Blackstone Code

Chapter 1793: new question

Chapter 1792 New Questions

In the morning, a phone call from Sabine rang in Lynch's villa.

The caller was a textile factory over in Sabine.

Said to be a textile factory, it is actually a very small company.

Small, it refers to the number of its personnel, but it is really not small in terms of volume. According to statistics, 7.1% of the cheap clothing market in the Nagalil market comes from this small company.

This is a project Lynch worked on when Senator Langdon was mayor of Sabine.

Delegating all processes to a family-based workshop, the factory and the family workshop are a cooperative relationship, not an employment relationship, so naturally there is no need to bear all kinds of bad expenses.

The advantage of this is that the cost is reduced. He only needs to pay 15 to 50 cents for each qualified product, and there is no additional cost and no risk.

For example, the safety accident caused by the irregular work of the workers has nothing to do with him at all.

Every week, the factory collects up-to-standard clothes from the cooperating home workshops, packs them and sends them to Nagalil.

Many people think that Nagalil's market is still very low-level and can't even sell anything. In fact, this is a complete misunderstanding of Nagalil.

Most people who think this way are people who haven't actually been to Nagalil.

With the current wages of Nagalil people, they can get about one five to seven dollars a day, which is the income of ordinary workers, federal sol.

Technical jobs are generally more than two yuan and five yuan, such as some advanced technical jobs, who can drive construction machinery and the like, basically at four to five yuan a day.

Some of them have obtained qualifications and certificates such as engineers, and their monthly income is at least 180 yuan or more!

The per capita income of Nagalil may not be too high, but their desire to consume has never been weak!

Moreover, as their incomes are getting higher and higher, their desire to consume is also getting stronger and stronger, and advanced consumption has gained a firm foothold in Nagalil. People are willing to save money in the next few months, and also enjoy the benefits from the federal government in advance. The joy of high-end merchandise!

Now there are some "decent people" in Nagalil. These people wear formal clothes from the Commonwealth, leather shoes, politeness, and civilized sticks. They are like the gentlemen of the civilized society in the play.

These people have a stable job. Outside of working hours, they will gather together in neat clothes, stand on the street like a beauty pageant, and show everything about themselves!

They put the vast majority of their income into buying federal clothing and hats, and they never stop!

There are also some people who are very fond of federal electrical appliances, and have a variety of electrical appliances in their homes that can be seen in the Nagalil market, and even can not be seen.

There are actually many such people, and their desire to consume is actually a desire to seek approval from the inside out.

And these people are precisely the main consumers!

The billions and growing market every year comes from these people!

Lynch's clothes cost less than one yuan in Sabine City, and the average price in Nagalil ranged from five yuan to ten yuan.

Excluding various expenses, the profit is about one yuan.

Don't underestimate the profit of about a dollar. After removing all kinds of messy deductions such as taxes, this small company can bring Lynch a net income of seven or eight million a year.

This amount of money is not a small amount. Many factories do not have so much income now, and it has driven the employment of many people and solved the plummeting employment rate during the Great Depression.

Even now, it is a very important part of the working environment in Sabine!

The phone was called by the manager of the company, a professional manager, and it didn't last long.

Many people use this company as a springboard, and no one intends to spend a lifetime in such a company that obviously has no development and progress, especially those who are self-motivated.

So far, the company has changed four professional managers, and this is the fifth.

There are actually advantages to doing so, that is, Lynch can reduce the labor cost of managers as much as possible, let them do more things, and give less money.

Managers who didn't plan to work for too long have nothing to complain about. Having been a manager in Lynch's industry is a very beautiful qualification!

Even if the companies they switched jobs didn't know that this small factory belonged to Lynch, they would take the initiative to remind them, "You should know about Mr. Lynch's legendary factory..."

The main reason for the manager's call is that there are some cooperative family workshops now, hoping that the factory can issue a work certificate for them.

The results of the new Social Security reforms are here, and these people suddenly realize that they seem to suddenly meet the criteria too.

No one knows what will happen in the future, but at least for now, they are up to the mark, the only thing missing is a long-term employment certificate!

These people have been serving the factory for many years, two or three years less, and more than five years long.

At first, they also cut off the idea of ​​continuing to pay insurance. Anyway, they couldn't make it together, but now, the opportunity appeared in front of them, and they were unwilling to let it go!

It's just that there is a question involved. If the factory gives them a certificate, will it involve the nature of employment.

In the Commonwealth, many laws are established to protect the working class. If the factory has an employment nature, the first thing to do is to pay a fine.

Because they have not paid any insurance to these employees for so many years, nor have they paid them according to the federal minimum wage law.

These are serious violations of federal law and are serious cases.

But if they don't issue a certificate, these people will not be able to make a one-time payment of those security funds and enjoy lifelong social security.

For things that he could not handle, the manager directly pushed the problem to Lynch.

After listening to it, Lynch pondered for a while, but did not give an answer, and he did not know.

Then he called the law firm he was cooperating with, and within fifteen minutes, several lawyers were arranged to arrive at Lynch's place.

"Mr. Lynch, let me introduce..."

As a major client of the firm, Lynch is also a well-known person. He can not only bring considerable wealth to the firm, but also bring considerable prestige.

The firm takes it seriously, sending out their most senior members and teams.

Under the introduction of the team leader, some of the people who came were proficient in federal law, some were proficient in local law in York State, some were proficient in laws related to the working class, and some had good relations with the judicial department.

When everyone's legal sword and shield are at the same level, who can win depends on who has more connections!

The final victory is always outside the courtroom, the famous saying of the judicial circle!

Afterwards, Lynch talked about some of the problems he encountered just now. The lawyers immediately began to analyze, and Lynch quietly waited for the results.

Professional things, leave it to professional people to do, this is the best choice.

In another world, if he is outside and has the power he has now, he can decide for himself.

But here, the situation is completely different.

People always say that the federal government has become a playground for the capitalists, but sometimes once the capitalists' control falls into the hands of the federal government, they will not hesitate to kill the capitalists.

For about 20 minutes, the lawyer team's answer was "it is not recommended to do that", and there are good reasons.

If it is done, the fact of employment is tacitly accepted, and after so many years of this model, it is said that it is cooperation. In fact, everyone knows what is going on, and it will be very troublesome.

Of course, if Lynch wants to do it, there are two ways.

"The first one is that the federal government and the cabinet are very concerned about the protection bill related to the working class. If you have close people in Congress, you can try to push the legislation to achieve this step."

"As long as there is legislation on this side of Congress, no one can blame you for doing it."

"The second way, get the Governor of York to support your approach, where local law takes precedence over federal law when it comes to implementing non-Basic law-related content."

"The process of local legislation is shorter, faster, and less resistance!"

After all, it is a matter that involves the interests of many people, and sometimes some things may not necessarily harm the interests of some people, but these people just don’t see the good of others, and they will jump out to block them.

Local legislation is relatively simple, the state legislature is just a decoration, and basically the governor has the final say.

Lynch remembered these two methods, and then sent these people away.

In less than an hour, it cost Lynch 17,500 yuan per hour. No wonder everyone wants to be a **** lawyer. This is much faster than robbery and legal!

After sending these people away, he sat on the sofa thinking.

In fact, he came up with such a family workshop cooperative system in Sabin, which pointed a bright way for the capitalists in the sluggish social environment at that time.

There are many capitalists who have followed his method to start this game and cut down a lot of unnecessary expenses. It can be said that this trick has allowed many capitalists to survive the cold winter.

This also means that the people who are in these troubles now, there are people who need to pay all the fees in one go, not just as many as Lynch knows.

There may be such groups in all parts of the federation, and there must be no small number of them!

As we all know, Lynch is a capitalist with a sense of social responsibility. In fact, he can completely ignore this situation.

Or simply start with the state government.

The new governor who is now in office is also a member of the Progressive Party. He is also a good comrade-in-arms with Gladstone. Contacting the new governor through Gladstone is a very easy thing to do.

But Lynch is not a selfish guy after all. After thinking for a long time, he called Mr. Truman. He first wanted to communicate with Mr. President.