Blackstone Code

Chapter 1675: Where there are people, there is struggl

A party that is almost forgotten 99% of the time!

It is as if it has been cursed by some mysterious power. Whether it is the media or the public, even during the general election, no one will think of the third political party in the Federation—the Socialist Party without being reminded.

But you can't completely ignore the existence of the Socialist Party just because they don't have a strong sense of existence. This is obviously a very stupid approach!

Mosquitoes are small, and the diseases caused by them once cast a shadow over the world!

Not to mention that this is a party with a complete internal structure.

In Congress, there are also socialist senators and deputies, but unfortunately, their numbers are very small.

There are only three senators belonging to the Socialist Party and six members of the House of Representatives.

In total, there are less than 300 people in the Congress, and they barely passed the upward evidence collection in terms of numbers, and completed 3% of the great cause!

They usually don't express their views very much. Basically, 95% of the time, they are abstaining from voting.

Some people say that the existence of the Socialist Party is to reflect the fairness and fairness of federal politics.

This is obviously a joke.

But it's not a joke!

Some of the things fermented in Congress have already begun to spread to the society. These socialist MPs who represent the fairness and justice of the federal government naturally know about it.

When the news came, the Federation of Trade Unions immediately began to study the "Social Security Law Amendment".

It's not that they are idle and bored looking for ways to waste all kinds of funds, because this is indeed something closely related to them.

The federal workers' union is a platform for the working class to face the whole society.

The words spoken by a worker do not play any role in this society at all, let alone adjectives such as strength.

But the workers' union speaks for the workers, so it is very important!

You know, in the Commonwealth, the working class is the largest in number, and they can't try to bring that many people together by themselves, but the workers' unions can.

Moreover, the image shown to the working class by the workers' union has always been the heroic mark of them fighting the capitalists for the benefit of the working class!

The labor unions even promoted the passage of many bills related to the protection of the interests of the working class, so this proposal for the reform of the social security system really has something to do with them!

This involves the interests of the working class, as well as tens of billions of social security payments...

The new president of the workers union looked at these guys in the conference room, and then he asked the secretary to open the window.

Everyone's smoking, it's going to be a **** fire in here.

Oddly enough, even a small amount of smoke from incineration is choking to people.

But in the smoke of the burned tobacco leaves in the room, I don't feel the slightest discomfort. As the windows were opened, the air in the room communicated with the outside, and a large amount of smoke began to flow out.

A cadre sitting to the left of the president shared his thoughts.

"I think we should follow up on this matter more actively than before. We need to play our role in this matter."

The cadre who spoke was the vice president of the Workers' Union Federation.

There are many vice presidents in the workers' union. After all, the work of this organization is not limited to a certain region or a certain state.

There are branches of workers' unions in the seventeen states of the federation, even in Nagalil. If these matters are gathered together, if only one person is responsible for the general manager, it will not be responsible at all.

In order to solve work problems, the workers union has eight vice presidents and one general president.

These eight people were arranged in a simple order according to the different job contents and the amount of power in their hands.

The president rubbed his temples, "Go ahead."

The vice president watched the president's silence for two or three seconds. He respected the president on the surface, but he was still very dissatisfied in his heart.

The previous president... probably retired for various reasons.

According to the rules and principles, he, the number one vice president, should go straight up and take over the position and work of the president.

But the problem is, before he had time to express his opinion, the Socialist Party headquarters sent a president, who is now the president.

On the bright side, the labor union should be the "father" of the Socialist Party, and the Socialist Party was born because the labor union gathered considerable strength.

And under certain historical environmental factors, a political party was born.

The purpose of its establishment is to seek more welfare for the working class.

Their slogan at the time was "Working Class Loudspeaker in Congress".

At that time, there were only members of the two parties in the Congress. Even if the labor union had some political appeals, apart from seeking the voice of the "Gong Bao" in the media, there was no political voice at all!

Even if some politicians hope to use the power of workers' unions, they are unwilling to fully speak for the working class.

Because everyone knows very well that the opposite of the working class is the capitalists!

In the Federation you can offend anyone, except the capitalists, and the "opponent" of the workers' unions is the entire capitalist class!

The birth of the Socialist Party also originated from the era of the most intense conflict between labor and capital, which can be seen as a concession and compromise between the two parties.

Under the auspices of the workers' union, the Socialist Party was born.

It was formed after the leadership of some workers' unions left their posts. Considering that the Federation is a fair and free country, the Congress finally gave the Socialist Party nine seats.

This also allows them to have a voice in Congress.

But the Socialist MPs are obviously a little weaker than other MPs.

After all the Socialist's a symbol!

According to this context, the Socialist Party should serve the trade unions.

However, the labor union is not an organization that completely serves the working class. It is more like a game to balance the working people and the capitalists.

It is not pure enough, and the power of capital is also acting on it. In addition, after the workers' union has the Socialist Party, the internal ideology has changed.

They no longer see themselves as part of the working class as they did at the beginning, and they have begun to separate from the working class to a certain extent.

In this case, the trade union's demand for the Socialist Party is obviously much greater than the Socialist Party's demand for the trade union!

You know, their nine votes can sometimes play a key role in Congress!

This also means that although the Socialist Party looks like a marginal party that has no sense of existence, it has its own place in Congress and in the political arena after all.

On the contrary, it is the trade unions. In many cases, they will become very troublesome if they leave the Socialist Party.

Politics is indeed not the only way to appeal, but you must at least have it!

After the primary and secondary were reversed, the Socialist Party has now become the "home" of the workers' trade unions in turn.

Although they did not explicitly state that the workers' union is one of the branches of the Socialist Party, they have always exercised this power.

The president who was transferred suddenly made most people in the workers' union dissatisfied.

After all, he took up a position, which made it impossible for others to be promoted.

But it was of no use.

After the vice president looked back, he talked about his own thoughts, "Now the attitude of the capitalists towards the workers has changed from the past. Since there are too many new immigrants, they can completely abandon the exploitation and oppression of the natives, and they can achieve Something they needed in the past."

"This has greatly eased the contradiction between labor and capital, leaving room for buffering."

"At the same time, for immigrants, their first job is to have a job and then integrate into local life."

"Even if they suffer some unfair treatment at work, they will not take the initiative to speak out, but will only bear it silently."

"This has led to the rapid reduction of workers' dependence on the union. They can live well without us."

"That's seen from the information we've collected from clubs around the world."

"The most important thing for us now is to re-strengthen our position in the minds of the working class..."

The president kept nodding when he heard this, and the vice president was right.

Immigrants lowered their wages and worked overtime voluntarily. They replaced the most troublesome native indigenous working class to accept the exploitation and oppression of capitalists.

The working and living environment of the workers has improved, and there is no object of confrontation, and their dependence on the trade union has been continuously reduced.

Those who are new immigrants are also not interested in unions, or they are not interested until they have stabilized their living environment.

Now the status of trade unions has become very embarrassing, most of the time it has become a place to introduce jobs, not a place to unite the working class against the capitalists!

But if this time, they can express their strength on this proposal, the working class will regain their trust in them and become more dependent!

However, the president could hear that the vice president hadn't finished speaking. He glanced at the other party, "You seem to have something to say?"

The vice president smiled, " I'm done talking..."

After the two looked at each other for a while, the vice president looked away. He didn't want to cause a conflict at this time.

The president looked at the others, "How about you, do you have any opinions?"

Others expressed their support for the suggestion made by the vice president. To sum it up, it is—

"I think so!"

This is actually a way for them to put pressure on the president and express their dissatisfaction.

However, they were very careful not to reveal their dissatisfaction with the president while supporting the vice president.

This cannot allow the president to say anything about this matter and their attitude.

A little comeback!

They thought!

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