Blackstone Code

Chapter 1581: undeclared war

Going to war with the Federation early was not a reckless decision.

Guevra exposed their weakness in the present age, and they couldn't even make Pongio's emperor see them as real opponents.

So naturally, they will draw out their hands to deal with the Federation, this more terrifying enemy!

The Federation cannot wait for the Federation to solve the problem in the north and "export" it with all its strength, and let them fall into all kinds of troubles. This is the experience and lessons brought by the Pongio Empire's thousands of years of conquest history.

You make your opponent better prepare to withdraw their arms without any worries, and the next punch will definitely hit you with gold stars.

As long as you make him battered, his fists won't hurt so much!

For the decision of the emperor of the Pongio Empire, the ministers, as ever before, chose unconditional support.

The huge empire began to turn, and at the same time those vassals that were always preparing to fight for the suzerain, also began to prepare.

At the end of August, the beginning of September, a fleet departed from the Commonwealth port and sailed for Nagalil.

Nagalil is currently the largest rough-processing factory in the Federation, which undertakes almost 70% of the rough-processing operations in the Federation.

Because the labor force is too cheap, even the factory owners do not need to arrange any advanced machinery there. Some simple human-operated molds can support the huge production capacity.

No way, labor is so **** cheap. Compared to buying assembly lines and large-scale production machinery, these costs can employ more people to produce until the factory doesn't need these things!

With the outbreak of the war, all the production capacity of the Federation was activated, and a large number of government orders activated the overall industrial environment of the Federation.

Recruitment posters are everywhere, and the workers' union is busier than ever.

In fact, many people think that this is the best time for the Federation!

There are only people who are unwilling to work, there are no people who want to work and can't find work!

The domestic production capacity of the Federation was maximized, and the reliance on various roughing operations in Nagalil became greater.

This fleet is to send some industrial raw material additives that need to be synthesized or manufactured in the Federation to Nagalil, and then bring back the finished raw materials or parts.

From the Federation to Nagalil, it only takes three or four days, which is not a long time for sailors.

Those ocean-going fishing boats are floating on the water all year round, and this trip is like taking a nap in life.

The captain in charge of this transport mission has just finished communicating with the captains of other transport ships. This kind of inquiry will be carried out every once in a while to determine the status of each transport ship.

He walked out of the captain's room and held his hat with one hand. Today's sea breeze is a bit strong, and the ship has obvious ups and downs in the process of advancing.

The sailors on deck were chatting.

Smoking, drinking, gambling, this is the most faithful companion of sailors on the sea!

The captain didn't want to correct their behavior either. When he was younger he thought the sailors shouldn't do it, but now, he doesn't feel that way anymore.

Some people saw the captain and greeted him, and some people invited the captain to play a few games together, but the captain refused with a smile.

Although he didn't object, he wouldn't participate, which would give these young people a false sense of perception that...the captain encouraged them to relax so much.

In the sea, there are so many things that can happen, he may not be able to restrain everyone, but he will not encourage people to go over something step by step.

"Two days left."

The captain went back to the dining room and got a little something, and the first mate was there.

The two sat together and chatted about something that didn't make any sense.

The first officer nodded, "I'm a little worried."

The captain was a little surprised. He stopped dividing the food and looked at the first officer, "What are you worried about?"

"We have traveled this channel many times, and there will be no problems..."

The captain looked at the first officer seriously, "I have strong confidence in this!"

The first mate shook his head, "It's not a problem with the channel."

Due to the lack of advanced positioning systems in this period, navigation on the sea often relied on charts and sextants.

Perhaps many people will say that these are the most basic common sense, knowledge that all sailors must master, and nothing extraordinary.

But in fact it is not a simple thing, just like deep communication of feelings, which is essentially the same thing, everyone will.

But some people just make each other happy, and some people just care about their own happiness, or no one is happy.

On the sea without reference, you don't know how many nautical miles you have sailed in a certain period of time, and you don't know if your orientation is wrong.

Sometimes a few degrees of deviation can deviate far from the course.

This is not an easy task!

The captain thought the first mate's unease stemmed from the voyage, but he didn't think he had guessed wrong.

So, he asked, "Why is that?"

The first officer took some food into the bag, chewed it a few times, and swallowed, "War."

"Our goals are too big..."

As we all know, the Federation and Gavra fought a battle with Penggio in the Bullhorn Strait. The Gavra fleet suffered heavy losses, and the Federation also lost more than 40 aircraft. Fortunately, the pilots rescued a lot, but Twenty-seven people are still missing.

Missing at sea, there is basically no need to search, which also means that these twenty-seven people have died.

The federal government claimed that more than 100 planes were destroyed by Pongio, which was the heaviest loss to Pongio since the war began in a local area.

Now, all over the world, great revanchism is always in vogue!

Revenge for revenge is the core of great revanchism.

Pengjiao suffered such a heavy loss this time, and there is no reason not to go back in revenge.

They may not have enough strength to defeat the federal military stronghold from the front, but there will certainly be no worries about the civilian transport team.

It is difficult to hide such a large-scale transportation team this time, which is also what worries the first officer the most.

They are just too big!

It is impossible to stop the attention of those who are interested. Once they stare at the fleet, it will be a nightmare for everyone!

The captain smiled and shook his head, "They sent four warships to protect us, your worries are unnecessary."

"And Penggio has not declared war on the Federation. In a short period of time, there will be no large-scale fighting between our two sides."

"There may be small frictions, the ones you worry about, not."

The first officer was silent for a while, then nodded, "I hope so."

The chat between the captain and the first officer was not pleasant at all, and he left the dining room quickly after eating.

As people get older, they tend to get sleepy, especially after eating.

He walked around on the boat, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, before returning to his room, he explained to the chief mate and assistant that if there was anything, he would go to his bedroom to find him.

He needs to rest for a while, about ninety to one hundred and twenty minutes.

The huge transport team rode the wind and waves on the sea, the laughter of sailors drifted in the air, no one was worried, this was a leisurely day.

But just under the sea not far from here, some submarines are cruising slowly.

The transformation of submarines to naval warfare is as huge as the transformation of aircraft to land warfare!

You can't see the enemy, but the enemy can not only see you, they can attack you, and even sink you!

This is the value of the existence of submarines!

When the Federation's spies returned the information, Pongio immediately decided to intercept the transport ships, and at the same time launched a war against Nagalil, involving the Federation's front and attention.

By the time the Federals got the news, Pongio's army from Harduo had completed the landing plan.

The fleet in the distance seemed to be approaching slowly. At a distance from the fleet, many bubbles suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and then one after another torpedoes hidden under the sea had obvious traces, heading straight towards the transport ship. Team hits!

The sailor who had just gambled his salary for a month was smoking a cigarette with a depressed face, leaning on the side of the ship to soothe his mood.

In gambling, it's hard to say who can win or lose all the time.

He has won several times before, and each time he won a lot of money, at least half a year's salary, and at most two or three years' salary.

But the sailor doesn't save money, or can't save money, and every time he arrives on a land, he will splurge on enjoyment.

This is also the truest portrayal of sailors. They may not be able to live until the day they retire, so having fun is their attitude towards life.

The cigarettes were getting fewer and fewer. At the last puff, he turned around and threw the cigarette **** into the sea. Just when he was about to borrow some money from others and then gamble, he seemed to see something the moment he turned around.

He turned around sharply, staring at the sea not far away, the waves of white bubbles were clearly visible...

The creature's instinct made his hair stand He wanted to shout out, but his throat seemed to be stuck by something terrible, and he couldn't make a sound!

He turned and ran frantically towards the captain's room, but he was running too slowly!

Just when he had grabbed the handrail of the gangway and was about to rush up, a huge thrust that did not belong to the waves clearly came from one side of the hull!

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be an invisible force that spread all over the hull in an instant, and even penetrated through his body!

He lost his balance and fell to the ground, followed by an explosion, and the sailor fell into a coma!

Then the four naval destroyers serving as frigates immediately sounded a harsh siren, and there was no doubt that they were attacked!

The commander of the destroyer wanted to spread the news of the attack as soon as possible, but now there is serious radio interference in the entire sea area.

In the distance, there are several very strange ships that look like huge coffins floating on the sea...