Blackstone Code

Chapter 1639: armor piercing projectile

Many times people fall into a very strange closed loop of thinking, it seems that as long as it is bigger and stronger, it must be good.

Just like now.

Just because Ancock's chief tank designer didn't speak doesn't mean Lynch couldn't read his mind, he was actually calculating something.

Lynch doesn't quite understand what those numbers represent, but he understands people's hearts and human nature.

In his opinion, perhaps what troubled the chief tank designer was not how difficult some techniques were, but that he didn't know how to speak.

In this era, people always naively think that "big" must be "strong".

For example, the caliber, during the First World War, countries continued to increase the caliber of their various main guns, and even Gefra let those old soldiers play a little role in order to gain an advantage in ground combat.

They specially developed a train cannon called "ground battleship", which is a widened and enlarged train, and at the same time, the train is full of various large-caliber artillery pieces.

And the caliber of these large-caliber artillery is still getting bigger!

I have to say that their design really shocked some people. In their description, this train gun will become the absolute firepower to dominate the ground war in the future!

However, it was turned into a pile of scrap iron by a group of anti-government militants who had not received military training during the military operations in the Ameria region.

They just dug up the rails easily, separated it, and made a little cover up that wasn't so obvious.

Then, after this heavy monster derailed, it was never able to get up again. It was not even brilliant, and the era that belonged to it came to an end.

But there are certain traits left over from that era that are always there.


It is strong!

Just like the tank design of the Pontgio Empire, it simply relied on a wider body, thicker armor, and a larger caliber, and it took the limelight on the battlefield!

The Commonwealth's tank shells either slipped or jumped away because of the angle, or they were unable to do anything with the thick armor, leaving only a hit mark.

Although the Pontgio Empire's tanks are a bit slow to turn, their speed is a bit slow, and their terrain adaptability is a bit poor...

But it is still an excellent tank. In the competition of similar equipment, it is too advantageous.

Lynch felt that the chief designer of Ancock might also be thinking about developing in a silly way.

So he ended the stupid discussion early.

Ancock's chief designer raised his head and looked at Lynch blankly for a while. Soon he seemed to have thought of something, put down the pen in his hand, and began to take it seriously.

In fact, Lynch was the first designer of the tank.

Now Ankerk Industries' finished tank design, at least in terms of appearance, refers to Lynch's design.

The internal structure Lynch also described some. Although he did not describe the content of the technology in detail, the researchers still completed the research on these technologies.

The chief engineer felt that, as the true father of tanks, he must have a different idea.

All eyes were on Lynch. Lynch was calm and calm, with a calm smile. He spread his hands and asked, "When we are facing a challenger whose parameters are obviously stronger than ours, The first thing that comes to our mind is to beat the opponent in terms of parameters.”

"Maybe sometimes its concept is correct, but sometimes, it may not be correct..."

The officials of the Ministry of Defense frowned after hearing this, especially a general of the Navy.

Cannonism has always existed. Even now, some countries naively believe that human beings can finally break through the limit and design and manufacture a weapon of war that can destroy a country with one shot!

In the navy, this kind of thinking has always existed, especially in the past, the navy, which used battleships as the core of its tactical strategy, more than any other military service agreed with the idea that "big guns can bring peace".

Bi Da is not only the boring pastime of men in the toilet, but also the most romantic fantasy of soldiers.

But Lynch's remarks were obviously a bit unpleasant, and the admiral of the navy asked, "What do you mean?"

Lynch smiled slightly, "We don't have to be harder or bigger than the tanks they shoot, we just need to be able to destroy their tanks."

In a word, the meeting room fell into a brief silence, everyone was confused, only the chief designer of Ankerk vaguely thought of something, but he couldn't confirm it, it was just a hazy, vague concept!

At this moment, he was in a state of excitement, and he realized that Lynch had opened a door for him, and even for the world's armaments!

Yes, we don't need to engage in an arms race on parameters, it's stupid.

There are many weapons that have no practical use until now, such as those giant artillery during World War I.

If it can get out of this weird closed loop, then the Federation will have a comprehensive breakthrough and development in armament design.

At this time, no one has stood up to express their opposition. Lynch continued, "Their tanks have thick skins, so we will design a shell for our tanks that can destroy their armor. I believe it is not difficult..."

If you want to say that the first person to play flowers on the shells, it must be the navy. The generals of the navy were stunned for a moment, and they realized something, and even a lieutenant general of the navy blurted out——

"Special bombs!"

Lynch raised his hands and clapped, smiling, "Yes, special bullets, armor-piercing bullets that can penetrate heavy armor."

"We don't need to surpass them in design, in caliber, as long as the damage of our shells exceeds the defense of their armor, then for us, this is a victory."

"Even we don't even insist that this kind of weapon that can destroy heavy armor must be fired by tanks or artillery, for example, if it is based on individual soldiers..."

"There are too many possibilities here, gentlemen, and its development, its future, is far more meaningful than we pile some worthless data on the parameters!"

People began to have a heated discussion, and Lynch opened a window for them.

The hazy chief designer of Ancock, who was barely able to grasp it, was completely opened by him, and he saw the blazing sunlight outside the window!

The whole person seems to be bathed in sunlight, and the soul has been sublimated!

Yes, we don't need to pile up data, we just need to destroy their data!

At this time, Lynch drew casually, and on the manuscript paper he drew, a strange-looking cannonball appeared.

Judging from the rough parameters, it is longer than ordinary shells and has a sharper head, which looks very weird.

He also made some descriptions, and then he asked people to pass the manuscript, "This is an armor-piercing bullet that I imagined, and its name is just like its name implies, a shell that can penetrate armor."

"We all know that some angles in current tank designs can create ricochet, but this pointed shell is not so easy to use the angle to make it jump away."

"As long as its warhead hits the target at a relatively insignificant angle, it certainly won't slip away."

"The material of the warhead, the internal structure..."

The things that Lynch said were not so complicated and were very popular. Even generals and officers who had not studied these things could quickly understand what Lynch meant.

They looked at the piece of paper and the design on it in amazement. After discussing for a while, their eyes fell on the chief engineer of Ankerk.

At present, only he is the most professional.

"Is it possible for Mr. Lynch's idea to be realized?" a general asked.

The chief designer nodded again and again, "There is no problem in theory, I also believe that there is a great possibility, but we have to do experiments..."

Compared to the design and full facelift of a new tank, it is obviously cheaper to shoot a special special round.

Don't look at Mr. Truman's support now, the military's budget basically has no upper limit, but this does not mean that they can really spend money recklessly.

When the war is over, Congress, which lost most of its power during the war, will certainly not be honest enough to pretend that nothing happened when it regains power.

Besides, the current situation is special. The Federation has also issued a lot of bonds. Save a little now and make it easier to repay the money in the future.

In short, the Ministry of Defense passed Lynch's proposal, and asked Ancock Industries to come up with a mature armor-piercing projectile as soon as possible to deal with the situation on the front line.

At the same time, the military's own research institutions have also begun to speed up research.

Congress is like a sieve, nothing can survive, and the military can't The collusion between the military industry group and the military is not a day or two, the military and Ankerk Industry The contents of the research are being circulated every two days.

Soon, major industrial groups began to study armor-piercing projectiles.

All the military-industrial groups are well aware of the concept that selling a rifle can bring them a profit of a few dollars—

At present, the mainstream standard rifle in the federation does not exceed 35 yuan, and the profit generally does not exceed 15%. This is no longer a huge profit industry.

But it is lucrative!

Because a semi-automatic weapon with a profit of only a few dollars can bring at least a few dozen dollars to the military industry group in terms of ammunition, as many as hundreds of dollars or even more profits!

The Federation currently only needs twenty-five cents of a standard rifle bullet. If they are loaded into a semi-automatic weapon, it may only last for a blink of an eye on the battlefield!

The military industry group has done statistics. In an ordinary battle, a soldier's ammunition consumption is more than a few hundred pieces. In a large-scale battle, the number of ammunition consumed is innumerable.

There may be hundreds of millions of billions!

And a complete world war, from the beginning to the end, may have to destroy tens of billions or even tens of billions of bullets!

This is the **** most profitable place!

Cannonball, the same is true!

Expensive and necessary consumables are the source of core profits!

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