Blackstone Code

Chapter 1622: negotiations and raids

Chapter 1621 Negotiation and Raid

Any bit of good news on the front line can bring a huge boost to the morale of the Federation.

Envoy Gefrat stood by the window and looked at the people in the city who spontaneously organized to celebrate, with some indescribable disgust in his expression.

What he hated was not these jubilant people, nor the noise they made, but what he hated was Gefla's weakness!

As an aristocrat of Gefla, who once cast and witnessed the most glorious era of Gefla, he hates everything now!

The Federals achieved a victory on the Nagalil battlefield, although he wanted to say that this insignificant victory would not bring much change to the entire war situation in Nagalil.

But he still couldn't say that, because he knew that he was jealous, hated, and disgusted, because the federal people could not only counterattack but also win in the face of the powerful Penteio Army.

However, once the master of an era, the once great Gafla, could only hit the wall again and again, and even needed the military assistance of the federal people to fight against it.

He raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. There were still thirty minutes before the agreed time, and he tried his best to calm down the fluctuating emotions in his heart.

It is not for nothing that Mr. President of the Federation put this negotiation at the time when the victory is being reported.

He wanted to use the Federal Army's victory on the front line to suppress himself mentally.

This made the special envoy very unhappy, but there was no good way.

The situation in Gefra is indeed not very good now. After losing the help of the Federal Army, they no longer have the ability to launch an attack on the occupied area of ​​​​Penteo.

On the contrary, the Penteo people and the locals began to tentatively launch small-scale attacks on the iron barrel defense line, and they kept looking for weak spots in the defense line.

Don't look at the sudden outbreak of each attack, and the end is also very fast, but everyone knows it.

As long as they find the right opportunity, a tentative small-scale attack can immediately evolve into a large-scale general attack.

The situation in Amelia is more serious than what they said, and even Mr. President sent him a message in private, and if necessary, an appropriate compromise can be made.

Twenty-five minutes before the negotiations, the door of the room rang. It was people from the Federal Security Council. They asked the special envoy to leave the hotel and go to the presidential palace.

Coming out of the room, he took the elevator to the first floor of the hotel under the full protection of the security committee agents.

There were some people in the hall on the first floor. They looked at the special envoy curiously or not so curiously. The federal people would not have any friendly eyes on those with privileges.

Those eyes made the envoy uncomfortable, and he quickened his pace.

The entire convoy stopped at the door, and when the special envoy was about to go out, he was slightly stopped by someone.

"Just a moment please…"

The security committee agent who blocked him just said this with a smile. The special envoy noticed that another guy with his own shape and hairstyle suddenly pushed him away, walked out from the main entrance, and got into the car.

And he was still standing in the cubicle of the hotel door—

The gate of the hotel has two floors, the first floor is the outermost, and then there is a short passage about five meters in the middle, the ground is covered with carpet, and then the second gate.

This design is mainly to allow a simple boundary between the hotel lobby and the outside world. For example, in a rainy day, if there is no such passage, the ground of the hotel will be dirty and always wet.

But with such a channel, it not only makes the hotel look more dignified, but also isolates a lot of dust, sewage and so on.

When people pass through the middle passage, the dust and dirt on the bottom of their feet will stay on the dirt-resistant carpets, and when they enter the hall, they will not stain the hall floor.

Moreover, the use of glass with different colors on the two doors can also protect the environment in the hall.

The special envoy just frowned and realized what was going on.

"Someone is going to assassinate me?"

The security committee agent smiled and did not admit or deny it. After the convoy had left, three more vehicles came before he came out with the special envoy and got into the one in the middle.

The three cars then headed in the opposite direction of the previous convoy.

No one explained to the special envoy why this was done, but the special envoy already had his own guesses.

The fact is indeed as he thought.

Some spies have discovered these things, and they are planning to assassinate the envoy.

Once the special envoy is assassinated, it will be difficult to continue the negotiations between the Federation and Gafla in a short period of time.

This actually involves some deeper issues, because this is a "negotiation", which is tantamount to telling people that Gefla and the Federation are not on the same side on certain issues!

The international situation and diplomacy are never static. If the special envoy was really assassinated, then the Gefra people must have doubts, how did this assassination happen?

Even if the Prime Minister can suppress all the doubts in his heart, this cannot guarantee that other nobles and other politicians will not think in a wrong way.

They will think, is this a way for the Federation to put pressure on them, otherwise why would the special envoy die in Bupain?

That was the heartland of the federation, and they would not believe that Peng Jieo's assassins could easily assassinate the special envoy in the heartland of a country.

Or is this really a conspiracy by the Penteo people?

In any case, the negotiation cannot continue in a short time, which is a good thing for the Penteo Empire.

War is indeed the easiest way to settle disputes, but it is not the only one!

The motorcade on the other side left the hotel and drove directly towards the Presidential Palace. It was only 20 minutes away from the Bupain Hotel to the Presidential Palace.

Before the convoy departed, the entire street was cleaned, the Security Council, Military Intelligence, Homeland Security...

Almost all intelligence agencies have been dispatched, with strict control around the route.

Mr. Truman also knew about this, and he was somewhat dissatisfied.

Today Penteio's people can try to launch an attack on the special envoy, and tomorrow they may launch an attack on the presidential palace!

But the only thing that can make people less angry is that this information was learned by the Security Committee in advance.

Through some means, they dug up the information of several deep divers, but they did not arrest them immediately, but built a strict monitoring network around these people.

The information obtained this time was also through these people.

The security agencies in the federal territory began to step up their internal cleanup efforts. Maybe they couldn't catch everyone, but they could ensure that as many people as possible were caught.

The convoy was still about ten minutes away from the presidential palace. When passing an intersection, a large truck suddenly rushed towards the convoy from the side lane out of control, and then there was the characteristic engine sound of motorcycles behind the convoy.

Some people were well dressed and rushed over on motorcycles!

At the same time, the special envoy has arrived at the office building of the Ministry of International Affairs, which is very close to the presidential palace.

When he got out of the car, he was still a little puzzled. He had said that the negotiations would be held in the presidential palace, but he was sent to the International Affairs Department instead.

He knew the head of the Ministry of International Affairs, a very hard radical.

When he was the representative of the Federation in the World Development Committee, he was extremely tough. Almost all the agreed rules he promoted were not passed.

Likewise, most of what he objected to failed to pass in the end.

In the World Development Committee, some people called him a "tyrant". In addition to being tough, he was also very clever.

Although most people are dissatisfied with him, they are willing to support him in terms of work.

Of course, this is actually inevitable.

His father is the president of the Federation, his family, and the connections he has access to make him better than others.

More importantly, he has confidence!

He once said in the media that he would make up for what his father owed the country.

He and his father can be regarded as typical examples of two extremes, one is known as the "father of modern escapism", and the other is now extremely radical and tough.

And this can be regarded as the most amazing point of federal politics. As long as society needs it, politicians can completely become what people need.

It's just that the script has been acted for a long time, so it's inevitable that I will get into the drama too deeply.

Special Envoy Gefra, who had rearranged his attire, entered the office building under the protection of the security committee agents. As soon as he sat down in the conference room, an explosion occurred on a street corner not far away.

He glanced over there, as if realizing something.

But soon, he took his attention away from the explosion.

Someone was trying to assassinate him, he was angry, and he had some fear, but these were obviously less important than Gefla's future.

The following negotiations became very boring, everyone was emphasizing their views, their needs, and the purpose and necessity of doing so...

No one was willing to make concessions. When the special envoy heard that the other party wanted to use the customs rights of the Ameria region as a mortgage, he immediately expressed that this was impossible.

It's just... his acting skills are a little exaggerated, maybe the acting style of the aristocratic genre is like this, and it is necessary to highlight the inner emotional changes through large-scale movements.

But the movement was too big, and the top official of the International Affairs discovered that he was acting.

Amelia is different from Nagalil, although both can be considered colonies in terms of "attributes".

But the colonial countries are different. If the Federation loses Nagalil, at most, the economy will be hit hard, and it will not have a particularly terrible impact on the national strength.

Gefra is different. Once they lose the Amelia region, they will have little chance of gaining another continent to develop.

Losing Amelia, for them, means losing everything.

However, now Amelia has almost shown signs of failure.

Without the military assistance of the Federation, Amelia would not be able to last for too long. The island of Gefra is too small, and its productivity is extremely limited. A small island cannot support the grand strategy of a continent.

This is also Gefla's weakness!

So when the federal people raised questions about the rights of Amélia, the special envoy and even the prime minister were more receptive!