Blackstone Code

Chapter 1521: change hands

Mr. President was as naughty as most children when he was a child. He liked to play with fire. Fortunately, he did not wet the bed, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to become president.

Once he accidentally set his trousers on fire, and that moment of fear made him shudder, even though he finally jumped into the pool to put out the fire on his trousers.

Those fires did not cause any substantial damage to him, but he was still trembling with fear, and he was sweating profusely.

A deep-rooted fear!

Now, at this very moment, after one o'clock in the evening, the moment he answered the phone, a panic from the inside out instantly spread throughout his body.

Sweat was squeezed out of the pores at once, and it was as magical as magic!

It violated the laws of nature, and there was an invisible big hand clenching Mr. President, otherwise he would not be able to sweat so much at once.

The voices on the phone continued.

"Mr. President, the Ministry of Defense's car is already at the door, please take the car immediately..."

After a few seconds after Mr. President hung up, he turned around and started getting dressed.

His wife, the President's wife, just glanced at him and turned to go back to sleep.

She knew about Mr. President's derailment, but to wasn't a big deal.

For people like them, whether it is spiritual or physical, from a certain point of view, it does not belong to themselves.

Mr. President took the car of the Ministry of National Defense and quickly came to the strategic command headquarters. At this time, some generals had gathered here. When they saw the arrival of the President, they simply said hello and began to explain the situation.

"At twelve forty-five, our patrol spotted a group of Marillos crossing the border and there was an exchange of fire while driving them away."

"At that time, we effectively stopped them from going south, but then more and more people joined..."

The major officer closed his mouth when he said this, and everyone can guess the rest without thinking...

The configuration of the patrol team consisted of one armored vehicle and two patrol vehicles, all together with a total of about twenty people, equipped with three machine guns.

However, the patrol car's machine guns can't be used after winter, because they are all outside the car, and in the cold weather, it is completely frozen.

If you want to use it, you have to use hot water or heat it with fire.

The only thing that could be used was the machine gun of the armored car, which was housed in the compartment.

Such a configuration does not have much problem in dealing with small-scale firefights, but once it encounters a larger-scale attack, it is difficult to play any role.

If the enemy has hundreds of people, or more, these vehicles can only be turned into a huge iron coffin!

After a few seconds, Mr. President asked, "So how did the patrol station get captured?"

After he finished asking this question, the other officers looked at each other without saying a word.

In fact, the patrol station is much more fragile than Mr. President imagined. It is a concrete house. The purpose of building it is to give the patrolmen patrolling the border a place to rest.

It's not really a fortification, and when there are a lot of enemy attacks and explosives, it's completely unable to resist such an intensity of battle.

It didn't take long for some of the entrances to be blasted open. As for what happened later, everyone knew.

The silence of the officers made Mr. President realize that his question was unnecessary, and he frowned, "So gentlemen, what are your plans next?"

"I don't want people talking about it after dawn and laughing at us for not being able to figure out how to deal with it."

One of the major generals coughed lightly. He was the youngest general here, so naturally he was the one who spoke.

"Mr. President, we think ... we think it's a war, and if we don't put out this intruder quickly, more people will soon learn from them."

"There are more than one million refugees on the border. If these people start to force their way south through armed means, it will cause terrible damage to the social stability of the Federation!"

"They have no basis for life in the Commonwealth, and they all carry weapons with them..."

Mr. President raised his hand and stopped him, "I know this, you just need to tell me what plan you have."

The major general looked at the other generals, and then said in a deep voice, "We need your authorization."

When he said this, Mr. President realized what authorization he wanted!

War Empowerment!

In the Commonwealth, there are only two ways for the military to be dispatched.

The first way is for Congress to vote, and if more than 66 percent of the people vote in favor, the military can start military operations inside or outside the country.

The second way is the presidential privilege. According to the federal charter, the president has the privilege of directly mobilizing the military for military operations without going through Congress.

However, this also has a limitation. Generally speaking, when the time span and intensity of military operations do not exceed a certain standard, Mr. President can make his own decisions.

If a threshold is exceeded, then Congress must step in and vote.

Gu Yun

This is a rule established to prevent the president from abusing his prerogatives and bringing danger to the country.

At this time, Mr. President's heart was surging and a little excited, because he knew very well that as long as he nodded, he would have a chance to be re-elected.


He hesitated.

The generals of the military were all looking at him. To be honest, when such a thing happened at this time, only the military could come forward.

What they just said, destroying the stability and order of the federal society, is no joke!

Once these people go south, there will be more Marillos going south, and more and more.

Don't say anything about making the federation's momentum in the international community. It is estimated that the war has really broken out, and the internal problems have not been cleared up.

Political matters, they leave it to Mr. President, and they will not interfere.

At this time, Mr. Truman also got up. He did not come to the Ministry of Defense, but just sat in the room, smoking a cigarette.

Judging from the news he got, there was basically no problem with him winning the election.

But if at this time, Mr. President declares a state of war and mobilizes the army to suppress the border, he has a chance to be re-elected.

This is the power given to him by the Charter, and no one can change it.

He didn't know what Mr. President would do, and at this time his heart was far less calm than his calm expression.

He also seemed to feel that particularly uncomfortable feeling, his heart was pounding, but he couldn't provide much strength to his body.

At 1:25, Lynch was awakened by the sharp phone ringing. He opened his eyes and looked at the dark ceiling. After the phone rang a few times, he got up to pick it up.

The call came at this time, and it rang several times and continued, which meant that it was a call he had to answer.

In fact, when disturbing others in such a late night, if it is not necessary for the other party to know something, after three rings, the caller will put down the phone.

But not this time, it matters.

"Lynch, something has happened on our border with Marillo, can you provide us with military assistance now?"

Mr. President's voice, Lynch immediately got up, he put his shoulder against the receiver of the phone, while changing clothes.

"Of course, anytime, anywhere. Can I know more details?"

Mr. President seemed to sigh, "We have arranged the car, you have half an hour..."

When Mr. Truman knew that Mr. President finally left this matter to Blackstone to do it safely, he was relieved, and there was some inexplicable feeling of guilt in his heart.

He felt that he was... thinking about Mr. President a little too much, and that made him also make a decision to take care of Mr. President, as well as his children and nephews and younger descendants.

Ten minutes later, the sergeant was awakened by a phone call, followed by the emergency assembly of the training camp...

From here to the northern border, it takes about two to three days by train, but don't forget that Lynch has an experimental model of a large transport aircraft.

At that time, these aircraft and those airborne troops were used for airborne, and there were also airports in the north.

While mobilizing the Blackstone field staff in Mariro to assemble to the border, he airlifted the company's employees towards the border...

Meanwhile, Rekatos has taken people across the border.

During the fighting, they lost some of their men, but they also managed to break through the blockade of the federal patrol.

The people who have actually experienced these battles, what they have experienced, are far more cruel than the reports that Mr. President has heard!

Before the patrol was wiped out, he had applied for rescue, and several patrols arrived soon after.

These patrols drove their cars and chased after them from a distance, and the machine guns kept firing. These Marillos were like reaping wheat, falling down one after another and never getting up again. The battle continued for more than forty minutes.

Their movement was so great that many Marillos who had no intention of joining in also started rushing towards the border with weapons.

There were about three or four thousand people, and eventually they rushed across the border, they took out the patrol cars and armored vehicles, and also attacked the patrol station, and then continued south.

At this time, for these people, for people like Rekatos, the joy in their hearts cannot be described in words!

The Federation is so big, with their abilities and means, they can gather a certain amount of wealth in a short period of time. When they change their identities, they can go to big cities to enjoy themselves!

The sky gradually began to light up, and there was one last level before the real freedom.

Every day there are refugees trying to smuggle into the Commonwealth, and some people have already entered a certain distance and were caught by accident.

Those who do not resist will be thrown back to the border.

From the mouths of these people, everyone knows that behind the border, there is still a blockade!

Only after the last blockade can they be truly free!