Blackstone Code

Chapter 1626: What were you doing on your 26th birthda

Chapter 1625 What were you doing on your twenty-sixth birthday?

Sometimes, what you think is "a little ahead" is just "a little bit".

But in fact, this "point" is an insurmountable "point" for 99.9% of people.

Since the Flight Research Institute developed a wind tunnel under Lynch's suggestion, and introduced fluid mechanics and dynamics into the design of new fighter jets, the fighter jets produced by Blackstone Aviation have now achieved a leap of the times, at least in terms of design and performance!

Faster and more stable, that's more than enough for a fighter.

When others were still eating ashes behind their backs, Blackstone Aviation's fighter jets had a big boost and completed the offensive and defensive swaps!

In this era of air combat that still needs machine sights, flying fast and stably is really more important than anything else!

And if you don't know the inside story of these things, how they are designed, what is the concept and direction of the design, let alone catch up, you can't even eat farts!

After the Air Force Minister explained the situation, His Majesty the Emperor agreed to use some less compliant means to find ways to obtain these contents.

He didn't ask in detail, the fewer people know about some tasks, the higher the success rate of the task.

It was October 10th of the year again. Since the outbreak of the war, the Federation's economy has rebounded after a severe setback in the past few months. The employment rate in society has declined.

With the help of the war, the entire federal society has been condensed into a whole from the bottom up. Except for a few anti-war groups who are not clear-headed, the whole society is still very positive and active in dealing with the war. .

In such a big environment, Lynch celebrated his birthday.

Early in the morning, after exercising and washing, he changed into the clothes that were delivered yesterday.

He is only twenty-six years old, and he is still in the stage of growing his body. The change of clothes size is far from slowing down. Almost in the first or second week of every quarter, the clothing companies that serve him will Arrange for someone to come to measure the new body size data for him.

This is to ensure that in the upcoming seasonal new clothing crafting, clothing that does not fit will not be made.

If you haven't reached this level, you will never know how much the life of the rich enjoys.

The companies that provided Lynch with clothing sent three sets of clothes yesterday, some for daytime socializing, some for evening parties, and a formal suit.

Plus those accessories, so many things are all free.

This is not only a kind of gratitude to Lynch for wearing their company's clothes for a long time, but also thinking of advertising once without spending money.

After all, the clothing designed by a focal person like Lynch on his birthday will bring considerable orders and attention to him.

The mid-to-high-end consumer market is often very blind, and those at the bottom cannot understand it.

They can't read and they like to express their thoughts. For example, they often ask themselves and the people around them, why are those rich people so stupid to buy clothes that seem meaningless?

or something.

And this problem actually only occurs among the bottom of society and the poor. For the rich, it may be just a little money that they don't even care about, but in exchange for "I and so-and-so wear the same clothes" A brand of clothes” social scope.

Sometimes the topic can also expand their social range, or this is just an attempt—

"They look good on Lynch, maybe I should try them too" or "Why not try another brand", it's just their simple, nonchalant thoughts.

They don't think about the issue of "cost performance", they never think about how to use the least money to achieve the biggest goal, and the rich never think about this!

So for companies that can provide clothing for Lynch, they seem to have lost a few sets of clothes, but if Lynch chooses their clothes, they will get more!

You know, if you ask Lynch to shoot an advertisement, don't even open your mouth if you don't have a million dollars!

Lynch standing in front of the mirror looked at himself in the mirror, with a faint smile on his face, he was very satisfied with his image.

In the past few years, he had to dress a little more maturely to make himself look not so young. The society of the Federation is actually similar to all societies, full of stubbornness and prejudice.

People are unwilling to give young people opportunities not because they think young people can't do well, but because they simply don't want to see young people get opportunities and success so easily.

So Lynch has to be more mature, but he doesn't need to do that now.

Twenty-six years old, he doesn't look as tender as he was a few years ago, he already has some mature taste.

Last year's birthday was organized by Penny. To be honest, he was not very satisfied, mainly because there were too many **** people.

A lot of people from the entertainment industry came, and all kinds of capitalists and some politicians were too noisy.

He doesn't like that kind of excitement, it's not so much his birthday, it's better to say it's a carnival of a group of unrelated people.

So this year's birthday party will be relatively quiet.

This time, his birthday party was held in a manor outside the city.

Although Lynch has been very low-key, the media still seems unwilling to let him go. Since nine o'clock in the morning, there have been many media reporters outside the manor.

This time, they couldn't photograph so many entertainment stars.

Even at noon, they didn't see anyone coming, which made the reporters here wonder if they went to the wrong place.

If it wasn't for colleagues in other places who said they didn't see any movement, they might have left.

After noon, around three o'clock in the afternoon, the first guest came.

The reporters who were drowsy and almost fell asleep on the side of the road cheered up, and then they saw a car stop for a while at the gate of the manor.

Federal law stipulates that the use of dark glass or paint is not allowed except for non-police or law enforcement vehicles, so everyone can see clearly who is sitting in the car this autumn.

The reporters exclaimed while taking pictures.

"It's Mr. and Mrs. President..."

"Idiot, it's the former president!"

The former president sat in the car and watched the iron gate of the manor slowly open. He also smiled at the reporters outside.

"That little Lynch guy is always getting so much attention, sometimes I think he's more popular than a star."

The one who spoke was the former First Lady. Today she was dressed very plainly, but she was elegant and luxurious in her simplicity.

The "scandal" between Mr. President and Ms. Chris has not affected the relationship between the couple, or that kind of relationship has long since ceased to exist between them.

After all, at their age, their desires have diminished a lot.

Moreover, as a member of the upper class, this matter is actually nothing to this couple!

The former president also waved to the reporters, and sat down again as the car started again, "He is very rich and willing to spend money, he will create topics, and he is also very contradictory. It’s full of controversy and topics.”

"People like him, that's why so many people come."

The former president's wife was somewhat curious, "I think if he wants to run for president, he might have a high success rate."

"But he won't, he doesn't have much interest in the position."

When the former president's wife wanted to say something, she was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "That's right, he won't be interested."

They are actually very clear that the federal president is just the political spokesperson of one or several consortiums, the biggest one.

Compared with being a puppet, Lynch, who has been able to serve as a sponsor behind the president's backstage, really doesn't need to end himself.

It didn't mean much to him.

What he wants to do is to tell the president directly that because he funded the presidential campaign, no matter who is in office, as long as Lynch has supported him, they will repay Lynch.

Isn't this more enjoyable than being a clown in front of the stage?

When the car stopped, Lynch was already standing on the steps of the manor.

The steps are not high, only five steps, he did not come down, the former president and his wife took the initiative to go up.

This may be the biggest characteristic of the federal people. After they leave that position, they will not be too nostalgic for power.

Of course, it is also possible that for them, they have completed their "mission" and they don't have any thoughts about the "puppet".

"You are very welcome. When I heard that you could come, I was very happy!" Lynch shook hands with the former president on the steps and hugged again.

The former Mr. President does not look much different from the past, he still has the image of a good old man, "Things have cooled down for so long, it's time for me to show my face in front of the public..."

It has been a year and a half since the scandal. The former president, as one of the presidents who won the election in the history of the Federation, even if he retires, he still has considerable political influence.

Because of the scandal, he kept a low profile for a long time, which is actually a huge loss.

With the help of Lynch's undisclosed private birthday party, he showed his face in front of the media, which can be considered as a test of the public's reaction.

If the public hasn't forgotten about the scandal he will keep a low profile for a while.

If the people have forgotten, then he can come out and move.

Lynch then shook hands with the former president's wife, but did not hug because of their gender differences.

Lynch arranged for someone to take the two of them in first, and then waited for the next guest...

From three o'clock to five o'clock, the flashing lights of the reporters never stopped.

This time Lynch's birthday party seemed to have fewer people than last time, but everyone dared not be underestimated!

Either the former president, or the head of a federal consortium, or a big capitalist!

Normally these people alone would make the headlines of the news, but today, they are all gathered here because of Lynch!

Perhaps, this is the most perfect embodiment of this era!