Blackstone Code

Chapter 1607: unconventional warfare

Chapter 1606 Unconventional Warfare

The expansion of Blackstone Airlines made the governor of York State call Lynch at night, thanking Lynch for his promotion of York State's industrial cause and providing so many jobs for York State.

The main production line of Blackstone Aviation is in York State, which is also the state with the most dense power in Lynch.

Almost from bottom to top, from private companies to government departments, there are people he knows, or relationships he can get in touch with.

Arranging the assembly line of Blackstone Airlines in York State, in addition to getting more preferential policies, is actually a mutually beneficial political investment.

He got various preferential policies, and the newly appointed governor, who was eager to express himself in front of state voters, also came up with a very beautiful answer sheet.

People will always compare.

They will compare how the previous governor did and how the current governor is doing.

People are not afraid of having high goals and high pursuits at all, what they are most afraid of is comparing themselves with others.

There is always someone who is better than you, even if you have reached the peak in a certain field, no one can be better than you, and people will compare you to others with what you are not good at.

Even God can't bear this kind of comparison, let alone human beings?

Fortunately, a large number of job pre-recruitments have eased the anxiety of the new governor, which has also brought closer ties between the two parties.

This new governor is still very young, thirty-eight years old, and he comes from a certain political family. He still has a promising future.

I learned from Mr. Truman that the new governor has a high probability of entering Congress, and is still a senator, and may even hit the position of president in 20 to 30 years.

In addition to thanking Lynch for everything he has done for York State, he also expressed his regret for Nell's departure.

He told Lynch that York State would award Nell an "Outstanding Entrepreneur" title for all he had done for York State.

This is actually not absurd or nonsense, the role of wealth is fully demonstrated in the federation.

The world won't stop just because of Nell's departure, life will continue. People regained their mood and started on the road again.

At nine o'clock on Monday morning, Lynch arrived at the Department of Defense for a closed-door meeting.

The content of the meeting revolved around the current military confrontation in Nagalil. To put it simply, the federal military seems to want to slightly adjust the current rhythm of the war.

From the outbreak of the war to the present, except for the fact that the Federation took the lead when dealing with Mariro, other battlefields and military operations were actually being led by the nose by the Penteio military group.

Wherever they fight, the federal people will go to save it, which is very passive.

Originally, Lynch was not qualified to participate in such high-level government and military meetings that might affect national security and the world situation.

But he has a Blackstone security in his hand, and he is also one of the largest suppliers of military equipment to the federal defense and military. In addition, part of the content of this meeting requires his cooperation, which is why he participated.

Lynch came to the conference room on time and greeted some generals. He was very familiar with many people here.

As for those who don't know Lynch, they all know him through his badge—

Senior Advisor to the Federal Security Council.

The Security Committee has the background and nature of the military. If Congress is not afraid that too many violent departments are under the control of the military and some things may get out of control, then this department will definitely be managed by the military in the end.

But no matter what, at least Lynch is one of his own.

More than ten minutes before the official meeting, Lynch was flipping through the documents, when suddenly an officer ran in from the outside and whispered "Mr. President is here", everyone stopped their hands work.

They found their seats and stood there. About 20 to 30 seconds later, the door of the meeting room was pushed open by Mr. President's bodyguard. Mr. President quickly walked to his seat while raising his hand to greet everyone. Down.

"Let's skip the unnecessary formalities, gentlemen, and let's get straight to what I have to say. I have limited time."

The attack on Nagalil and the landing of the Penteo military group had a great impact on all walks of life in the entire Federation.

The most notable thing is that people's cost of living has become higher in an instant!

You know, because of the climate, Nagalil is relatively warm even in winter. Since the establishment of Nagalil, it has become the largest food supply place in the Federation.

A large amount of cheap crops and edible meat were transported from Nagalil to the Federation to meet the physical needs of the Federation and also reduce the market price of these things.

Now that Nagalil is suffering from war, the crops of the new season have not been harvested in time, which will inevitably lead to a shortage of food supplies for the Federation in autumn and winter.

The price of food has started to rise with the market behavior, which is terrible!

Once people don't have enough to eat, it will cause many problems.

So Mr. Truman is very busy these days. He keeps talking to the heads of other countries, or coordinating the material supply of the World Development Committee, so as to find a way to solve or slow down the problem of rising federal food prices.

Mr. President had a suggestion, and the others would naturally not object, and they all sat down one after another.

The meeting was chaired by a colonel who addressed directly the situation in Nagalil.

"At present, we have sent more than 350,000 troops to Nagalil, and the first and second fleets are also docked in the northern Gulf of Nagalil. A total of about 4,000 aircraft of various types are gathering in Nagalil. The assembly will be completed within three days..."

Mr. Truman is also taking notes, which is his habit. As a soldier, as an aide, and now, he is used to recording some important things in his notebook.

When he is not so busy and has time to rest, he will take out his notebook and revisit the recorded things, and sometimes he will gain something new.

At this moment, he stopped writing and raised his head to look at the colonel officer, "Our number looks quite large."

The colonel pursed his lips and shook his head, "According to the information we have received, the internal meeting of the Penteo Military Group discussed that it is estimated that more than one million troops will be stationed in Nagalil."

"At present, we have clearly detected more than 400,000, and they are still gathering..."

Mr. Truman's expression became a lot more dignified, "Is there a way to intercept or prevent them from continuing to transport troops to Nagalil?"


Too much!

The Federals may not be ready for the first time to participate in the war, but they will encounter a large-scale war with a size of one million troops. If they can control the sea lanes and prevent them from gathering smoothly, it may be of great help to solve the crisis in Nagalil. help.

The officer then shook his head, "Penteo's military group has too many planes. If we can't ensure that air supremacy is in our hands, it will be difficult for the navy to cooperate with the army to attack the current enemy-occupied area..."

For the first time, the Federation, which has always controlled the initiative of the war through the Air Force, has encountered a big problem. The aircraft of the Penteio military group may not be as good as the aircraft of the Federation, but they have a large number.

Two to one, three to one, or else to give up large-scale dogfights and concentrate superior firepower on three to five, seven to eight or even ten to one head office, right?

The result of this is that it is difficult for the Federation to fully control the air supremacy. Once the ground and navy advance, there is a great risk of encountering air attacks.

Some people also suggested that it is not necessary to have all the air supremacy on the battlefield, but only need to ensure the air supremacy directly above the ground troops and the naval battlefield within a certain range.

But this is not something that can be done when you say it. In short, on the Nagalil battlefield, the most explosive thing is the air battle in various regions.

For the natives of Nagalil, this simply opened the door to a new world, and it also allowed them to truly know this world for the first time!

Every day, there are planes falling from the sky with black smoke, and these Nagalil natives will quickly run towards the place where they fell.

Whether it is the aircraft of the Federation or the aircraft of the Peng Jieao Military Group, basically all of them use new aluminum alloy fuselages.

A metal fuselage means money, even a crashed plane!

Even because it happened to be the plane that crashed, people can laugh unscrupulously to "pick up money".

The Federals openly salvage any wreckage, and the price ranges from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the integrity of the wreckage.

For example, some planes only hit, and the structure itself did not suffer any fatal lacerations. When it landed, it also landed in a place with dense vegetation, and it was relatively well preserved.

This kind of federal is willing to recycle at a price of 8,000 to 15,000, which is very attractive to Nagalilians.

Even if these people are at risk!

The Air Force can't start the situation, so there won't be too many battles in a short time, but the Ministry of Defense still hopes that Lynch can complete the order as soon as possible.

They are even willing to let some engineers help Lynch build his factory and assembly line.

After listening to the colonel officer explain the current war situation and give him a negative answer, Mr. Truman couldn't help but took out a cigarette. He took a sip and coughed twice.

But the smoke inhaled in his lungs did not make him uncomfortable, but made him a lot more comfortable.

"please continue…"

The colonel's next topic turned to Lynch.

"Mr. Lynch's Blackstone Security Special Tactics Team performed very well in the Mariro rescue operation, and then Mr. Lynch and Blackstone Security also provided an operation report."

"And Mr. Lynch himself provided a very special report. After our careful review, we think it is necessary to take it out as one of the contents of today's meeting and talk about it in detail."

"This report is called..."

"Unconventional Warfare"