Blackstone Code

Chapter 1790: the great mr williams

Some of Gladstone's ideas seemed... unrealistic in the eyes of the former Progress Party committee chairman.

He plans to wait for the opportunity to have a good chat with him in the future, but not now.

It's not that he's going to let Gladstone mess up, it's that he's just gotten to this point and achieved something that most people will never be able to achieve in their lifetimes.

Everything about him was inflated by this result, would he listen if someone told him "your idea is a joke" at this time?

No, it won't.

Everyone becomes extremely confident and more egotistical when they have great success.

They don't think they're going to lose, be wrong, or be the next loser, so it's best not to say anything at this point and just wait quietly for a while.

Gladstone's inaugural speech was held within the party, with some reporters on the scene, in which he talked about the Progress Party's past, present, and future.

His speech was very passionate, fully aroused people's emotions, and showed the temperament that an important person in the Progressive Party should have!

He vigorously advocated the replacement, modification, and deletion of some unreasonable old systems, and pushed some new things in line with social progress and changes to be established and passed the Congress.

He suggested paying more attention to the middle and lower classes of society, listening to their ideas and solving their difficulties.

In the pictures he described in words, a more three-dimensional "Gleiston" appeared in people's minds, and some people even became his followers directly!

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Lynch also watched the entire speech on the spot, and at the end stood up at the same time as everyone else, with a smile on his face and a fierce applause.

But it wasn't so clear whether he was cursing in his heart.

The outbreak of the war has indeed brought a lot of changes to the Federation. If there was no war, it may be difficult for these changes to happen so quickly and so truly.

In early May, Lynch was invited to participate in a hearing, and the participants were all celebrities, or basically big capitalists, or some related people.

The content of the hearing is a new proposal after the adoption of the Social Security System Reform and Amendment, that is, the hearing on the Proposal for the Social Security System for Enterprise Employees.

At the beginning, Lynch gave Mr. Trueman some small tips, and now these tips have become the key to the reform of the social security system. Naturally, it must be taken seriously by people.

The "trial" was the initiator of the proposal, or Mr. Williams. When Lynch saw him this time, he was not the same as before, in terms of spirit!

Before Williams was asked by Mr. Truman to start the reform of the social security system, he would certainly offend many people. At that time, he gave people a feeling of lack of spirit.

As if he had completely accepted his fate and obeyed, his face was full of sadness and exhaustion.

But now, he has become high-spirited, with shiny hair and high-end formal clothes, plus a confident smile and eyes on his face, his mental outlook is completely changed!

After the reform of the social security system was passed, he received the support of many middle- and lower-class people. Every day, someone wrote to him, thanking him for everything he had done for the working people of the Federation.

Others suggested he run for president, and those people said they would vote for him...

Every day someone affirms everything he has done, and with the support of public opinion, this gives him more confidence.

Now he is planning to find a chance to enter the Senate, and the chance is not small.

Public opinion is a wonderful thing in federal politics.

You can say it doesn't matter, because many times behind-the-scenes deals are more important than the support of the people!

The one with the highest voice is not necessarily the final winner every time!

It can be said that public opinion is not important. Once there are various direct elections, public opinion will become extremely important during the general election, more important than anything else!

Now that he has the foundation, he will have an opportunity in the future.

The hearing was fast and a bit boring. In Williams' proposal, companies should be one of the socially responsible parties and take corresponding social responsibilities.

Yes, this sentence sounds familiar, this is what Lynch said before.

Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs!

Now it's being used by Williams for the hearing, which may be one of the reasons Lynch is here.

In Williams' statement, business, as the most important part of society, has already overlapped with the federal government in a relatively closed environment!

Therefore, enterprises must undertake these social responsibilities!

It sounds like it is adding pressure and burden to the company, but in fact the capitalists sitting on the bench are about to laugh out loud.

Williams split social security into two parts, the first part is pension part, the second part is medical part.

Among them, the pension part refers to the obligation of enterprises to provide more convenient and preferential pension insurance for employees. It sounds like enterprises are under great pressure?

In fact, there is a cognitive misunderstanding here. This proposal actually allows companies to sell pension insurance to employees on the basis of not having the qualification to operate insurance business!

Everyone knows that the insurance business is very profitable!

And it's an insurance business with such a long time span!

Even if the company honestly follows the content of this proposal, the devaluation of the currency over such a long period of time is enough to keep them going!

Not to mention that there may be some other means and methods, so that enterprises have the opportunity to cash less or even not cash this part of the pension!

Everyone knew from the beginning that it was just a cutscene!

After all, procedural justice is very important in the federation. Even if everyone knows that one plus one equals two, before announcing the result to people, a hearing should be held to let the person in charge of the announcement tell everyone why he thinks one plus one equals two. two.

Sometimes this kind of process justice is stupid, it will make many simple things troublesome, for example, the judicial evidence collection process must comply with judicial regulations, which makes many criminals escape.

But sometimes, it is very important, especially when dealing with people!

Hearings and results announcements can show people the reason, process, and result of why it appeared around us. If people can't strongly object before the announcement period ends, then they will lose the qualification to object later.

Because this is the Federation, there is nothing wrong with its process!

With the deepening of the process, Williams finally proposed that the enterprise can collect no more than 35% of the monthly salary payable from the employees every month, as the upper limit of the enterprise employee pension insurance.

Every year, the enterprise needs to add a minimum of 2.5% and a maximum of 10% of the insurance income to the employee's account as a reward.

Assuming that an employee pays 480 yuan per year for insurance, he will pay 4,800 yuan in ten years, and the company is willing to give a 5% reward, then his insurance account will be available in ten years. Six thousand three hundred and forty yuan.

The face value of the money increased by about 30 percent.

Twenty years later, it will be 16,670 yuan, which is 173% of the original principal!

The longer the term, the more money in the account!

The more you pay, the more you will get in the future!

This is only the final result of paying 10% of the current federal minimum standard. What if it is 30%?

What if you pay for 30 years? !

More importantly, this part of the money paid by employees will not be included in the part that needs to be taxed!

That is to say, if a person has 400 yuan a month, and he pays 40 yuan to the enterprise employee insurance, then he only needs to file tax returns according to the income of 360 yuan!

It seems that there is not much profit, and it is also a lot of money.

Of course, companies are not giving these money in vain. While they pay the "insurance rate" to their employees, they are also eligible to use the money in the enterprise employee pension insurance account under the supervision of a congressional committee.

For the development of the enterprise itself, financial investment, etc...

If employees pay this kind of corporate insurance according to a certain percentage, plus their social insurance, when they retire, most of them may be able to get more than 1.5 times the income of their current pension!

This is full of temptation for people!

The capitalists are satisfied, they send money to the workers, and then the workers return some of the money to them.

The workers are very satisfied. The number of years to pay social insurance has been reduced, which is equivalent to an early retirement, and with the new policy, their income after retirement will be higher!

Politicians are satisfied, especially the gentlemen of Congress.

In the future, all enterprises will have such a business, and they will all be supervised and managed by the new committee, which makes the new committee the most powerful as soon as it is born.

With the power to supervise enterprises, are you still worried that the funds you hold will lose money?

Everyone was very satisfied with just said a few words, they were perfect, at least from Lynch's point of view.

The hearing passed without incident, and soon entered the publicity period, and television began to explain the benefits of doing so.

Someone made a list and told people that paying 20% ​​to 30% every month is the most reasonable range, and the payment period is preferably as long as 30 years!

In this way, when people retire, each of them will have a pension of almost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

Plus federal pensions...

Many people heard that their breathing became heavier, and some older workers went to the Social Security Administration to ask about related matters.

For example, can they make up some of the money in one lump sum or in multiple installments, or can they continue to pay this fee after the retirement age is reached, etc. . . .

The eyes of the whole society are attracted by the content of this announcement, and Williams has become a hot "big star" and is deeply loved by people...