Blackstone Code

Chapter 1685: 1 Nothing

The suture of the wound is not very delicate work.

As long as there are enough sutures and you dare to pull a few times, the wound will basically not collapse.

The wound has been treated, and he even used some anesthetics, but these anesthetics seem to be about to expire.

The pain is still painful, just from unbearable to bearable.

The wound was quickly stitched back together, there was a small amount of bleeding, some powder was used, and the bandage was wrapped around the waist several times.

In the end, he also sprayed some deodorant on the wound. The smell of blood is actually very bad, but this does not mean that it cannot be perceived by people.

Some professionally trained people can easily perceive the smell of blood from others at close range.

Having done all this, he came out of the room with his wife sitting on the sofa in the cramped living room, watching the news on TV.

Because of her nervousness, her hands were tightly clasped together, and the joints of each finger lost their blood!

What was playing on the TV was the scene where Lynch was attacked.

A large number of detectives, investigators, agents, haunt around.

A woman never thought her ordinary husband could do anything great, but this time, she had an inexplicable intuition.

Maybe her husband came home suddenly and had something to do with this!

A man is standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

A man is sitting on the sofa.

The hoarse sound of the hinges when opening the door made both of them stare at each other!

The man shook his head slightly and walked towards the door.

The woman wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't speak.

When he put on his shoes and stood at the door, he looked at the sad-faced wife in the room, as if to explain, as if to comfort her, "I'm going back to work..."

His wife hesitated for two seconds, then asked as if she didn't realize it, "Will you have dinner tonight?"

The man also thought about it for a while, a few seconds, maybe a little more, but no more than ten seconds.

"Yes, I'll be back for dinner, the same as before!"

On his way to the factory, there were police cars of the Bupen Regional Police, FBI cars, some vehicles with lights on but not clearly marked, which were everywhere.

They keep whizzing past, and the traffic on the road seems to be less than before!

In addition, the man also noticed that there were many Blackstone Safety cars mixed in the traffic.

A stupid kidnapping!

He didn't want to say that. He has lived here in the Federation for almost seven or eight years, and he knows the situation here better than those domestic experts.

The rich take their own safety above all else!

And kidnapping a well-known person like Lynch would have very terrifying after-effects.

But the eldest prince and the so-called "experts" in the country don't think so. In fact... they can't be completely blamed.

Capitalism was equally prevalent in the Pengio Empire, but in the final analysis, power was the foundation of everything and above everything.

It's in a sort of Gefra and Commonwealth feel, with capital not being too constrained.

But the history, culture, and society of the Pontgio Empire made capital dare not challenge the majesty of power.

But this is the Federation, and they don't care too much about Lynch and the capitalists here.

When he got back to the factory, he explained to the manager that he had taken a day off because his child was sick and needed to be taken care of.

The reason for returning to work now is that his child's condition has improved a lot, and he does not want his personal affairs to affect the production of the factory.

The manager also expressed understanding for this, and promised that this time off will only deduct part of his money, not the whole day.

All day long!

All day long people searched for those who attacked Lynch, but they didn't get the slightest clue.

The car was left on the southbound side of the road, and FBI heavyweight experts believe there was a good chance a car was waiting for them in an abandoned car location.

They switched to another car, and then it was possible to continue south, or north.

The possibility of staying in Bupen is not very large. So far, no strong evidence has been found to support this view.


Yes, if they were to stay in Bupen, what to do with those bodies would be the key to breaking the case.

If they were going to stay, it didn't take long from the time they found their abandoned car.

During this period of time, it was too late for them to properly dispose of the corpses, and the only possibility was that the corpses were also transported.

Others have proposed a new possibility, perhaps only the corpses were transported, and the attackers actually returned to the city of Bupen.

In short, everyone has their own ideas. If this is an ordinary case, perhaps the government department will only look for a guess as the main direction for detection work.

But this is a very special eucalyptus, which also makes every guess, there are enough people to follow it!

It is said that the entire federal government has dispatched more than 3,000 people on this eucalyptus!

This is much more than ordinary eucalyptus, it is simply incomparable!

In the Federation, even if it is a major case, it is considered a large team to have twenty or thirty people detect it at the same time.

Three thousand person-times, and it is still increasing. The previous assassination of the president has not touched so many people!

What's more interesting is that so many people were dispatched, but nothing was found.

The only clue is that there were two large refrigerated trucks heading south when Eucalyptus was dispatched.

The two refrigerated trucks came from a federal road transportation company. They set off from a ranch in the north-central part of the country and sent a batch of beef to the south. They stopped for a while when passing by Bupen and unloaded part of the beef.

This clue has already been followed. Before such a major event, there is nothing to hide!

In the evening, Mr. Truman, who had been busy all day, finished today's work. While rubbing his wrist, he asked his deputy, "How is the investigation of the attack?"

"I heard they arranged for someone to investigate Pongio's mission and their ship?"

The deputy nodded, but his expression didn't change much. Although he didn't say the result, Mr. Trueman could already guess it.

There will definitely not be any good results, otherwise he will not have this expression.

"There is no increase or decrease of personnel on the Penggio mission. We also arranged for search and rescue dogs, and no one was found injured..."

At this time, in fact, the Federation has special dogs specially used for hunting. These dogs are usually exposed to offensive training. If they bite, there will be international disputes.

So the last one went to search and rescue dogs, and the effect was the same.

Even search and rescue dogs are more sensitive to the smell of blood, and sometimes people are often buried or trapped in small spaces when some disasters occur.

There's a good chance they'll be injured, and rescue dogs work by looking for the smell of blood and listening for subtle sounds.

The dogs tested members of the mission in the hotel and found none of them injured.

Mr. Trueman nodded slightly, he was neither surprised nor disappointed.

If the first prince really did it, and he still hid people beside him at this time, then he was not just stupid, but also stupid and arrogant.

He was so arrogant that he tried to provoke the entire Federation!

During this period of time, Mr. Truman was also very dissatisfied with His Highness the eldest prince, and he was always able to find some messy things to add to the block.

"Where's the port?"

The deputy's expression changed slightly, which was not good news.

"They refused us to board the ship, and the captain said that the ship was flying the flag of the Pongio Empire, and it belonged to the Pongio Empire."

"They didn't allow the Federals to board the ship without diplomatic permission."

This situation was slightly beyond Mr. Truman's expectations. He frowned. "Then it seems that there will be some problems with this ship. Is there any good news in other aspects?"

The assistant thought about it and added, "I heard that they have locked the refrigerated truck, and there should be news back soon."

Mr. Trueman leaned back in his chair, "Notify me when there is news..."

At this time, on Interstate 13, the driver of a refrigerated truck headed to the southeastern region to deliver beef was listening to the radio and humming a ditty.

There were two people lying on the bed that had been converted from a seat behind him.

They are also not too crowded.

During this period, many "legends" were born on the federal interstate highway, and some highway killers who enjoyed killing people appeared in the newspapers from time to time.

Not only do they instill fear, they can even evolve into a twisted road culture.

Sometimes not only the people of the Federation are perverted, but the country of the Federation is perverted too!

I don't know when, the driver found that in the distance behind him, several police cars were coming towards him quickly.

There was still some distance between them now, he slowed down a little and leaned hard to the side of the road.

There are two kinds of people who have the most trouble on the interstate.

The first is the **** serial killers you can't tell apart, and last year they caught a girl in her twenties and hitchhiked around the country.

The result of every hitchhiking is a murder of a driver.

In addition to this kind of person, the second is the Interstate Highway Police.

On the Interstate Highway, not only are the perverted killers lawless, but the Interstate Highway Police are also lawless.

They say you're speeding, even if you only ran five yards, that's definitely speeding!

But these cops have an advantage, they won't kill people easily, all they want is a fine without a ticket!

The driver has slowed down and tried to avoid the police, but unfortunately, the police car sounded its siren as soon as it approached, and someone shouted to ask him to stop.

After hesitating for a while, the refrigerated truck slowly stopped by the side of the road. The policeman came over, stepped on the steps and stood outside the cab. He looked inside and then asked the driver to show his ID.

While looking at the documents, the police let him get out of the cab, and took a look at the two who were still sleeping... (To be continued)