. After the collision and quarrel, they no longer contact and discuss as before, just like strangers.

Reminiscing about the past, as if it were just yesterday.

The DPP chairman sighed. He still stared at the road without looking up at his former friend.

He was very relaxed for a period of time, and he took the initiative to call the other party. At that time, it was the most glorious time of the Democratic Party.

He wanted to tell his childhood friends that the path he had chosen was the right one.

But at this time, it all became absurd, making him unable to face it.

"Can you... just stop like this?"

The investigation team is pressing very hard. If the investigation team continues to investigate, the ADP may disperse.

The transfer of a large number of interests will bring down many backbones. The core of a party is these people. If they all fall, the ADP will naturally cease to exist.

The chairman of the Liberal Party was silent for a while, "It's not that I don't want to stop, but they are blocking my way forward."

"I won't have real control over Lemar without moving them away, and it will affect my work."

The GDP chairman was suddenly a little annoyed, and his voice changed a bit, "Do you want to be a dictator?"

"Do you want to move them away because of power?"

The chairman of the Liberal Party shook his head indifferently, "Actually, we were wrong from the beginning."

"It's not just you, everyone else, I will start moving them away. It's not that I want to be a dictator, but a small country, a small country without even an industrial base, not entitled to freedom and..."

He pursed his lips. The more contact he had with the Commonwealth recently, the more he understood this truth.

These big countries of the Federation can talk about free, fair and popular Because no matter what they do, everything is under control!

But in a small country like Lemar, you go talk to the people about freedom?

They just mess everything up!

Whether the country is important or the people is important, there are different choices at different times.

For Lemar, it is clear that the country is now more important than the people, because without the country, there is no people!

This is not a peaceful and prosperous world, Lemar does not have any ability to resist risks, it can be smashed by the Federals or Pengios at will!

At that time, the people of Lemar will become slaves.

They won't say it's a slave, but the treatment of the Lemar people is the treatment of slaves!

They have already done that in Nagalil, so the Chairman of the Liberal Party will not allow this to become Nagalil.

Dictatorship may be stupid and unpleasant, but it is especially true for Lemar now!