Blackstone Code

Chapter 1720: Why not stop it?

The noise of the large transport plane taking off and landing made Ryan smile all over his face.


His body is recovering well, and the operation was not a particularly serious one.


The doctor simply repaired the shallow wound on his lung, and then it was broken.


Rib fractures are very troublesome, but after this period of training, he has been able to walk independently.


At this moment, he was standing at the airport in the Bu Paine warning area, with rows of the latest federal fighter jets neatly lined up in the sun behind him, and the wind blowing the large transport planes made him happy!


After he accepted the title of hero, the Ministry of Defense meant to withdraw him from the front-line troops, after all, they were all heroes.


If the hero dies, wouldn't it... cause the opposite effect?


It is also in order to facilitate the follow-up operations to give them a military rank. It is definitely not suitable for them to be at the forefront of the front-line troops.


But no one thought that what most people agreed with would be rejected by Ryan!


He has only one request, he wants to learn to fly an airplane, and then continue to contribute his strength to the Federation!


This request... slapped most people in the face, and the Ministry of Defense also changed its mind because of Ryan's request.


In particular, Mr. Truman also proposed that heroes should go where heroes should stay, not hide behind!


With Mr. President's opinion, this group of officers who have not yet officially assumed office returned to the front line!


"Sun and Moon"


More or less unhappy than others - mainly because they already have a better choice, and now this better choice has disappeared from their choice for some other reason.


They will definitely be dissatisfied with the non-optimal option left, which is not what they wanted in the first place!


But everyone had no choice. Apart from silently greeting Ryan's family, they could only obey the military's orders and rush to the front again.


Ryan, on the other hand, has to receive pilot training, and then return to the battlefield as an air force!


This time, his battlefield is in the air!


The camera took a picture of Ryan wearing an air force uniform and showing his big white teeth, printed it as a poster, and posted it everywhere!


It must be said that this method of the Federation is very effective.


This time, they planned to build one million more active soldiers, and by September, more than half of it had been completed.


More than 40 percent of them came to join the army because they received advertisements and posters for conscription.


And some of the remaining people want to be soldiers, because soldiers can solve many problems as long as they don't die.


There are also some immigrants who joined the military. They brought their families to the Commonwealth, and they needed to serve the Commonwealth for five years.


The Department of Defense expects to complete the full recruitment process by December.


At that time, the Federation will have about 3.5 million active-duty soldiers. In addition to further sending troops to Nagalil and striving to recapture Nagalil from Pengjie as soon as possible, the federal government is still planning to attack Pengjie. O's Counterattack!


From the perspective of others, in fact, in the war in Nagalil, the previous year for the Federation was very difficult.


First, Marillo stumbled, and then Nagalil was pressed step by step, but after this year has passed, the Federals have begun to gradually adapt to the intensity of the war and have begun to fight back!


Apart from slaughtering indigenous peoples, the Federation did not seem to have launched any large-scale wars either internally or externally in history. With the addition of the Air Force, the Federation's military could have no actual combat experience except theoretical knowledge!


I can't blame them for being passive defense before, this is the result of their lack of experience.


But now that experience is baptized in war and death, the army of the Federation is undergoing a transformation!


Once the transformation is complete, they will fight back!


Smash Pongio's arrogant ambitions, then stuff them down their throats, and give them another punch!


The Ministry of National Defense has even made preparations for the landing operation to start a war in the mainland of Pengio, and some of the newly recruited soldiers are prepared for the operation in the mainland of Pengio.


After all, to cross such a far area and fight on other people's territory, it is not enough to have a small number of people.


The Ministry of National Defense and the military are expected to invest 1.5 to 2.5 million people to attack the country of Pengio. Once the plan can be successfully implemented, it is possible that the Federation will recruit troops again before the landing operation!


All in all, the conscription is going well now.


Equally smooth was Lynch's plan to join the federal government.


Since this plan is very attractive, and they need to face a country that is many times stronger than Nagalil, the six major banks also joined in smoothly——


Lynch himself is in it, so Blackstone Bank is not excluded from this circle!


The joining of the seven major banks in the Federation means that the top capital is tempted. In addition, Lynch shared his plan in the Holy Harmony Conference. Now more and more people want to get admission tickets!


Here I have to mention the biggest gap in capital between the Federation and Pengio!

In Pengio, capitalists, in the final analysis, mainly serve the regime and the royal family.


They have only limited autonomy, although the royal family and emperor of the Pongio Empire are not foolish people. Instead, they are releasing their control over capital year by year, which has made Pongio’s domestic economy and market more and more prosperous.


But compared to the Federation, they are not free enough!


Just like now, Penggio's capital core, that is, state-owned banks and some big chaebols controlled by aristocrats, put all their energy and productivity into war making.


But in the Federation, whether it is a bank or a big consortium, they all maintain absolute freedom!


They produce weapons and equipment for the federal government because the federal government will give them money, but Pengio's ones won't make much money.


This may be the meaning of their existence - to serve the empire, until the moment the empire stops!


In the Commonwealth, it is impossible.


Even if the president has such thoughts, as long as he speaks out, he may die under the gaze of people the next day!


In the Federation, only capital is absolute and true freedom!


So much capital was not very profitable during the war. You must know that there are only a few companies that can do military industry, and the industry entry barriers formed by these companies can stop many people!


They don't need to do anything, they just need to come up with countless patents to give a lot of people a headache.


Either work for them or file a lawsuit with them!


Ordinary trade has been reduced to a minimum under the war. There are indeed some businessmen who are not afraid of death who are engaged in international trade, but every trade is an adventure that may be worthless.


Compared with these crazy speculators, most capital is in a semi-stagnant state.


Except for some orders from the federal government and some orders generated by internal circulation, most of the time they are in shutdown!


During the Great Depression, it was already proven that the federation had excess production capacity. Now that the scientific level is advancing rapidly, there is already more surplus production capacity!


The capitalists are actually anxious. If the money doesn't need to be used up and money is used to make money, it will soon become worthless!


But if you want to do business, there is no easy business. Many consortiums and big capitals are now engaged in farms and ranches.


The agriculture and animal husbandry industry is the most reliable safe haven for capital, and it is also the easiest business to expand.


Just when everyone couldn't find a good way out for their own funds, Lynch's plan appeared, which was enough to make more people excited!


There are too many people who want to get on the bus. After pulling people layer by layer, the seven major banks of the Federation, as well as all consortiums and some big chaebols and big capital, jointly established a "Light of the World Charity Foundation".


The purpose of this foundation is to operate the Pengio economic collapse plan!


So far, the first orders have basically been delivered, and large quantities of goods have been shipped to the Commonwealth from some neutral countries and some other regions.


Of course, some have completed the process of crushing and re-smelting locally, and all kinds of metal ingots are transported back.


It seems that there are not many single batches of these metals, maybe only a few tons, or a dozen tons.


But there are constant shipments of cargo returning under the **** of the navy and air force, and when accumulated, it's a considerable size!


The federal government is willing to buy these metal ingots at market prices and give certain subsidies.


This allows everyone involved to make a small profit. At this time, a small profit can still be made steadily. Even if it is very small, it is already a very good result for most people!


No one complained, everyone is continuing to trade and trying to expand orders!


The more various metal parts are shipped back from, the less the federal demand for ready-made metals, especially copper!


There are not many copper mines in the Federation, and there are not many copper mines in Penggio. The use of a little is a little less. Now there is a stable channel. Although it costs money, the federal government is willing to spend it.


Mr. Wardrick also joined the plan, and he also needed a lot of metal to produce tanks.


The metals of the Federation mainly come from a few consortia, and those people cannot be avoided.


All of these people are vampires, even though they only sell the most basic iron ore, but they can really bleed the iron ore!


So Mr. Wardrick also joined the plan, he didn't care about the meager profit, all he wanted was more metal!


Once Mr. Wardrick invited Lynch to sit down, and while chatting, he asked a question he had always been curious about.


"Lynch, do you think the Pengios don't know what we're doing?"


His expression is serious and curious, and he also has some desire to explore!


"I don't believe they don't know anything. After all, there are so many orders all at once. If they knew, why didn't they stop it?"


"I heard that it was a dictatorial feudal country. Their emperor should have the power to do this, right?"


