Blackstone Code

Chapter 1784: An opportunity for old friends


Lynch was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, but soon an image of a Nagalil man appeared in his mind.

A thin, young man with a fighting spirit.

In his memory, Asir should have been on Nagalil's side at this time, and Lynch's last memory of him was that he was still serving Nell.

Obviously, now Nell has left this world and returned to the embrace of God.

The company was handed over to other professional managers by Lynch instead of Asher.

He didn't know exactly what Asir was doing.

After Nell's death, Lynch didn't pay much attention to the operation of the company, and everything was businesslike.

This is also the advantage of professional managers. There are contracts and laws that govern each other's behavior. If these professional managers do what they shouldn't do, they will not only lose money, but also go to jail.

If they offend someone like Lynch, it is possible that they not only don't need to lose money, they don't even need to go to jail!

So the more this is the case, the more serious the professional managers will be, not to mention the managers who climbed up relying on nepotism, even those around Lynch.

If you don't follow the company's rules, they will clean it up too!

In fact, Aser has since been separated from the company. He has established an agricultural and animal husbandry trading company, and he has some people in his hands.

Sometimes when Nell needed his help, he would also pick up the job.

Later, after Nell died, he could not receive outsourced work from the company, and the people in his hands were scattered.

Coupled with the outbreak of the war, the farm and ranch he ran was in the core area of ​​the war. At that time, the Pengios burned all the farmland and plundered a large number of livestock, and Aser went bankrupt in an instant.

A person has gone through a lot, slowly climbed to the peak, and fell down again, which was not easy for Asir, and it was not easy.

Fortunately, his current work has improved a little.

Lynch's impression of Aser flashed in his mind, and then asked with a smile, "Are you coming to the Federation?"

Aser on the other side of the receiver responded, "Just got off the boat, Mr. Lynch, I brought something and wanted to visit you..."

Lynch thought about it and gave him an address.

He had a good time working with Asil before. He wanted to climb up and had a certain bottom line. Lynch gave him the opportunity and he seized it.

He also had a good relationship with Nell during his time with Nell, which was enough for Lynch to give him another chance.

It didn't take long for Asil to appear outside Lynch's villa, accompanied by the community's security guards.

On the surface, they sent Asir over, but they were actually waiting for Lynch to respond.

If Lynch said "I don't know him" he would be dragged away immediately, as to how he got Lynch to admit to knowing him and let him in, that doesn't matter.

Lynch obviously did not take any further action. The two security guards left after greeting Lynch, and Asle walked in with some boxes.

"This is the new fruit of this year..."

Some souvenirs were worthless. Lynch asked the little maid to put them away, and then came to the living room with Asle.

"I remember that the shipping between the Federation and Nagalil has not been fully restored yet?" Lynch took out a cigarette. He is used to lighting a cigarette at the beginning of the conversation, which can provide himself with some inspiration, and can also Let the smoke grab some people's attention.

Asle hurriedly bent over and pouted his ass, lit a cigarette for Lynch, and said as he lit, "Yes, Mr. Lynch, the battle that happened yesterday brought almost all of the few boats to a halt. ."

"I'm working with a trading company now. They rented a freighter to run this route. This time I happened to be the one who came here with the cargo. I'm familiar with this place."

Lynch patted the back of his hand, put away the lighter, and sat upright on the sofa.

Lynch took a breath of smoke, "Sounds dangerous?"

Asil showed a somewhat helpless expression, "It's all for life."

Lynch nodded slightly, "But being alive is the greatest luck. Aser, you are much luckier than other people, many people."

Lynch thought of Nell, the hapless one.

Asle also knew who Lynch was talking about, he was a little embarrassed and had to shut up.

Lynch was just a little emotional, and he quickly calmed down, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

He asked very directly. Although Asir was a little at a loss, it was not surprising that this was Lynch, very direct.

He thought about it and said, "I want to borrow some money, Mr. Lynch."

Lynch nodded again and listened carefully, "Go on."

"You know, because of the war, my farm was destroyed and the animals died, and now I'm broke."

"The war is coming to an end, and I have heard that the federal government intends to speed up the local economic recovery in Nagalil."

"Nagalil will inevitably experience rapid urban construction and development by then. I think this is an opportunity. I want to borrow some money and start over."

This is the main reason why Asil came to the Federation to find Lynch this time. He had come to the Federation once before, but he didn't look for Lynch.

At that time, the situation in Nagalil was not sunny, and blind investment might make him completely block his last chance.

Now the situation has changed dramatically. The Pengios are about to be expelled from Nagalil, and the Federals are doing something special, saying that they want to stimulate the local economy. He believes that this is his opportunity.

The war has driven many people away from their homeland, and now the central to eastern part of Nagalil is almost Lordless land.

The new federal (Nagalil) government is adopting federal legal norms and everything needs to be evidenced.

If someone thinks a piece of land is theirs, they have to show proof.

This has never happened in the past.

Nagalil is so poor, who cares which land belongs to whom?

Whoever lives on which land claims his rights, then that land belongs to the claimant.

But now, he has heard from some officials and friends that the land situation needs to be reorganized. If the land deed or other material evidence cannot be produced, the land will be owned by the new federal government.

They will sell some land at their discretion.

This includes some land in the heart of the city!

In the past, many of the land in the center of Nagalil city were inhabited by poor people, but now these poor people are either dead or unable to get the title deeds, and they will be expelled to the periphery of the city.

The land in this part of the city center is what Aser wants. Once the federal people really start to stimulate the local economic development and construction, the value of those lands will increase exponentially quickly!

Look at the land price of the Federation, even if Nagalil's land price is only one-tenth of the land price here, he can still make a lot of money!

He was a rich man and enjoyed the life of a superior man. He also fell from the top of the mountain and used his own hands to find food for himself.

He doesn't want to be poor anymore, this is not the life he wants!

The only hope now lies with Lynch.

Lynch looked Asir up and down and smiled, "You have grown a lot more than before, which shows that you have experienced a lot, which is good."

"I can lend you money, how much do you want?"

Asil loosened his hand tightly clutching his trousers and began to tremble slightly again. He swallowed and his eyes flashed with hope.

"Two million, Federation Sol, is that okay?"

Two million sounded like a lot, but he knew that to Lynch, it was only a very small part, and he was not even seen by Lynch.

But these two million will be the cornerstone of his future for him, and complex emotions are constantly flashing in his eyes.

Desire, hope, fear, apprehension...

In the end, Lynch thought for a while and gave an answer, "I want 35% of your company's shares, and you owe me two million, so I can give you a lower interest rate."

Aser let out a heavy sigh, he was almost unable to sit still!

"Of course, of course, that's fine, Mr. Lynch!"

Lynch made some more demands, "Aser, this money will stay in the account of Blackstone Bank, and when you need to use it, as long as the need to use it is reasonable, it will appear in the account you designated. ."

"But if your reasons are inappropriate and unreasonable, the bank will refuse to give you money, and I hope you can understand."

"It's for my money, and if you screw it up, you can't pay for it, right?"

Aser was a little surprised and had a little emotion in his heart, but he was more grateful to Lynch, "Of course, Mr. Lynch!"

"I'll give you 100,000 in cash, deduct 2 million yuan from your account, this is the money you use for activities."

"I will arrange for the rest of the matter to connect with you. Is there any problem?"

Asle stood up quickly, he knew that he had disturbed Lynch long enough, he should leave, "No, Mr. Lynch!"

After he left, Lynch called the managers of the company in Nagalil. Now that Nagalil's situation has gradually become clear, they can start working.

And, of course, Garton.

Garton is really lucky. Originally, Lynch hoped to replace him with Nell. After all, this is a very important position, but who would have thought that Garton not only lived well, but also sat in that position.

Nell, who was supposed to replace him, dies unexpectedly. Fate is so impermanent!

For a while, Lynch didn't have any reliable people, so he could only continue to do his job.

Fortunately, Garton is a sensible child, he knows what he can do and what he can't do!

An air strike made the whole of Nagalil seem to have come alive. The Federal Industrial Index is rising almost every day, even if it is not much, but it is always rising!

Everyone knows that they're waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to make it soar, and it's not far away!

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