Blackstone Code

Chapter 1788: miscellaneous

A good question, but without a good answerer.

Just at this time, Mr. Truman hurried over from the outside, interrupting the answers people were thinking about, and everyone stood up to welcome him!

He couldn't stay too long, and the original plan was to come halfway through the event.

But later it was delayed by some things, so I just came over at the last moment, and then ended with everyone, which was considered a kind of consummation.

The presence of Mr. Truman pushed the atmosphere to another climax. In the following time, it almost became Mr. Troman's personal quiz show!

Of course, most of the time people ask questions that have nothing to do with the economy or finance. They all revolve around issues like war, taxation, and social security.

Faced with these bizarre and all-encompassing questions, Mr. Trueman did not remain silent, but did his best to answer these people's questions.

That's probably one of the reasons people love the Commonwealth, they have an easily accessible president.

He doesn't look at you with his nostrils and then someone points to the curb to make you roll faster.

Nor will they casually trample the dignity of ordinary people and use the power in their hands to do things that others don't want to do.

He will simply chat with people, answer people's questions, and may even be sued by ordinary people in court!

People in many parts of the world don't understand the Federation, and they don't understand why the people here are so exaggerated. Maybe this is the special place of the Federation——

Whether it has real freedom or not, at least politicians and social systems are very good at acting, so that people at the bottom of society not only have a sense of participation, but also find something that moves them!

The happy time is always short, and soon the event will come to an end. This event has benefited many people a lot.

Not every time, those scholars and experts, those capitalists, will say something that is mostly the truth in front of the public!

For the guests, they also gained a lot, and they are also very satisfied with this event.

The guests did not leave directly, and there was a dinner party in the evening. After all, after chatting all night, they had to have something to eat.

Otherwise, others will think that the organizer is too stingy and will not even provide any food.

Mr. Trueman pulled Lynch into his car, flipped through some materials in his hand, and then asked, "What do you think of the question someone asked before I came?"

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows, "You mean the one who moved the factory abroad?"

Mr. Trueman nodded, "I'm curious, what do you think."

Although he came near the end, he was very concerned about what happened here.

He is very clear that this seminar and forum, which many people may find boring, actually has a high gold content.

This is indeed the case.

For example, the question raised by this person before he came, in fact, the Federation is doing that!

Many companies in the Federation are transferring factories to Nagalil, setting up companies there, building factories there, and hiring cheap workers...

To produce the same product, in the Commonwealth it may cost nine and nine dollars, but in Nagalil, two dollars, or even a dollar, is enough!

This has attracted a lot of companies to transfer out, but these transferred companies have a very obvious feature.

They all belong to intensive manufacturing, rough processing enterprises, and few really high-end enterprises go out, or there are none at all!

But this is a big trend, when people go for more profit and it goes above a certain line, people start doing that!

Lynch thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't think this is a good thing, at least not now."

"Once these brick-and-mortar industries leave the country, we lose more of what we can't see."

"If you ask me if it's appropriate to do this, I'll tell you it's not appropriate, at least not now!"

small book booth

Mr. Trueman nodded thoughtfully, "I don't think it's appropriate, but I can't tell why it makes me think it's not a good idea..."

"So when do you think it is appropriate, or is it possible to achieve it?"

Lynch replied without thinking, "When there is only one country left in the world, it can be implemented."

If there is only one country left in the world, this is not deindustrialization, but the transfer of industrial centers and marginalization.

Transfer and marginalization does not mean that it has disappeared, but it has become less common in people's sight.

Mr. Truman smiled and shook his head, "This is unlikely, unless we can conquer the whole world!"

Lynch smiled pointedly and said, "Sometimes we conquer the world without using force."

With money, in fact, it is also possible. After the Federal Sol is used as the designated international settlement currency, the financial risks of the Federation can be allocated to each country that uses the Federal Sol as the international settlement!

Although the risks to the Federation itself still exist and will get bigger and bigger, in the same way, as long as there are enough countries and regions to share these risks with the Federation, it is not impossible!

But now, no!

To do this requires a lot of things, the country's credibility, strong national strength, and the guarantee of force!

The two chatted for a while, and it didn't take long before Mr. Truman's car arrived at the door of the Bupen Hotel, where the dinner was scheduled.

Mr. Trueman made an appearance, and after having a glass of wine with everyone, he left soon, and he had to go back to work, while also thinking about what Lynch said.

Every time I chat with Lynch, he always gains a lot!

For example, Lynch talked about sharing risks through international settlement. He didn't quite understand it, and he had to ask someone to ask.

Sometimes some of what Lynch said had to be analyzed by experts before he could understand it. He didn't like it, and it would appear that he was particularly powerless in this regard.

But he likes to talk about this with Lynch. These can make him and the Federation closer to his dream!

Just like the previous economic sanctions.

It seems that the World Development Council and some neutral countries are no longer allowed to settle with Pontiero's Austrian dollars in trade, but the impact on the Pontgiou Empire and its vassals is amazing!

Especially those small countries that have always been used as harvest targets, their currencies have nailed the exchange rate of the Austrian dollar, and the Austrian dollar has depreciated significantly, and their currencies will depreciate even faster!

The purchasing power of money has declined, and it takes a lot more money to buy things than before.

It used to be possible to buy a loaf of bread for only a hundred sous (the currency unit of one of the members of the Pengio military group), but now they need more than 10,000 to buy a loaf of bread!

The depreciation of dozens or hundreds of times has almost stopped the import and export trade of these small countries. When they can't buy it, they can't sell the price.

The contradictions between classes in the country are heating up at an extreme speed, the pressure is increasing, and the devil knows when it will explode.

These pressures have been transferred to the Penggio Empire by them, and now the reason why the Pentio military group is so urgent and crazy to expand the southern line!

If it continues like this, without the need for the Federalists to do anything, their own country will be completely in chaos!

When conflicts cannot be exported through external wars, they will explode internally, killing everyone!

And the Federation did this without paying too much price, it just issued an announcement!

He believed what Lynch said, that finance is sometimes a more terrifying force than arms, it can not only destroy people's bodies, but also people's spirits and hearts!

At the dinner, Lynch, who had been sitting on the stage all night, finally had time to stand for a while, and he stood at the dining table with Penny.

The girl eats this gracefully, it doesn't look like she's very hungry, but she's already eaten a lot!

All night, everyone was talking about something she didn't understand, but she had to pretend that she could understand, which was too tiring!

Thirsty, hungry and bored, I almost didn't hold back!

Fortunately, the boring time is finally over.

But in the process, she also gained something.

She found that the other ladies seemed to have some idea of ​​what the people on stage were talking and she had an inexplicable feeling that even if she was younger, prettier, in better shape, maybe more rich.

In front of those ladies, she would appear too "young", not just for her age, but in all aspects!

She wants to change, but she doesn't know how to change for a while!

After filling some stomach, she went back to the room to change clothes. After all, in such a formal occasion, it is not enough to wear only one set of clothes!

When she came downstairs, she was still so bright...

The next day, the major media reported what they discussed last night.

It has to be said that these writers are very powerful, and they put together paragraphs of text randomly selected from them, giving people a feeling of "the federation is very strong".

Popular, easy to read, and easy to empathize with. Of course, this does not mean that they are making up the content. Everything is based on evidence.

The Federal Industrial Index also appears to have been affected by the event, again posting notable gains...  

Everything is developing in a better direction, whether domestic or foreign!

At the end of April, the weather gradually warmed up, and in Nagalil, the Pengios were never able to raise a line of defense again.

They had tightened the defense line too tightly before, giving the Federals an excellent opportunity. A large number of supplies and military equipment were blown up. In addition, Pongio's fleet was severely damaged, and the sea was blocked.

The Ministry of Defense and the military concluded that before June, they would be able to completely end the war on Nagalil and drive out the Pengios completely!

This is excellent news, once the Pengios can be driven out of Nagalil, the Federation will regain control of the entire war!

At the beginning of May, the new chairman of the Progressive Party Committee was finally elected...