Blackstone Code

Chapter 1540: The 1st Life of a Salesman Legend

When Lynch was young, he met a sales champion, a sales champion who sold jade mattresses.

Honestly, this doesn't look like a valuable commodity!

It is a kind of mattress made from a lot of cheap sapphire jade that is not even jade but looks like jade, such as marble slices.

This kind of mattress has no use except for people, but some merchants artificially endow it with many characteristics.

For example, lying on a mattress can alleviate some chronic diseases, such as being able to sleep better.

These sound like **** fairy tales, and they're not cheap.

Start at tens of thousands.

You thought no one would buy this thing?

If no one really bought it, there would be no competitive reward title like Sales Champion.

Twenty-nine thousand eighteen, he remembered very clearly, that sales champion sold more than 20 pieces a month, and his personal sales were hundreds of thousands!

He added everything together that might not be worth 10,000 yuan, and sold hundreds of thousands of sales.

At that time, Lynch was still young, and he satisfied the vanity of the sales champion by asking for advice, and by the way, when he drank too much, he also taught him some tips——

You have to be knowledgeable!

Lynch didn't understand it at first, but when the guy said a couple of college professors bought three of his products, he realized something.

Sometimes people buy things not just because of the things themselves, but also because of what they get in the process of buying things, which is also the driving force for their consumption!

If you want to sell a product well, then you have to make the customer feel that his life is inseparable from this item, not that you want to force it on them!

The occasions where the two time and space are somewhat similar overlap, just like this moment!

The three-dimensional warfare tactics proposed by Lynch were immediately highly recognized by the Gefra people and even the officers of the Ministry of Defense. If this tactic can work, the federal people will solve the problem of Marilo faster and better. them!

In this entire tactical system, this chariot called a tank has also become an indispensable link!

If the Defense Ministry wants to try this tactic, they must have enough tanks.

"We will definitely give priority to satisfying domestic orders. To be honest, I don't care about the life and death of Gafra people at all." There was a sincere smile on Lynch's face, the kind of heart-to-heart.

It seems that everyone can see through his great patriotism at a glance.

The officer in the Department of Defense was also moved, and if he wasn't a civilian officer, maybe he would have gotten agitated too.

"Then its price..."

"For 420,000, the order we gave to the Ministry of Defense is 60,000 yuan less than that of the Gefra people. Of course, if you are willing to buy it at a price of 480,000 to support the development of local industries, we are also willing."

Lynch quoted a price of 480,000 to the Gafra people, and His Excellency the Prime Minister agreed without even counter-offering.

From the current point of view, 480,000 federal sols are about 320,000 fra.

The Gefra are very rich, their nobles have plundered the whole world for hundreds of years, and every noble is very rich.

Like the little earl, don't look at him so poor that he doesn't have much cash, but that doesn't mean he really has no money!

The collections and various treasures in his home, it is very easy to change tens of millions or billions of them casually.

Except for a very small number of nobles who will secretly sell those things to prove that their family has begun to perish, most nobles will not sell these things even if they have no money in their pockets!

That's the decency of the nobles, they don't make people think they're too poor to start selling properties to stay afloat.

Not only is this embarrassing, it will also make some people look at their wealth!

Gafra people, nobles, are really rich!

In the eyes of the Prime Minister, an order of tens of millions of fragrans is actually nothing, and Lynch has already felt this.

When they hired Blackstone Security to do the sweeps, they thought it was too cheap...

At this time, the price he paid to the Ministry of Defense was significantly lower, which also surprised the colonel after being stunned for a moment.

He smiled more naturally, "Then 420,000, anyway, I have to save some money for the country."

"One hundred cars first..."

After signing another order with the Ministry of Defense, Lynch took the initiative to send them away.

Mr. Wardrick was numb throughout the process.

This is not the reason why he has no knowledge or ability. After all, he has never done front-line sales.

If he hadn't withdrawn from the consortium now, he wouldn't even need to come over in person, just arrange for a professional salesperson to come over.

He only needs to give a psychological price, and the rest is up to his sales people to talk to the Gavra people and the Ministry of Defense.

If he hadn't quit!

glutinous rice

Isn't he quitting now, he lacks such first-line skills, but Lynch has shown an ability that he really can't understand.

Obviously he only planned to sell 300,000 to 300,000, but it was close to 500,000 in Lynch's mouth. How much more than double the net profit?

Mr. Wardrick looked at Lynch who came back from outside with an incredible look, "Have you ever done sales?"

Lynch laughed, "You mean on the bed?", he shrugged, "I think I did!"

A little joke got both of them laughing, laughing, and Lynch lit a cigarette.

He is also a little tired and busy, but isn't this what people do in this life?

He took two puffs of his cigarette, looked at the smoke he exhaled and said, "I'm not like you..." before smiling at Mr. Wardrick, "I didn't mean to mock you."

"You know, I really don't have a prominent family background. Since I entered the society, the thing I have been thinking about every day is how to sell myself at a good price."

"You have to understand that it is not easy for people to live in this world. If you can't sell yourself at a higher price, then you can only have the same fate as those who are the same as you in this life."

"I go to the factory and work for a lifetime. Maybe I will lose my job in the middle of it. Because I am unemployed and old, I can't get a full pension. In the end, I am driven out of the house by my family, and freeze to death or starve to death in a certain winter!"

"We struggle every day, Mr. Wardrick."

The words he said had a very peculiar flavor, and Mr. Wardrick looked at his handsome profile, a little lost.

Lynch glanced at him again and smiled, "You don't need to worry about these things, and you don't need to think 'Should I give it a **** try', no need."

"Some people are born on another level, and you don't need to learn that."

He saw some movement in Mr. Wardrick, but he did not encourage him.

Because Lynch is very clear, maybe in Mr. Wardrick's view, his performance today is amazing, but only he knows that this kind of magic cannot be replicated.

It's not as good as someone else.

He knows very well how to convince others. He has been doing these things almost all his life, and it has long since penetrated into his bones.

When he persuades a person, it is definitely not that the person is easy to be persuaded, but that he has special skills!

From Fox and his son, to Adelaide, the governor's uncle, to Mr. President, Mr. Truman...

If these people were really so easily persuaded, they would not have the status and achievements they are today!

Lynch's success looks very simple, but it is also the most difficult and unrepeatable!

What he challenges is the class order of the whole society, and this is not something an individual can do!

Mr. Wardrick felt a little regretful, and felt that what Lynch said was actually quite right. He may not have Lynch doing well. Most likely, he would screw things up!

He packed up his mood, don't expect Lynch's monologue to make him feel how much emotion and anger at the unfairness of this society, he is the most unfair handful.

"Then what shall we do next?"

he asks.

At this time, he felt that it would be better to listen to Lynch. At least he has experience that no one else has. For example, Blackstone Airlines has become the most powerful aircraft manufacturer in the Federation.

Lynch's answer is also that simple, "Build a few more assembly lines first. Once these chariots are used in the battlefield, orders will continue to flow."

"Our sales direction is not only domestic, but mainly to those allied countries, so that they have the means to fight the Pengios on the ground."

"Then continue to study, you have to understand, maybe all the big military factories now know about this."

"Their tank will be designed very soon, and we will have a lot of competitors by then."

"Staying ahead in technology is the only way we can go further!"

the next day.

After Gafra and the Ministry of Defense also signed a final cooperation agreement, His Excellency the Prime Minister took his people on board the cruise ship back to Gafra.

While standing at the port, Lynch suddenly asked Mr. Trueman a question, "What would happen if these people were sunk in the sea?"

Mr. Truman seriously thought about The world will end! "

In this regard, Lynch is skeptical.

After the departure of the Gefra delegation, the whole society has actually entered a state of war, and some factories have received a large number of orders from the government and the military, and began to produce work for the federal government.

At the same time, batches of soldiers began to be transferred to the northern border, and the president of the central government of Mariro also felt the huge pressure from the federation.

He has more than once called attention to the security of Mariro in the international community, saying that the federal invasion may become a reality anytime and anywhere, and he will try to negotiate with the federal government.

But Mr. Truman said to the public that all this was just a military exercise by the Federation on the border, and the Federation did not have any intention to take the lead in launching a war.

He hoped that President Mariro would not be so neurotic, and even said in a public response that the other party "should see a psychiatrist as soon as possible"

Mr. Trueman does not admit that war will break out, but everyone realizes that war can break out at any time!