Blackstone Code

Chapter 1661: Require

Chapter 1660 Requirements

Senator Langdon breathed a sigh of relief as he left the old senator's house. He had solved a difficult situation before him.

A favor, plus 150,000 yuan, when the old senator will write a short story, and then a company will spend money to buy the right to adapt the short story, and the old senator will get 150,000 yuan after tax .

This is the final concession, 150,000 after tax, and a favor, in exchange for the old senator voluntarily withdrawing from the selection of the big list.

Senator Langdon's ranking has advanced a step forward, but he is still... eight places away from the big list.

This is not an easy task!

There is not much time until the list is announced, and he has to work harder!

Under the night, the never-sleeping Bupain dyed the sky in color.

Countless neon lights turn on after dark, and those brilliant lights seem to turn Bupain into a city in a fairy tale—

A fairy tale for adults!

His Royal Highness the First Prince of the Penteio Empire had a sudden whim, and wanted to visit Bupain at night to learn more about the city.

Regarding the sudden request of the First Prince, the President of the Federation nodded and agreed after knowing it. In his opinion, letting the First Prince visit Bu Pain at night is actually a way to show off the prosperity of the Federation.

Federal people's love for nightlife may be unique in the world, and they make this love shine!

Mr. Truman believes that there is probably no city in the world that can compare the nightlife of the Federation and Bupeen!

The Security Committee immediately mobilized some people as support to protect the eldest prince, and at the same time they sent a diplomat.

Diplomats know when to say what.

After coming out of the hotel, the eldest prince and his party came to the busiest street in Bupain with the richest nightlife, which is next door to Bupain Financial Center!

It has the best nightlife experience in the world, and countless people indulge in it countless nights.

The eldest prince and others also had to marvel at the prosperity here!

In the Penteio Empire, even the core imperial capital of the empire is not as prosperous as Bupain, and...

The Eldest Prince couldn't describe that feeling. The people here looked very relaxed. There was no enthusiasm for loyalty to the royal family on their faces, no obsession with war, and everything seemed to have returned to the most primitive state!

People walk on the street freely, rich or not, no one will stand on the side of the road and bow to other people, everyone is... equal!

Yes, equals!

The First Prince thought of a word that he thought was very appropriate to describe what he saw at this moment!

Equality and freedom!

This is all Bu Paine showed him, just like the federal government said to the international community, this is an equal and free country!

This also made the First Prince collide with something that he couldn't describe.

The imperial power system of the Penteo Empire has lasted for a very long time. In the past years, it has been proved to be correct and efficient.

It is not completely a feudal society, and the people actually get some privileges, and they will also participate in the major affairs of the country.

Different societies are displayed in front of him, and the thoughts and viewpoints born from different societies are constantly colliding at this moment.

He was a little confused. A country that seemed to have no cohesion and fanaticism had actually become the most terrifying opponent in the history of the empire!

How is this possible?

He doesn't understand!

Perhaps this is the reason why His Majesty the Emperor asked him to come here, let him use his eyes, his ears, come here to feel everything here, and then find the answer to the question in his heart.

"Where is that place?" The eldest prince asked suddenly, pointing to a neon sign on the side of the road.

There are almost no blocks like this in the Penteio Empire, and even if there are some commercial blocks, they are much simpler than here.

Everything here will make him feel very novel and interesting.

Everyone followed where he pointed, and it was a moving neon light.

The pink light tube simply and vividly outlines a female thigh in high heels. This thigh is constantly raised and raised, which seems to be interesting.

Next to it, it says "Sweet Temptation".

As the two oldest occupations in the world, killers and skilled women also existed in the Penteo Empire.

It's just that for the imperial people who pursue honor, letting their sisters or female relatives do this is more painful than killing them!

This also led to the fact that although the Penteio Empire officially allowed such places to exist, except for a few semi-official business places, there were very few private private places.

Moreover, such a disreputable place would not have such a striking neon signboard to attract customers.

They will only hang less eye-catching but recognizable banners at the door of the business place to tell people what kind of business is operating here.

The accompanying diplomat was a little embarrassed, he coughed lightly, and walked to the eldest prince's side.

"Your Highness, this is a strip club..."

The First Prince was taken aback after hearing this, but then he became interested, "Can we go in and have a look?"

This is an inquiry sentence pattern, but it expresses more like an affirmative sentence pattern. Before the diplomat could figure out the situation, he walked towards "sweet temptation" first.

The diplomat gritted his teeth and followed in a few steps, and then the group entered the strip club.

In Bupain, the strip clubs that can use neon lights are definitely very high-end and large-scale.

Every girl here is very beautiful, with a good face and a good figure, and there is almost nothing to be picky about.

Because many of the customers who spend here are related to finance.

Anyone who has anything to do with finance is not short of money.

People pay to have fun, not to be unhappy, so the dancers are very beautiful!

As soon as he entered the door, the eldest prince was taken by the diplomat to change a thousand yuan in change, all of which were five yuan banknotes.

The cheapest strip clubs in the country are probably coins, and they take quarters.

But here, it's five bucks to start.

Holding two piles of one hundred bills of change doesn't seem to have any weight in your hands. Some customers who were spending just glanced at them and then looked away.

On such occasions, staring at someone for too long is not a friendly gesture.

Seeing those young and beautiful girls sweating little by little because of exercise and taking off their clothes, the First Prince's expression was quite...interested.

These things are invisible in Penteo, where skilled women have skills that can only be used in bed.

Such a slow and emotional game made the eldest prince very interested at first, but gradually the girls just danced without taking off their clothes, which also made the eldest prince lose his patience.

He watched it for more than ten minutes before the girl took off her coat. Looking at her graceful figure, the eldest prince felt that time should not be wasted like this.

"How can I make her take off faster?"

he asks.

This question didn't sound like an eldest prince could ask at all, and the diplomat was a little dumbfounded.

He looked at the other members of the entourage almost for help, and the others seemed helpless, staggering the diplomat's gaze.

The diplomat felt that he might become a textbook, or a page that could not be ignored in the federal diplomatic anecdote.

As soon as he thought that people would describe him as "the diplomat who took the eldest prince to a **** for consumption", he felt that he was nailed to the pillar of shame, and it would be difficult to get off in this life.

"Throw... money, and she will speed up."

In silence, he spoke the way.

He regretted that this task fell on him. Maybe tomorrow the entire international affairs department will know about it, and they will smile and ask him if he was happy to go to the **** at public expense.

His family, especially his wife, may also ask him how he knows the rules here and whether he often comes to play.

When he thought of these things, he was very desperate. Who would have thought that such an important guest as the great prince of the Peng Jieo Empire would come to a **** **** and even spend money?

The eldest prince looked at the two stacks of banknotes in front of him, each stack of one hundred bills, with a denomination of five yuan, tied together with a rubber band.

He hesitated, "Throw it up?"

The diplomat nodded, "Throw it up!"

Following the eldest prince throwing a wad of banknotes, and the dancer exclaiming in pain, the club erupted into chaos...

Things didn't turn out to be out of hand in the end. When the club's bodyguards came out from the shadows, people from the security committee appeared in time.

They just showed their ID and let everything go peacefully.

The girl with a blue nose left the stage inexplicably and aggrieved. Before that, she always thought that "being smashed by money" was just a dramatic statement.

But she didn't expect that one day, not only was the money thrown at her, but the money was only **** five hundred!

The eldest prince, whose interest was interrupted by an accident, quickly returned to the hotel, but he did not calmly wait for the arrival of the, but made a very excessive request.

At this time, Mr. Truman hadn't fallen asleep yet, and the temporary truce did not reduce his work at hand much, but increased it a lot.

During the outbreak of the war, many jobs were prioritized to serve the war, or were related to the war, which resulted in a backlog of work.

And he is discussing one thing with the team and the senior members of the Progressive Party Committee recently.

Social Security Reform!

This is what he promised to the people in his campaign speech, whether he succeeds or not, he must try it.

People will only be disappointed in him if he doesn't even try.

Mr. Truman is a responsible person, and sometimes he doesn't look like a politician at all, but like a sleeping child, always full of unrealized ideals.

While he was dealing with these matters, the phone rang...