Blackstone Code

Chapter 1545: world

The war just broke out when no one was prepared and where no one expected it.

The outburst seemed a bit hasty, but reasonable.

The entire international community doesn't know exactly what happened, but they can roughly guess what happened through some appearances!

For example, the seemingly "ambiguous" relationship between the Penteio Empire and Marillo.

Before and after the declaration of war by the Confederate States, the Penteo people had been supporting Mariro. At first everyone thought it was just a tactic of Penteo.

An operation to discredit the Federation in the international public opinion society, this is too normal!

Just like Gefla once always advertised himself as righteous, and those he defeated were all evil.

A powerful country not only needs to have a war force that matches its strength, but also needs to gain more recognition in the international community.

Some people have been analyzing why the Federation can rise so quickly?

It has only been more than ten years since the end of the First World War, so why has it developed into a powerful country without much controversy!

It is not marked as a military power or a technological power, and it has passed all the items!

Some people think that this is because the federal policy is very critical.

During the First World War, the open-door policy of the Federation allowed many elites who had escaped the war to emigrate to the Federation.

Rich businessmen, scientists, all walks of life, they all gather in this tolerant country.

Then these people, after settling down, started to shine!

The federal immigration policy has absorbed a lot of important blood for them, and with the development of economy and finance, an open society will inevitably create terrifying energy!

This is not a sudden outbreak, but the result of policies that have lasted for twenty or even thirty years!

No one's success is a pure coincidence, there are not so many coincidences in this world!

The federation is getting stronger and stronger, and has gained a lot of recognition in the international community. The World Development Council is a very remarkable achievement.

If you want to defeat the Federation, you must do it not only militarily, but also in all aspects.

Otherwise, you might be able to defeat the Federation militarily today, but with the Federation's strong productivity and technological research speed, it is not difficult for it to regain its standing at the forefront of the world.

Public opinion smear is a means.

Ulgrifying and discrediting the Federation will cause some people with moral and cleanliness to grow dissatisfied with the Federation—someone will always believe those public opinions!

As long as the federation's international image becomes bad and dirty, the purpose of the Pengjieao people will be achieved!

They really thought at first that this was all Penteo had done.

But from the current point of view, it is obvious that this matter is not that simple, and Penteio's solidarity with Mariro is not just solidarity.

On the second day after the Federation invaded Mariro, some unconfirmed rumors began to circulate.

For example, what did you say, "Mariro has completely surrendered to Penteio, and it will serve as Penteio's vassal state, launching a war against the Federation from the interior"

Or something like "Penteo's army has been lurking in Mariro, and they did what they did to attack the patrol before."

Behind every rumor, there is an allusion that the Federation's declaration of war on Mariro is not an invasion, but a defensive declaration of war!

You could even call it the "Great Patriotic War", as to why the Great Patriotic War started as an invasion on someone else's territory, that's another story.

Foreign Minister Penteo condemned the invasion of the Federals internationally, and at the same time mobilized forces to support Mariro.

"They supported Mariro with a large amount of military equipment and supplies, and it is said that some army officers..."

The newly appointed chief executive of the Ministry of International Affairs is called Tegrey, the son of the former president. He is young, handsome and elegant, and many middle-aged women like him very much.

Of course, there are more people who like Lynch, regardless of age group or race.

He was sitting in the conference room of the Presidential Palace talking about some international events in a very relaxed manner. He never refused to talk about his father, who was evaluated as a "dictatorship" and was impeached and lost power. Mr. President.

People won't dislike him because of that, in Federation, everyone is independent, so people won't easily connect them together, even if they are father and son.

Instead, people will praise him for his courage, affirm some of his efforts, and think he is a brave person.

Politics is so funny sometimes.

During the campaign of Mr. Truman, the Chairman of the Conservative Party Committee and some Conservative Party members also contributed to his victory, so in exchange, this young man, who is not really young, has become an important government official one.

As the Conservative Party, he holds a key position in the Progressive Party government.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he talked about what happened today, but he didn't show panic or anxiety.

These are all within everyone's expectations.

Valley wilt

They were already mentally prepared when they discovered that the Penteo people planned to secretly support Mariro and support their use of military means against the Federation.

Mr. Truman nodded slightly, and looked at the officials of the Ministry of Defense, "Can you intercept it?"

"After all, these supplies and officers will cause some harm to our soldiers. I don't want them to enter Mariro intact."

Unfortunately, the officer of the Ministry of National Defense shook his head, "According to the information we have obtained, they did not go from our more dominant Eastern Ocean, but from the Atlantic Ocean."

"We're in the Atlantic... don't have a lot of military presence, and don't have information on the shipping lanes they're traveling, so..."

Mr. Truman frowned slightly, "Why don't we have military deployments in the Atlantic Ocean?"

It can't be said that there are no, but there are only a few ports for supply, and they are all leased or borrowed from other people's ports.

He didn't pay much attention to these things before, and the construction at that time was all around the Eastern Ocean. After all, the shortest distance between the Federation and Peng Jieao was across the Eastern Ocean.

If you go to the Atlantic Ocean, it is equivalent to going half a circle, which is obviously not very smart.

Now that I think about it, this is indeed a problem.

Before the officer of the Ministry of National Defense could speak, Togre replied for him, "Because of Gafla, Mr. President."

"We need to take care of Gefra's emotions. If we deploy too many military fortifications in the Atlantic Ocean, it is very likely that the Gefra people will think it is used against them."

"So our military operations in the Atlantic are very minimal!"

-->Guevra----->Federation-------->Peng Jieao-----------------

The geographical locations of the three countries quickly appeared in Mr. Truman's mind. He recalled that there was a time when the federal people had a very strange idea.

They believe that the value of the Federation lies in helping Gafla protect the safety of the Eastern Ocean, and that it is Gefla's gateway to the world!

Of course, at that time, the federal people hadn't realized that Gefra, who was already too strong to find an enemy in their eyes, would be so... fragile!

Their Armada is not invincible at all, at least not against the Federation Navy!

In fact, after defeating Gefla's fleet, the federal people did not overly test and stimulate Gefla, but continued to maintain the duty of a "good ally".

Deploying military forces in the Atlantic Ocean is clearly not what good allies should do.

Mr. Truman pursed his lips and pondered for a while, "Call the Prime Minister of Gafla, and say that we hope they can intercept Penteo's transport ship."

Togre smiled and nodded in agreement, but then added another word, "I hope they will do that..."

This sentence made Mr. Truman stunned, and then he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, "That's their choice!"

Togre doesn't like Gefra, and he doesn't hesitate to show it. His clear stance is likely to be liked by Mr. Truman.

The Gefra people are not good people. In fact, the high level of the Federation has reached a consensus on this point.

After the war, they continued to blackmail the Federation's resources through negotiations, and it can be seen that the so-called "brothers" are just enemies who are good at disguising!

At least not real brothers!

Togre's accurate statement is to tell Mr. Truman that he is not a person full of illusions, and he can recognize the reality.

It's not like some people in the society are still talking about working with Gafla to maintain world peace!

The work of maintaining world peace can only be done by the federation itself. Others only need to be responsible for peace, not peacekeeping!

"I don't care about them, but we still have to express our position!"

After the meeting, Togre officially contacted the Prime Minister of Guevra, and in addition to the daily greetings, he also conveyed the thoughts of Mr. President.

Your Excellency the Prime Minister said that he would discuss it with the ministers, but did not give a clear answer.

At the same time, a civil conflict also occurred in the Ameria region.

It was just a civil The two parties in the conflict were the workers in the factory and the factory owner.

The factory owner is a businessman from Gefra. After the Amelia region became a free trade port, many local capitalists from Gefra gathered here.

There is no exploitation of the capitalists by the nobles here, nor is there any oppression by the nobles on them, there are not too many restrictions, and this place has become the paradise of these Gefra capitalists!

Coupled with the low labor cost of local workers, everyone is willing to locate the factory here.

The cause of the incident was that a worker injured his hand while working, and his little finger was crushed into minced meat by a machine in the factory, even the bone was crushed!

Obviously, this little thumb is completely finished.

The workers asked the factory owner to pay medical expenses and other compensations. The total price was about 3,000 francs, equivalent to about 4,000 federal sols.

Not long after the factory owner paid a portion, the worker came back from the hospital and demanded more compensation...