Blackstone Code

Chapter 1557: flesh and blood

A third of the city of Mariro was in ruins under bombardment.

On the issue of Marillo, the attitude of the federal government and the military is slightly more relaxed than Lynch's attitude towards the thugs there in the Ameria area.

At least they didn't bomb a wave of buildings first, and then use cluster bombs to clean up the living force, they just used the "clown" to bomb these cities.

And before the bombing, the federal government also broadcast locally, telling people there, at what time, the federal bombers will drop bombs.

People didn't believe it at first, although after the disbelievers and the city became ruins, people believed.

People can only watch the home they have lived in completely destroyed in the explosion, they can't even resist!

War is cruel, perhaps this is the last reservation of human nature in cruelty, right? !

After closing the materials in his hand, Lynch's attention returned from the materials to the person presiding over the meeting.

"...So far, there are more than two million Marillos who are willing to accept our temporary management, and the number is still increasing."

The host talked and put some materials on the screen in the form of slideshows.

Above are some pictures of the Marillo front line, groups of people carrying packages, looking like people fleeing from the famine are registering their identities in front of the concentration camps.

Then some pictures of the concentration camp were played.

"We let this group of people do hard physical work every day, build railways, build new concentration camps, and weed out some of those who didn't obey the management."

"The rest, they're more manageable than others."

"Just give them something to eat, give them a place in these houses they built themselves, and they'll be able to do their jobs."

"The purpose of this meeting today, and to invite everyone here, is to discuss these things."

"We can't always keep these people...!"

It sounds like the host is a little scary, but in fact the concentration camp here is not some kind of slaughterhouse for killing someone, it is a pure concentration camp.

Gather the obedient people together, that's all.

From the federal government's point of view, fighting Mariro was a very unexpected stress response. If Pongio and Mariro had not secretly negotiated some cooperation, the federal government would never have sent troops to attack Mariro so soon.

Maybe it will take longer, if the Marillo government and their big president can understand the situation, maybe the Federation will not use force against Mariro!

So this war was started by the Marillos forcing the Federation.

The war progressed smoothly, but at the same time there was a problem, such as... what about those people?

What about the Mariros who lost their homes in the war, Mariro is not like other regions.

In this place where warlords have been fighting for years, the people you see can be either civilians or militants, the only difference is whether they have weapons in their hands and whether they have the intention to attack!

The war has destroyed their homeland, and some people will definitely have hatred and malice towards the Federation. This part can be destroyed by humane means, such as the death penalty.

There are some people who have no ill will towards the Federation and are willing to obey the management. They cannot be killed.

Generally speaking, social management of occupied territories is a strategy formulated before the war begins.

Once these situations occur in the war, what changes are encountered and what should be done, there will be sufficient countermeasures at the beginning.

But the war broke out so quickly that none of these plans had time.

So now the problem has arisen. The federal government can no longer spend a long time to study bit by bit. President Truman slapped his forehead and had an idea.

That's why today's conference was born.

Lynch glanced at the other shareholders, and the board members and major shareholders of the joint development company's retiring company were called.

Everyone was simply communicating with each other with their eyes. Before they came, they didn't know it was going to happen.

It was supposed to be Mr. Geruno who spoke first, but unfortunately he was already finished.

Lynch is also a good candidate to speak, but his relationship with Mr. Truman is very special, and his opening may be misunderstood that they have negotiated between them.

So Lynch didn't speak.

After going around, the six major banks elected a spokesperson, the plenipotentiary representative of the Federal Savings Bank.

"Shareholders, directors, and ladies and gentlemen, may I think that the core of our meeting is to talk about the federal government's subsequent development and maintenance of Mariro to us?"

In a word, Chi Guoguo said enough, and everyone's attention was concentrated, including Lynch.

Mariro's population is not that large. According to the last count by their government, there are more than 11 million people.

Valley Crab

Even if some of them are not counted, in fact, it will not be much worse, and it may even be a little less.

Because of the war!

Wars between warlords are deadly, and wars between gangs are deadly.

In addition, Mariro's society is not stable enough, medicine is not developed enough and other factors, the number of births is not too large, and there are not too many people who can successfully grow up in the end.

But in any case, this is a population of more than 10 million. If they are handed over to the federal government for management, the federal government is not willing to take these responsibilities.

The example of Nagalil still exists, and people also see the value of the joint development company in their eyes. Mr. President means that he simply takes down Mariro and does not occupy it.

By handing over the size of the country to a joint development company, the federal government sidesteps the moral and ethical issues while addressing the federal government's burden.

On the contrary, because of the intervention of the joint development company, it can bring greater profits and taxes to the federation. This is like shooting down a group of ducks with one shot!

The host in charge of presiding over the meeting didn't hide it either, he nodded and admitted, "That's true!"

"The next work of the federal government will focus on the war with the outside world, and there is no manpower to deal with Mariro-related issues, management, and reconstruction."

"We thought about the joint development company's cooperation with the government on Nagalil, so we thought of you first."

The representative of the Federal Savings Bank raised a more important question, "What is the difference between Mariro and Nagalil in terms of policy?"

"We all know that Mariro's situation is different from Nagalil. Nagalils are very lazy, but they are also easy to manage. Their biggest resistance is to lie down and not work."

"But in Mariro, if there is resistance, there will be bloodshed and even shootings..."

All the people in the joint development company nodded, Nagalil was too good to manage, and those people seemed to be incapable of resisting.

Even if you push too hard and make you feel like you're going too far, they can endure it.

Even if they couldn't bear it, they would at most change their jobs. They wouldn't resist, wouldn't attack, and they were more docile than cows.

At least cows sometimes get angry and slap you with their horns, and they just walk away silently.

But Mariro's situation is another typical extreme case. Almost everyone is a militant. In dealing with some measures of Mariro, we cannot be as lenient as Nagalil.

Many of them must be supported by the federal government or even the military, otherwise it will not go on at all.

The host also kept nodding, and then he smiled and said, "The federal government's request is only one point, 60 percent of the tax..."

At this moment, someone interrupted his speech, and his tone was a little indifferent, "This is impossible!"

Only about 30 percent of JDC's proceeds in Nagalil will eventually go to the federal government.

And this 30 percent is not the final number, it may end up being only 22 to 25 percent.

But now, the tax required by the federal government has reached 60%, which is equivalent to doubling the previous tax, which is simply unbearable for shareholders.

Even if the tax is reduced through various methods, the best result is half and half with the federal government.

No one can accept this!

The host didn't get annoyed that he was interrupted, he just kept smiling, and after the gentleman finished speaking, he continued, "This is the only requirement of the federal government."

"We only need 60% of the tax revenue. In addition, the local management and administrative powers can be handed over to you for management, including import and export trade and tariffs..."

"We will not interfere in any of these. Our only requirement is 60% tax!"

If people were very disgusted with this proposal at first, they thought that 60% was too much!

So now people suddenly feel that, in fact, this is not After all, the federal government is not easy, right?

Falling into the silent conference room again, people once again conveyed some information through their eyes,

Now Nagalil's tariffs are completely in the hands of the new federation, which is the Nagalil coalition government.

But how this part of the money is used, a large half of the federal government has the final say.

Shareholders can get some benefits, but not many. After all, such things as tariffs have already involved the core sovereignty of a country, and the federation is actually not that ugly.

I didn't fight for it at the time, and if I want to fight for it now, it's too late.

But Marilo...

"You can discuss it, I'll leave with my colleagues for a while."

The host consciously left with the people from the federal government. After they left, the door of the conference room closed again, and the whole conference room became lively...