Blackstone Code

Chapter 155: Small power

"I need some advice!"

The mayor standing on the rostrum rubbed his temples, "Now there are more and more unemployed people in our city, and public security is getting worse and worse. It is said that some vicious cases have occurred in the surrounding cities. If there is no way to stop this In fact, the city we have built for decades will return to the original era!"

Everyone knows that destruction cannot bring prosperity, only construction can, but the current situation has forced some people to go where they do not want to.

If you can have food and clothing without committing crimes, and there are some people in your hands, the vast majority of people in this world are still willing to be good people.

But these words of the mayor also made some people frowned, because they just donated a sum of money not long ago, and now the mayor gathers them together to talk about how to save the city. It seems that he is him. I want to get some money from people's pockets.

This feeling is very bad, no one likes to be blackmailed, even if the people who blackmail them are the well-deserved masters of the city.

There was no other voice in the silent room. The mayor looked at these people with expectant eyes, hoping that they could come up with some way to solve this problem, but obviously, his hopes were a bit too optimistic.

No one spoke, everyone kept sitting like a gentleman looking at the mayor on the podium. They were like some kind of furnishings used to gather the number of people and were placed here.

The anticipation on the mayor's face gradually faded, his eyes swept across the faces of these people, people at best avoided looking at him, but he couldn't get the answer he wanted.

This is doomed to be a failed meeting. In fact, this incident was already foreseeable on Wednesday. When Lynch paid out 100,000 yuan, many people had to spend more money. The feeling of being robbed.

Afterwards, they investigate or do not investigate. In the end, some people may conclude that Lynch was not a "trust" arranged by the mayor, but they were still robbed.

If this were a few years ago, three to fifty thousand would be available to them anytime and anywhere, at that time everyone was still very rich.

Now everyone's life is not easy. It is actually very reluctant to take out three to fifty thousand. Everyone feels some pain.

Now the mayor's purpose of calling everyone together again, in fact, the people in this room are very clear, they know what the mayor wants, but they are unwilling to compromise, at least this time they will not compromise.

Endless compromises will only make the mayor blindly and wrongly estimate his own influence, but in fact people do not rely on him so much, and now they have a "example".

On Monday, the stock price of the Risteon Group began to plummet. Many people regarded this as interesting news. Sometimes the existence of such a dominant group company in a city is not a good thing for other small companies. .

Because the upward channel is basically a semi-closed state, the city hall will give priority to a large number of policies to this dominant local pillar enterprise, rather than supporting the development of small and micro enterprises in development.

Only when this group falls, most companies will get some new opportunities and some new policies, so they have been watching jokes, watching the stock price of Christoan Group all the way down, and some people even sell it. The purpose of getting Ristoan’s stock in his hand is to push it on the edge of the cliff.

This is also one of the reasons why people are willing to pay on Wednesday. People have seen the terrible city hall. He only expressed his opinion, and the stock of the Ristoan Group began to plummet. It is said that some announcements by Neo and the board of directors cannot change this fact.

Secondly, after the fall of Listoan, it is good for the businessmen in the city. They can buy the property of the Listoan Group at a low price, which is equivalent to making a lot of money. So they even bite the bullet , Also pay to support the mayor’s move.

However, the current situation is somewhat different. Neo said in public that he intends to end Ristoan’s business in Sabine and relocate the headquarters to the Conservative Party in the next state.

The mayor of the capital city of the neighboring state also stated on Friday night that they would try their best to introduce external forces to help their city tide over this crisis. Settled in the city, then the Listoan Group will provide no less than 3,000 jobs for their city.

This is only the early stage. By next year or the next year, they will provide more than 5,000 job opportunities, and this will make the citizens of the city cheer.

In fact, in the context of the current era, people's needs are really simple, that is, they will not be starved to death and have a job, especially a job.

Work represents a stable life for everyone in a family. Work is a must. At this time, there is nothing more important than employment opportunities, absolutely nothing.

Looking at it now, all this does not seem to be as simple as people imagined at the beginning. Ristoan may not have a retreat. It is possible that they have already found a retreat, so the mayor and governor will express their dissatisfaction with them.

The power of an example is infinite. Ristoan told people with his life experience that if they want to solve some of their troubles, the best way is to switch to the Conservative Party. Today, the Conservative Party is also facing the same troubles as the Progressive Party. , But they speak better.

People sat down and looked at the mayor, and the mayor also looked at them. In the end, the mayor still had to take the initiative to speak, which made him feel like he was humiliated, "I need you to provide more jobs..."

"It's impossible, sir!" Someone interrupted the mayor's speech directly, and this guy also attracted everyone's attention.

Lynch couldn't help looking curiously at this warrior with a brave heart. If he interrupted the mayor during the meeting, what kind of mind would he have to do such a thing?

It was a young man in his early thirties, about thirty-two or three. He even stood up on his own initiative. I have to say that he has a good appearance, of course he is not as good as Lynch.

He is calm and not mad, which shows that he knows what he is doing.

He looked at the mayor and continued to repeat what he had just said, "This is impossible, sir. I have a small metal processing factory behind me. I employ 27 workers. This is the largest scale I can maintain. ."

"Since the second half of last year, the things I produce can be said to have been difficult to sell, but I still maintain this scale and I still pay the workers, although in the eyes of some people, I follow the "Hourly Wage Law". "It is unethical to pay the lowest standard wages, but at least I let these workers get a salary from me every month!"

"Starting from May this year, I have not received even a penny in return for three months. I can no longer support the wages of this factory and those workers. Don’t talk about hiring more workers. If I don’t get paid by October To find a way out, I have to shut down my factory, so it is impossible for me to recruit more jobs at all!"

"And!", his voice slammed, so that the mayor's scalp went numb, he pursed his mouth, staring at the man, and the young man continued, "and I think the current city of Sabine The problem cannot be solved by increasing job opportunities. Our problem is that our products have no market. Your Excellency the mayor, as well as the state and federal governments, should help us find a market instead of letting us take responsibility. Responsibility!"

These words were very high-sounding, at least in Lynch's opinion. Others began to applaud one after another. The applause soon became a burst of applause, which made the mayor's face worse.

In fact, there are many things in what he said are correct. If you can't sell things, companies can't get profits and repayments, and it's impossible to feed workers.

At this time, letting factory owners and entrepreneurs add new jobs. How is this different from stealing their money?

His words represent the true feelings of many businessmen at this time, and they will support him as a matter of course.

The mayor looked at the young man and wrote down his appearance, but the young man didn't seem to be afraid from the mayor's "malicious" gaze, and he was not afraid at all.

This makes it inevitable that the mayor will not guess some of the things behind him, maybe he came from the arrangement of Ristoan and Neo.

The applause soon subsided. They knew that if the applause lasted too long, it might make some things worse. All they needed was to show their attitude, not to confront the mayor.

Not everyone can leave the city, like the Ristoan Group.

Going to other cities can certainly get rid of some of the current such as workers’ wages, but new cities will have more severe competition and policy pressures. If they can’t be like Ristoan It affects the lives of most people, and it is better for them not to run around.

The mayor squeezed the bridge of his nose, he raised his hand to let the young people sit down, and then apologized to everyone, "I ignored your pressure in this area..." This is already the most apology he can do. , Everyone accepted it happily.

"Then can anyone give some solutions? I don't ask any of you to solve the problems that even the President can't solve at present, but at least it can alleviate it. Our situation is very bad!"

In the face of the mayor's inquiry, people still remained silent. At this time, whoever has a solution is against the capitalists of the entire city of Sabine.

Looking at the meeting room where no one responded, the mayor realized for the first time that some things were not as easy to solve as before, and his face became worse. During his patrol, he saw Lin sitting in the corner. strange.

It reminded him of what Lynch said when he had dinner with Lynch last week.