Blackstone Code

Chapter 1632: We need to protect our strength

Chapter 1631 We need to protect our strength

Lynch is a myth.

According to some incomplete unofficial statistics, the economic development of Sabine City has been very rapid in recent years.

Some people think that this is because of Lynch's care for his hometown. For example, he chose to build some factories in Sabine.

But it's not quite the case.

It is the inconspicuous family workshops and entrepreneurs who have made the economic development level of Sabin City rise rapidly.

They are the real main force, and it is Lynch who can make them think of starting their own business, or the driving force that makes them have the courage to start a business.

A man who has nothing but handsome has achieved the most brilliant federal dream in history, and even in the future, no one may be able to surpass his achievements.

Less than thirty years old, he has built his own financial empire from nothing!

Many young people take Lynch as their idol!

Especially in Sabine City, and the people who were the first to contact him.

The Brothers Grimm is one of them. They admire Lynch and also fear Lynch very much. In the eyes of outsiders, these two brothers are **** crazy.

Those who know them well know that these two brothers have killed a lot of people, and they can cut the disobedient people into small pieces while chatting.

But these two crazy brothers were afraid of Lynch.

But also worship him.

Lynch is like the sun in the dark night, you may feel the light from it, but it will also burn your eyes from looking directly at him.

With the arrival of Lynch, there were only three people left in the room, the handsome and bookish young man, and the Brothers Grimm.

Others were guarding the door, and of course, the next content was not suitable for them to know.

Lynch sat behind the table and smiled at the gentle-looking young man, "Did you see the girl I told you about?"

The young man nodded, "I see, Mr. Lynch."

Lynch nodded slightly, "I will arrange for you to approach her and find a way to make her your close friend. This relationship is not limited to boyfriends and girlfriends."

"You can make her your pet, or hers, but it has to be close enough, you know what I mean?"

The young man nodded, and didn't seem to think it was that difficult.

Of course, he does have his own methods and abilities, and he seems very confident in this regard.

He took off his glasses with a confident smile on his face, "Mr. Lynch, you can rest assured..."

Lynch stared at his face for a while, which made the young man a little uncomfortable, but soon Lynch's eyes seemed to be gentle, not as aggressive as before.

"This matter is very important and critical, I don't want any accidents, and you know..."

"Failure is not terrible, but we shouldn't expose things that shouldn't be exposed. It's more terrible than failure, you know what I mean?"

The young man nodded, "I understand!"

The girl they were talking about was Mr. Trueman's daughter.

His daughter will go to college next year. As the daughter of the federal president, she will definitely go to the Holy Harmony Union College.

For ordinary people, it may be very difficult or impossible to send a person to the Holy Harmony College.

But for Lynch, all he had to do was write a letter of recommendation.

As the top class of federal society, he already has the right to transform his influence into various forces, which is also the reward of society for him.

Letting the handsome young man in front of him pursue Mr. Truman's daughter is just one small plan among many countermeasures.

In fact, if Mr. Truman hadn't come today, Lynch might still consider whether to use some means so quickly.

But today he came, and he came in a high-profile manner, which forced Lynch to be on alert in advance.

He wasn't sure whether Mr. Trueman would let himself go to the last minute of his term, or if he would hit him early.

Therefore, he has to prepare in advance.

This method... It sounds a bit underhanded, but the lethality of the underhanded means is the most lethal.

Why do upright gentlemen often die miserably?

Just because their opponents are unscrupulous!

Lynch is not a gentleman, and there are still other people's flesh and blood in his teeth.

Of course, some things may not happen in the end, if Mr. Trueman can remember the friendship between the two and the days of fighting for their ideals together, he is willing to end peacefully.

Then Lynch will definitely preserve the friendship between the two, so that this friendship will last forever and become a well-known story.

But if he is not willing to let everyone end peacefully and properly, then no one is to blame.

Everyone has dreams, needs to survive, and wants to live...

Under Lynch's instructions, the young man quickly accepted his new identity, and he would enter the Holy Harmony College as a noble boy of Gafra.

Even if the Security Committee were to investigate his background, nothing would be found in the end.

After all, Lynch is not only a big philanthropist in the Federation, but also a nobleman who is formally awarded by Gaevra, and has a group of reliable noble allies!

"Apart from these..." Lynch glanced at the older brother of the Brothers Grimm, who then understood what Lynch meant.

Noel stood up, "Go to the door and wait for a while, don't run around, don't look around, don't touch anything..."

He explained, the young man then got up to leave, Noel went to close the door, and only the three of them were left in the room.

Lynch was smoking a cigarette, and his eyes were a little ethereal, as if he was nostalgic for the past.

For two minutes, he took his last puff and snuffed out the **** in the ashtray.

"It's been almost ten years since we came out of Sabine City."

A very ordinary opening statement, but it also evoked the memories of the Grimm Brothers of the past.

Before they knew Lynch, it was just a tool to make money with the masthead.

Comparing the days of the past with the days of the present... no, there is no way to compare.

Only when they think back to the hard days of the past can they understand how good life is now.

Lynch sighed lightly, "We are all trying our best to climb up. This road has no end. No matter how long it is, we can't see our head."

"Maybe sometimes, you can climb in front of other people, but soon there are people in front of you that you haven't seen."

"Or there is no one in front of you, but you just stop and take a breath, and you will be overtaken by many people."

"You must do your best and keep moving forward. Any doubts about your actions and the end point will only make all your previous efforts come to nothing."

"I am like that, and so are you!"

The Brothers Grimm didn't understand much of the truth, but they understood what Lynch was saying.

From oppressed newsboys to decent people, they are actually moving forward!

They need to face not only business competition, but also competition from gangs, gangs, families, and pressure.

On the surface, the Federation looks peaceful, but the Federation under the night is immersed in crime!

The most ridiculous thing is that, out of sight, there is an organization called the Pan-Federal Gang Council.

It borrows from the system of Congress, with a few changes.

All the "senators" in this parliamentary body are from the big gangs in the federal underground world. They are either the parents of a certain family or the leaders of a certain gang.

The "lower councilor" came from some small gangs.

This parliament is held every two years, and its role is to divide the territory and business of the gangs across the Federation.

Every time in the council, everyone will have a heated discussion, re-dividing the site, and then discussing who does what business...

Almost all large-scale crimes in the next two years will have a decisive conclusion at this time.

This was completely incomprehensible and unknown before the Brothers Grimm reached this level!

It's not like Congress here, where everyone is at least decent.

Here, people's hatred and competition are more intuitive and obvious, and there is a clear goal in attacking each other, and everyone is fighting.

Competing for territory and share of business, everyone wants to get more.

At this time, it's not that you can't establish an enemy if you don't express your position. If you don't express your position and show weakness, others will only want more and more, or even directly kill you!

They are also fighting, where people can't see, fighting for territory, fighting for business, killing each other...

Therefore, these things that Lynch said, they don't understand too much, but they have experienced it themselves, and there is a kind of experience and wisdom from their experience, so that they can understand what Lynch said.

In the silence, Lynch laughed, "Actually, from the very beginning, we had no way out."

"If you don't enter, you will die!"

This time, he didn't stop for too long, and directly said the task for the Brothers Grimm, "I need you to find a way to train some dead men and some gunmen."

"They need to be proficient in the use of various need to be able to use poison, use or assemble explosives."

"We don't need them most of the time, but if we need them, I ask that they be there when I ask, where I ask, and do what I ask."

"Can it be done?"

The two brothers Grimm looked at each other. In fact, they came earlier than anyone else. They were standing here, watching everything that was happening outside!

A brand new world seemed to beckoning to them, but this world would be more dangerous and terrifying.

So naturally, in order to protect themselves, they also need stronger armor and more reliable weapons!

Noel nodded, "No problem, Mr. Lynch."

"Due to the war, there are now many 'orphans' in various regions, and we can select some of them to cultivate."

"They'll be very controllable..."