Blackstone Code

Chapter 1778: restless night

Chapter 1777 Restless Night

Before coming, Lynch had learned about an interesting case before.

There was a person who seemed to be quite honest. One day, he voluntarily surrendered himself. In order to attract the attention of the police to him, he voluntarily confessed the amount of money involved in the case.

More than 400 billion.

Yes, more than 400 billion, so much that even the richest man in some small countries has to sweat, because it is only the amount involved!

The police didn't quite believe it. They investigated the information of the victim, ordinary social appearance, graduated from high school, and was unemployed.

Perhaps in the hearts of these police officers, they are still asking a question-

Maybe you haven't even seen 40,000 yuan in cash, and 400 billion?

However, in a responsible attitude, they filed a case and began to investigate. To everyone's surprise, the amount of the case was far more than 400 billion!

This is an online gambling case. The complainant used to be addicted to online gambling, but later turned to learning computer technology and wanted to open a casino by himself.

Maybe his talent is here, and soon he set up his own online casino, and by virtue of his previous connections in various online and offline gambling, he attracted a group of people to play in his casino.

Soon the casino became bigger and bigger, and special game currency dealers began to appear. They bought game currency from the whistleblower at the price of 60 cents to buy 10,000 game currency.

Then, these game coins are sold at a price of 80 to 910,000 yuan, and the game coins are also recovered from the market at a low price.

Under the constant promotion of people, the scale of the entire casino is getting bigger and bigger, from domestic to overseas.

In less than two years, the amount involved in the case exceeded 100 billion.

At this time, the whistleblower became afraid. He called all the game currency dealers and told them that he didn't want to do it anymore.

According to his idea, everyone just shoots and disperses.

But it turned out that he was kidnapped that night, those people didn't want his money, they only made one request, the casino can't be closed!

If it's closed, they'll kill him, kill his family!

He was timid and could only continue to maintain it. The amount involved in the case soon reached 200 billion, and he was even more afraid.

He tried to do some technical means, such as making some players unable to enter, unable to gamble, the loss of popularity, and soon stopped, and he did not offend anyone.

But within a few days, he was hit by a car. Someone called him and told him to stop playing tricks and restore the network as soon as possible.

Those people started to become dangerous, they tried to control the surrender, which eventually led him to surrender.

Soon after surrendering, the superiors paid great attention to it. With the help of an "inner ghost", all the suspects were locked in less than two days, and almost all of them came to the case.

Very bizarre case.

Interests are moving, and they are best reflected here.

In fact, this is like driving a car. Many times, where the car is parked, it is not the driver who has the final say, but the passenger who has the final say!

This is the case in the above case, and the same is true for the second candidate now.

To be listed as a candidate for the chairman of the Progressive Party committee is definitely not a small role.

The candidate is fifty-four years old, a very suitable age, and he has been doing outreach work in the party.

Political parties, Progressives, Conservatives, Socialists.

All three parties are "non-profit organizations", what do you mean?

To put it simply, these three organizations do not do business. They do not sell products to the outside world, do not produce goods, and do not engage in any rewarding specific work and business.

It doesn't make money, it just keeps pumping money out.

Then comes the problem.

A political party that doesn't run a profitable business, so how can it stick around?

It's simple, get people to donate.

The birth of political donations is the best proof of the coexistence of politics and capital. Capital affects power, and power obtains wealth!

This system is very successful, and it needs special people to take charge, and these people are the people in the party who are responsible for outreach.

They're like pimps, pulling in donors for the party who are often very familiar with the party's donors.

If they're not familiar, they can't convince those donors to donate money "selfless" to keep the party running.

For so many years, the No. 2 person has been engaged in this kind of work, and he has maintained a good relationship with many capitalists and celebrities.

It's not an easy job to do, and there's something unique about him being able to do it for so long and be so successful.

After the Progress Party committee voted on an extension today, some people reached out to him.

It is difficult to deal with those capitalists. Lynch is a good person to deal with. Some capitalists have certain bad tastes, or they are naturally cautious.

In order to be friends with them, you may need to play with them to develop a friendship.

It's just that sometimes it's playing football, sometimes it's other activities, and it may even be necessary to receive personal donations from some capitalists before becoming friends.

Capitalists don't make friends with people they are not sure about, they are close friends, they have to let each other be themselves first.

Immediately after announcing the results of the extension, the capitalists realized that this was a good opportunity.

They didn't vote much on the No. 2 candidate, but they were close enough that they could get more in return with just a push.

Why don't they do that?

So on the field, outside the field, a storm blew up.

The meaning of his call to Lynch was actually very simple, and he hoped that Lynch could support him.

In terms of his own will, he does not consider himself inferior to others, and there are so many capitalists behind him.

As long as he can come to power, no matter what kind of policy or program he implements, there will be many people who will cooperate with him. There is absolutely no need to worry about whether anyone will support this issue.

The capitalist behind him is willing to gamble, and he is willing to try it himself, that's enough!

As long as he is willing, even if there is no support, maybe he will try it, let alone someone supports it now.

After Lynch picked up the phone, Candidate No. 2 said directly, "I hope you can support me, Mr. Lynch."

"Maybe we are not familiar with each other, but I know how to deal with you, and I also believe that we will get along very well."

"I always believe a little bit!"

Lynch first expressed his gratitude, and then asked very directly.

The No. 2 character does know how to get along with other people. He should have different countermeasures and figure out Lynch's temper.

Naturally, Lynch would not go around and ask a straightforward question, "If I support you, what can you give me?"

The second person came almost with his mouth open, "As long as your appeal is within a reasonable and legal range, I will consider it carefully and give you the answer."

"It's not limited to one, two or three."

"I have been in contact with many people, and I know very well that the development of society today, we are ahead of all other countries in all aspects, and have a lot to do with the commercialized society."

"I will not restrict such development, I think this trend is positive for our society, our country, our people."

"So I can assure you of this. As long as your proposal is in line with the trend of social development, I will consider it carefully."

It was very sincere, and Lynch said "um", "I will seriously consider it."

Candidate No. 2 also knows that you can't get what you want in one phone call, "If you have any questions, call me anytime!"

The phone hung up less than ten seconds before it rang again.

This time it was Gladstone's call.

"Your phone has been busy...", he said, it's not that he didn't call, he has been calling, but it must be a busy tone.

Sometimes people don't sign up when they hang up, and that's what happens.

In fact, no one is using the phone, but the other side of the call will always prompt a busy tone.

Gladstone didn't know if Lynch wasn't hanging up, or if he was on the phone, he had to show the attitude that he had been trying.

Lynch nodded with a smile and said yes, "Just now... Mr. gave me a call..."

This... sir, is the second candidate.

Gladstone was stunned for a moment, already having a bad premonition in his heart, but he still forced a smile and asked, "Is it convenient for me to know more?"

"Of course!" Lynch is not mean at all, he is not a mean person! , "He said that any question from me will be considered carefully and carefully."

Gladstone demeaned his opponent in his heart at this time, if it were him, he would not say so.

It seems that the posture is too low, and it will cause some trouble later.

Senator Langdon can affect only seven or eight people, less than three percent.

But to say it has no value, it can't be counted like that.

Gladstone increased by 3% and Candidate No. 2 decreased by 3%, the difference between the two is 6%!

He hesitated, "I and I don't know what to do now. I obviously can't give you that kind of promise. You know, sometimes it's too full of words, and it may not be fulfilled."

Lynch agrees with Gladstone's statement that he still has certain advantages, so he still has some reservations and restraints.

He could say something similar if he now has a lower approval rating than the No. 2 candidate.

Anyway, I'm about to Why don't you lower your stance?

With their age, they have at least ten years left!

Ten years, no matter how many grievances you have, you can do it back!

Lynch thought for a while and said, "I have a proposal..."

Gladstone breathed a sigh of relief, and his relieved voice could be heard in the receiver, "You said it!"

"You know, my ex-girlfriend, Katherine, she hopes to take on more social responsibilities. Although she is still very young, I believe that as long as she works hard, she will always be one step closer to her goal, what do you think?"

The appearance of Catherine immediately appeared in Gladstone's mind. People called her "the flower of the common people" and she was a somewhat powerful female politician.

Politicians can already be used on mayors.

Gladstone thought for a while, "If I can arrange her work, when appropriate, I will add some responsibilities to her..."