Blackstone Code

Chapter 1753: be quiet

Lynch is Mr. Truman's most trusted and dependable person!

Lynch's Blackstone Capital has become more and more influential, especially among young people!

In the past ten years of surveys, Lynch has become the common idol of 89% of young people!

They would target a certain part of Lynch and try to get closer to his achievements.

As for why 11% of people don't think Lynch is a youth leader, it's entirely because these people don't have much knowledge and culture, and they don't know how to fear!

Many of them were members of street gangs. They had not attended school for a few days. In their eyes, Lynch was just a rich ordinary person.

And they are superheroes who have weapons in their hands and can take other people's lives at any time!

They will not bow down for money, let alone worship a weak ordinary person.

But they don't understand that they are chasing after money until they die. They don't think money will change them because they run to death and can't see money!

They can't see money, so they don't think there's anything powerful about money, and they don't think there's anything powerful about Lynch.

Most of the others who have had a full education, at least nine years of primary school, are well aware of Lynch's influence and his dominance in this society!

Such a young man who can almost be the idol of most people in the next era has a very huge social foundation and the terrible power of capital!

Mr. Truman could see clearly that Lynch was a thief, a burglar, a rule breaker hiding under the rules.

While he trusted Lynch, he was wary of him.

He doesn't want another Duncan family to appear in the Federation, nor does he want someone to wrestle arms with the federal government by virtue of their own strength.

This is actually contradictory, but realistic.

Every good worker wants to have a handy set of tools that they can use to do their job well.

But they don’t want these tools to become uncontrolled, for example, patented by capitalists, or conversely make the tools an integral part of the factory rather than the workers themselves.

So when workers sense danger, or want to leave, the best thing to do is to take their tools with them.

From Mr. Truman's point of view, even if Lynch gradually withdraws from the big stage of the Federation, everything he has will allow him to spend the rest of his life brilliantly.

He didn't say that something must happen to Lynch, he just needed Lynch to stay away from the federal government and power.

This kind of vigilance is difficult for him to tell others, because everyone sees them as good friends, if someone knows this, or he himself said it.

Then people will soon have doubts about his character, after all, Lynch really regarded him as a good friend.

When he rejected Lynch's idea of ​​letting the governor of York join the Socialist Party, he eased it a bit, "The governor's identity is too sensitive, it's hard not to let people think of our plan, and it will also alarm those in the Socialist Party."

He lowered his head and thought for a while, "It's still according to my idea, and arrange for some unobtrusive people to be sent in."

"With our support behind them, it is not particularly difficult for them to climb to the top of the committee!"

It sounds like Mr Truman is making a lot of sense, and it seems that the governor's direct membership of the Socialist Party would really make too much noise.

However, this is the Federation!

The governor jumped to the socialist party, and the people of the socialist party would not only not oppose it, but would vigorously promote it.

So far, they really don't have any politicians who are very good at it. The leader of the Socialist Party is one, the senator, and the few remaining members of the House of Representatives who only abstain from voting. It seems that there are no more than these people!

At this time, an influential politician joins their team, but it will make people cast more attention and be curious about it!

The spirit of the federation is freedom and equality, and it is everyone's most basic right to join any party they want.

Even Mr. President can't stop it, so no one will think it's bad.

After all, only Mr. Truman himself thought it was not good enough!

Lynch nodded, "Then just do it."

Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Lynch was about to get up, but Mr. Truman opened his mouth and let Lynch sit back again.

Although he opened his mouth, he said nothing, which made Lynch a little strange.

"Is there anything I need to know?", he asked.

Mr. Trueman fumbled around in his head, "Your... um, Brothers Grimm, let them settle down recently."

Lynch was a little surprised, "What happened to them?"

Mr. Truman observed Lynch's expression and seemed to realize that he really didn't know before talking about it.

"You know..., right?" The person he said was actually the Director-General of the FBI.

Lynch knew him and nodded naturally, "I've met him a few times."

This guy was lucky, he was a former president, and when Mr. Truman was in the Department of International Affairs, this guy was the director of the FBI.

Later, when Mr. Trueman came to power, he did not remove him from that position.

Once this person knows how to advance and retreat, he will call Mr. Truman for most of the things he thinks are important.

Sometimes Mr. Trueman gets a little impatient to keep him from having to call himself for everything.

But complaints are just complaints after all. The most fascinating part of power is that you are alone, and you may arbitrarily dominate the lives, work, and even everything of countless other people!

The other party still called to ask for instructions whenever something happened. It was really annoying at times, but most of the time, Mr. Trueman still thought he was a smart man.

Know how to advance and retreat, know how to measure.

Second, the position of the FBI is not a very good one.

This position is actually not very powerful-

The real major issues need to be handed over to the Security Committee, the Military Intelligence Division, the Homeland Security Administration and other departments for handling. The Bureau of Investigation actually handles some "small cases".

But they can always run into some big trouble!

This is a department that offends people. It seems to have a lot of power, but in fact it doesn't have much value!

And the current director is also his own, Mr. Truman naturally let him continue to stay.

Lynch has met each other several times. Although this interesting person did not come to his birthday party, he arranged for someone to send birthday gifts.

Lynch went to Nagalil before and brought back some ivory and showed it.

It might make one think he likes ivory, and the chief sent some very delicate ivory...

Lynch had an impression of him.

Seeing Lynch nod, Mr. Truman continued, "They are fighting with another group of people. The movement has been a little loud recently. They were very restrained before."

"Someone called the police, and the local police department didn't take the case and pushed it to the FBI."

When he said this, Mr. Trueman had such a short sneer.

He was laughing at the chief of the police station. In fact, he knew very well why the chief didn't take over the case. He was just afraid of offending people and couldn't handle it.

When Mr. Truman knew about it, he was already thinking about who would be the next chief of the Bupen local police department.

As for Bupen's underground world, he has no interest.

He is not an idealist, maybe he has ideals, but he is definitely not a pure idealist.

He knew very well that there was white and there was black, even in the military.

Even if all these five major families are eliminated, will everything be quiet?

No, soon there will be new criminal organizations that will only become more cunning and cruel.

Over the years, the underground world has also formed a set of their survival rules.

Under this set of survival rules, no one will interfere too much with the lives of ordinary people, and even with them, the security of Bupen is better than without them!

So in the absence of appeals, Mr. Truman also acquiesced in the existence of these people.

Not to mention that behind these people, there are often other people.

After listening, Lynch stood up with the armrest of the chair, "I think I get it, you won't hear anything like that again!"

He looked up at the sunshine outside the sun room, "It's getting late, I'll go back first!"

Mr. Truman also stood up, "I'll send you off!"

At this very moment, in a warehouse at the Cargo Terminal in Bupen, the Brothers Grimm are loading a guy into a barrel of oil.

Next to it is a cement mixer. Every time the mixer is turned out of the cement slurry, it can make people smell a strong, unique smell of cement!

Fern was wearing a raincoat and carrying a bucket in his hand. He took the bucket of cement, walked over to the oil bucket, and poured it into it.

The man in the oil barrel was not dead, he was even sober.

He was tied with hands and feet, and the cold cement mud was pouring on his body, and he was shocked!

As soon as he stood up, Fern grabbed the steel stick next to him and slammed it **** his shoulder!

The sound of broken bones and the screams made the people in the warehouse horrified. They all knew that Fern was cruel, cold, and sometimes perverted.

They have this mental preparation, but when he goes to torture these people will still have a chill!

In the hands of Fern, it is already a desire to be able to die quickly!

"I didn't ask you to stand up!" Fern shook his hair.

He recently grew his hair longer and tied it in a braid.

When Lynch regarded his behavior as art and his perverted behavior as the pursuit of art, his whole person seemed to be sublimated!

He is walking on the road of pursuing art, and no one can stop him!

To be an artist, you must first have beautiful long hair!

He walked back to the cement mixer again, picked up another bucket, walked back, and poured it in.

The people in the oil barrels were already terrified to the extreme, "Ask you something, and I'll tell you everything!"


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