Blackstone Code

Chapter 1523: 11 comments

Some senators in Congress are considering a vote to declare war on Mariro.

Their real intentions may not be to declare war on Mariro.

It may be a bit contradictory to say that, how can a person wave their fists to attack others while thinking about not attacking the enemy?

In fact, it is not contradictory. As long as the fist does not fall on others, it will satisfy some of its own needs, reasons, not to attack others, and withdraw the fist, wouldn't it be good?

At this time, the idea of ​​many senators may not really be to enter a state of war and let Mr. President be re-elected.

Their more practical purpose is actually to want Mr. Trueman to speak out.

Everyone knows that this will be the first federal president in the history of the federal government to be elected as a soldier, and it will be in time for the war.

No one knows what the Union will look like during and after the war, because according to the Federal Charter, the President of the Union has the highest power and all privileges in a state of war.

His order is the will of the Federation, and he can decide the future of this country without a vote of Congress!

Naturally, he can also decide the future of certain politicians and the future of certain families!

Foreigners, whether they are Gefras, Pengios, or people from other countries, politicians, leaders, do not like Mr. Truman.

Because he is too special, once the federation takes the road of imperialism and moves towards a totalitarian dictatorship, it will be a disaster for the whole world.

They prefer the stupid, bureaucratic, old-fashioned politicians to Mr. Truman.

Even if you fart, he has to think about it for a long time, consider whether your fart has any special meaning at this time, and take various guesses and preventive measures.

Instead of directly asking you to "get out".

Foreigners are afraid, and domestic people are also afraid. This is the reason why Congress faintly wants to influence the election results.

Some people hope that Mr. Trueman will come forward and say something. .

As long as he promises something, if not all of it, Congress gets quiet.

Lynch looked at Senator Langdon, who slowly cleaned his hands with a napkin, then pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

After he pulled out a cigarette, Senator Langdon got up and walked over, pulling out a lighter for Lynch to light.

Lynch patted his hand, indicating that it was already lit. He then smiled and pointed to the place where Senator Langdon was sitting just now with his finger tucked in the cigarette, "Don't be so polite, sit down and say."

Senator Langdon nodded with a smile, and put the lighter back in his pocket, as if... nothing happened just now.

"No one can stop Mr. Truman from winning the election to become the Federal... President, you know?"

With a very mysterious smile, he looked half-smiling, "No one can!"

"Pengios can't, Gevra can't, you can't, I can't, Mr. President can't, so naturally..."

"Neither Congress!"

He raised his hand, took a breath, and flicked.

The tobacco that was still bright was bounced off, and instantly turned into black and white grass ash, rolled in the air, and fell to the ground.

It didn't have the slightest weight, couldn't be shocked by the slightest waves, and it shattered the moment it touched the ground.

"The infiltration of us by external forces is very serious, Langdon, if someone touches you, you must stabilize the other party and then call the police."

"Do you know what I mean?"

Senator Langdon frowned, his expression became tense and serious, and gradually he tasted something in Lynch's words.

He nodded, "I see."

Lynch nodded slightly, "It's better to really understand, a new club has opened in the east of the city, and everyone has been very nervous about the recent election. You can go and relax, just take my business card and I'll arrange it all. already."

Some girls from Nagalil.

The federation does not allow the business of flesh and blood, but this is obviously impossible in itself, and there are many ways to deny this kind of behavior.

Just as there is no physical contact, it is not a sexual act, or there is no direct liquid exchange between the two, and there is something between them, and it is not a direct sexual act.

There are always ways people can get you to spend your money well, and there are ways you don't regret all your hard work.

Sometimes people will get tired of seeing the same things too much. Novelty has become the first choice for the upper class of the Commonwealth when they choose entertainment.

This is also the reason why Elysium can attract so many rich people and politicians at the beginning, not only because of the Duncan family behind it, but also because you can do anything on this island. In real society, in a society ruled by law Want to do, but can't do it!

The boys and girls who died tragically on the island are proof!

Senator Langdon nodded and left Lynch's mansion with a thought.

Gu Buck

While sitting in the car, he was still recalling what Lynch said and some recent situations.

It can be said that the Federation is now in a very special period. From the outside, the evil Penggio armed group has revived evilly, trying to break the peace of the world and use force to bring misery to the world.

It was the first time that Mariro and the Federation had a serious armed conflict on the border. The Ministry of Defense did not raise this issue to invasion or war, in order to solve internal problems first.

general election!

The demise of the Duncan family, the beginning and end of the general election, the strength of Mr. Truman and the military behind him...

Classes, camps, international issues, when these things pile up together, it makes it hard to even breathe.

Senator Langdon also vaguely understood what Lynch meant. The more the situation changes, the more important it is to maintain the stability of the domestic political environment and make the transition smoothly.

Whoever destroys the stability of the domestic political arena and the change of office is the sinner and enemy of the Federation!

There may not have been so many excuses before, but now, a single treason is enough to make anyone stand on the opposite side of the country and the people at once!

You say you are innocent...

The Security Council will definitely not think so!

Senator Langdon clenched his fists, took out the business card Lynch gave him from his pocket, glanced at it, and put it back.

Later, he made an appointment with his small circle and took the bus to this private club. After Senator Langdon showed Lynch's business card, the group was assigned to a separate courtyard. .

Before getting on the bus, the club's staff uniformly distributed clothes and masks to everyone.

At this point, when they got off the bus, they were all wearing masks and wearing the same clothes, which made everyone interested.

Sometimes some people become perverted, not because they are born a pervert, but because of the influence of this society!

They went into the room and saw all kinds of girls, all from Nagalil.

Their skin is whiter than that of the Nagalil pure-blooded natives, who are a mixture of local natives and foreigners.

In the early years, the "third aristocracy (foreigners in Nagalil had great privileges, they played with local women at will, and then abandoned those who were pregnant.

Of course, there are some who can stay, such as Mr. Simon and his wife and children.

At the beginning, in order to better integrate into the local ethnic group in Nagalil, he married a local woman and gave birth to a child, which made his business bigger and bigger.

After his "accidental" death, his son Garton inherited his estate.

After all, people like Garton are a minority, and most of them are children who don't know who their father is.

With the gradual arrival of federal assistance to Nagalil in all aspects, for Nagalil people, the federal people are not only their bosses, but also a group of rich people who can easily get money from their pockets. foreigner!

In fact, there are already quite a few clubs like this in the Commonwealth, especially in the southern region, which has only recently spread to Bupen.

It has become a trend in Nagalil to rely on young girls to go abroad to pan for gold to earn foreign exchange and wealth.

They didn't feel that there was any shame in this, it was equivalent to sending the girl to the temple to be a saint before. For the local people, this would not make them feel guilty at all.

On the contrary, these girls can bring back a lot of wealth by working abroad and help their families achieve a class jump, which is the happiest thing for them!

Many families have made such a difference through these girls, and they have lived in more decent houses filled with all kinds of furniture and appliances from the Commonwealth.

There are separate electrical boxes, TV shows, and people stand guard for their neighborhood patrols…

This simple, unskilled job attracts a large number of families with girls.

They were trained in Nagalil, and then they were given different points according to their appearance and posture, and sent to different places at different prices.

And these were all handled and completed by Nagalil Joint Development In the past, these were the business of the Duncan family. After the downfall of the Duncan family, it became a common business of the company's shareholders.

Anyone who wants to do it can do it, but you have to get the approval of the board of directors of the joint development company, otherwise it is a violation of the company's rights.

The business that Bu Pein opened was not Lynch's business, but a small shareholder's business, which had been declared in the company.

As the major shareholder of the joint development company, Lynch is also a member of the board of directors, so his consumption is purely for face.

This also makes the girls in front of these congressmen and gentlemen very charming, in their teens and twenties, with a good figure and beautiful, especially those with wheat-colored or darker skins, as if they can't find pores...

This is indeed a novel experience!

After a night of communication, everyone unified their opinions and reached a consensus.

That is to ensure the stability of the presidential election!

No one is allowed to undermine the most important part of federal politics!