Blackstone Code

Chapter 1772: It's not ashamed to make money with your

Since the Brothers Grimm solved the five Bu Payne families and became the new top criminal organization of Bu Payne and even the whole federation, they have become low-key.


Bu Paine's territory is too large and the forces are intertwined. They know that they can't occupy all the territory, so they only occupy part of the territory and industries that Bu Paine allows them to set foot in.


About 70% of the site and the corresponding business are left vacant, and the forces coming from the periphery of Bupen are gradually filling this part.


The Pan-Federal Gang Council has remained mum on the matter, and they have not asked for anything to be done against the Brothers Grimm, nor have they acknowledged their status.


Sometimes some things always make people laugh and cry, obviously it is a group of criminal organizations, but they have to make so many rules and regulations.


A wolf, a wolf can only be killed and hunted to the fullest.


When a wolf is collared and roped, it is not a wolf, but a dog.


Unfortunately, they didn't understand this truth.


The underground business here in Bupen is different from other places.


The underground business in Sabine City focuses on selling all kinds of contraband, including grape bricks, weapons smuggled back after export, and many illegal businesses.


But in Bupen, there are a lot of businesses that can't be done, or are not suitable for the market here.


Things like grape bricks and grape-flavored candies, which don't sell much in Bupen.


Bu Paine is the most prosperous place in the federation. Bars that can operate normally here have licenses issued by the federation, and they also sell imported liquor.


For big people like Lynch, they don't need to buy these kinds of goods from hawkers. Whether it is brewed abroad or imported, it is not a problem for them.


Here, strip clubs, illegal calling, etc., have become the most profitable business.


They are still adapting.


The rapid demise of the five major families made them take over the site and business without any major problems. The Brothers Grimm's company even set up some brokerage companies and modeling companies.


When they signed up, they said they were for cultivating artists and models, but in fact, everyone knew exactly what they did.


It is precisely because of these people and these industries that Bu Pein's brilliant page is created today!


At eight o'clock in the evening, Fern was concentrating on making specimens.


In a time of peace like now, his only interest is to make various biological specimens.


From butterflies to large carnivores, this is the most fascinating work for him.


In the beginning, he played with small flying insects such as butterflies, which were simple and easy to handle.


Later, he became obsessed with large animals. The place he used to collect is full of specimens of various creatures.


There are some animals that are even found in foreign countries, he buys them back and kills them, and then lets them get another kind of immortality!


But with more and more things to play, now he is playing with insects, especially some crustaceans, which makes him very interesting.


The sudden ringing of the phone did not disturb him. He did not even move the tweezers holding a thin-haired cilia.


Nuoer, who was sitting on the side reading the newspaper, looked at him, he also looked at Nuoer, then Nuoer put down the newspaper in his hand and stood up.


At this time, it's harder for Fern to make a move than to kill him!


He went to the phone to pick it up, and soon there was a strange expression on his face. When he hung up the phone, Fern had almost finished the current process.


"Whose phone number?" He asked questions while wiping his hands.


Noel pouted, "Johnson."






"Does he want to come over?" Fern carefully put his little bug into the glass cover, and then arranged for someone to send it back to Sabine City.


He didn't feel at ease to put his favorite things here, and the battle with the five major families made him realize that Bu Paine could not have eternal peace.


His treasures are placed here, and they will be destroyed at any time.


Noel nodded again, "I'll arrange someone to pick him up..."


Within an hour, Johnson appeared in front of the big house.


The house is very big and looks very valuable. Johnson's mood is a little complicated. He knows what he is doing, but he has to do it.


He stayed in the car for a while, but didn't get off immediately, and no one urged him.


After he mustered up his courage, he left the car and entered the big house.


Soon, he met the "them" who had discussed some cooperation with him this time, the Brothers Grimm.


The Brothers Grimm are legendary in Sabine and throughout York State. Outsiders may not know them well, but Sabine locals know them well.


Johnson, also from Sabine, knew the brothers.


Their reputation is very good, and they are very cruel. Everyone says that Fern is a perverted murderer...


Sitting on the sofa, he subconsciously glanced at Fern who was sitting across from him. At this time, Fern was wearing a slightly casual spring suit with golden eyes.

It made him look... You thought it was Sven?


No, it looks more like a pervert!


Because Johnson knew this man and how cruel he was.


He raised the cup nervously, took a sip of water, and put it back.


"I encountered some difficulties. I asked Mr. Lynch for help, and he told me that you can help me." He took out the business card Lynch gave him and put it on the table.


Noel was a little surprised, but he still picked it up and told him to wait a moment. He was going to call and ask.


After about three minutes, he walked back with a smile, "I think I probably understand what happened."


"Exactly, we also have something to ask you about."


"As a legal consultation, you don't have to worry about it being free, we will pay a fee."


"For example, I have recently become interested in medical products. If I transport and sell alcohol, is it illegal?"


Johnson hadn't reacted yet, and the question was thrown over, but he still answered dutifully, "Of course not, but you must sell it in a legal place, such as a registered and qualified drug store."


The federal drug store is not open to anyone who wants to open it. It requires a series of documents, because at present, some drugs are harmful to the human body.




If you open a store without sales qualifications and randomly sell some special medicines to people who don't actually need them, it will easily lead to terrible consequences!


Moreover, these pharmacies also need to settle some expenses with the Federal Social Security Administration, such as the cheap drugs under the insurance, which can be deducted through medical insurance.


In short, it is easy to say that you want to sell medicines in an open and honest way, but it is not an easy task.


At least ordinary people don't have the ability to open a drug store by themselves, but these are too easy for the Brothers Grimm.


Since the release of Prohibition, the most disputes they have encountered is that some idiots do not know how to use grape bricks or grape-flavored candies.


This is indeed too troublesome for some people. They try to improve these businesses, such as soaking grape bricks with "medical alcohol", sterilizing them, and then flushing out a certain percentage of cold water or juice.


It's not difficult to do this, and they even got someone to get a set of instructions, which are now being sold privately.


However, when Commissioner Johnson came to the door, they did not recommend sharing a portion of the profits in exchange for continued security and maximization of profits.


Noel asked a lot of questions, and at the end of the conversation, he had someone send 50,000 yuan.


The 50,000 dollar bills were old bills without consecutive numbers. They were placed in a tray on the coffee table in front of Johnson.


His breathing became rapid. The most money he ever received in his life was 1,500 yuan, which he received when he was the head of the tax bureau.


Someone encountered tax trouble and asked for his help. He offered some solutions, and then the other party gave him 1,500 yuan.


In the past, it was others who took the initiative to give him money, and he never asked for it. He didn't think he would be... such a person, until this moment!


"They're yours now!" Noel smiled and pushed the tray forward, "We have a lot of legitimate businesses in Sabine, and some of them may be a little bit sloppy, so we need someone who understands this to help. us."


"If you don't mind, we can hire you as a consultant, and we will pay you on time."


Johnson swallowed and his eyes flickered, "I don't know..."


He didn't know if he should do Nuoer added in time, "10,000 yuan a month, we are very sincere!"


Johnson, who wanted to say something, kept his mouth shut. At ten thousand yuan a month, he couldn't refuse.


In fact, for the director in charge of a state's Bureau of Contraband and Dangerous Goods Investigation, 10,000 yuan a month is really not much.


Thanks to the joining of Commissioner Johnson - yes, he has now changed from "Johnson" to "Director Johnson", which is the most real side of capital society.


When you have value, everyone respects you.


But when you become cheap and worthless, people will abandon you too!


Director Johnson has now become valuable. With him joining, the Brothers Grimm can expand their business to more cities in York State.


They don't need Commissioner Johnson to come down and help them sell these things, they just need him to slap the law a little at their competitors!


In the evening, Director Johnson left Bu Payne with heavy "sincereness", and now he just wants to go home.


He just wants to go back and tell the woman that she doesn't have to worry about it, he will solve everything in the future!


The next day, the sun rose slowly as always, and the sun fell on the ground. Everything was bathed in sunlight. Everything was so peaceful and beautiful...
