Blackstone Code

Chapter 1834: power cut

In the Niujiao Strait, the Penteo Air Force has gradually lost its control over the central area of ​​the strait. This is very bad news.

It seems that this is nothing, after all, with the help of coastal air defense positions, they have firmly maintained the air supremacy near the sea.

But the problem is, the Federation's naval power is also very strong!

The warships began to move towards the middle of the Niujiao Strait. Once their range could reach the shore, the air defense positions and fortifications on the shore would be destroyed by naval guns little by little.

Unless they can continue to try to send torpedo-throwing planes and launch a fatal attack at great risk!

Penteo's army and air force were ready for a long-term war. They built defensive lines layer by layer behind the coast, one after another, and they planned to hold back the main force of the Federation.

The air battle with Gefra has achieved amazing results, and they already have the opportunity and strength to attack Gefra Island.

Now a large amount of materials are being assembled on the front line, and they will launch a landing operation in a week at most. A large number of aircraft, landing ships and repaired fleets will set off together to completely defeat Gefra!

With Gefra's wealth, it is enough to temporarily resolve all the problems existing within the Penteio Empire and among the subordinate countries, allowing them to regain their fighting power and gather around the Penteo Empire.

So now the strategic intent is obvious.

No matter what, we must take down Gefra, first use a wave of war dividends to appease domestic conflicts, and then gather strength to deal with the Federation with all our strength!

Early the next morning, the little count came to the door with some presents.

There are not many things, but the style is relatively high. For example, there is a set of shotguns that Emperor Gefla once loved very much.

The little earl sometimes contacted Lynch, but basically it was based on greetings. The new generation of nobles quickly adapted to life here after they came to the Federation.

From the top to the bottom of the federal society, there is no so-called "xenophobic" phenomenon, and the capital is willing to contact them and play happily together.

This may be the aristocratic feelings of the federal people at work!

The Commonwealth used to be a poor place where Gefra exiled prisoners, plus the gold diggers and adventurers who had just emerged during the Great Voyage Period were all at the bottom of society.

They have an indescribable longing for the nobles of Gefra, which may be one of the reasons why the Akiner family can enjoy themselves in the Federation!

Now a large number of serious aristocrats have appeared in the Federation. They are not only distinguished, but also rich. Capital groups will accept these people regardless of their aristocratic sentiments or profit-seeking nature.

There is no xenophobia, no malicious competition, and they naturally live comfortably.

Without major trouble, they didn't have much contact with Lynch.

It's not that they're ungrateful, or anything, it's pure instinct.

In the past, they had a good relationship with Lynch and even focused on Lynch. That was because they were on the land of Gefra, which meant that they were in their own home. No matter what happened, they had a solution.

And here, it is the federation, it is someone else's home, even if the relationship between the master and them is very good, they will keep a certain distance, it is impossible to have a greeting when there is no sense of restraint, it is enough up.

Lynch welcomed the little earl in, he and Lynch hugged, and then sat on the sofa in the living room with a smile.

The little earl didn't directly talk about the main purpose of coming today, but talked about some of his developments in the Federation over the past year or so.

"Your friend is not bad, but his vision is a bit small!"

While talking, he talked about Little Fox.

The little earl and those nobles no longer need to start a business or anything. The wealth they have is enough for them to squander for a lifetime, or even a few lifetimes.

The purpose of these people doing business in the federation is not to make money, but to integrate into the federation's capital society faster.

This is Lynch's advice to them.

After all, the Federation is a gold-standard society. If you have money, social status, and influence, even if the officials want to be rude, you have to follow the procedures honestly.

They have done a lot of business, and the relatively large investment is in the film industry.

This is an emerging industry that is still growing rapidly.

With the introduction of new film special effects technology, more vivid colors, and the reduction of various costs, the ticket price in some areas has dropped below one yuan!

This is a very attractive entertainment for many families. A family of three or four, plus popcorn and drinks, can spend a total of five or six yuan to spend a happy weekend night.

This is great affordable entertainment!

They did not enter this circle through Lynch's relationship, but directly invested in the construction of a factory and established an entertainment company.

Some movies have been produced in recent years, but the response has been mediocre.

This is not surprising. It is impossible for a novice to test the waters from the very beginning, and the entertainment industry itself is very complicated.

But overall, they are doing better and better now.

Lynch nodded in approval of the little earl's evaluation of Little Fox, and now Little Fox still owes him a sum of money.

Anyway, it won't be available in a short time, and we have to wait for a while.

The film and television base they set up invested a lot. At the same time, with the upgrade of film special effects technology, the investment in the film itself is also increasing, and the competition is so fierce.

Asking him to pay back the money all of a sudden is not very realistic.

But no matter what, it is still developing steadily.

While chatting, the little count talked about the real reason why he came here today.

"Lynch, someone asked me to ask you, can you buy and sell some planes to them?"

The little earl's expression didn't change much, he was much more mature than in previous years.

Lynch looked at him. It was actually difficult to ask this kind of question from the young earl. He was not on the same channel as the previous great nobles.

I didn't expect to be able to speak for the other party now!

This may be growth and maturity.

But even so, Lynch shook his head, "It's not very likely. If you are used to reading newspapers, you will understand that my current production capacity is not enough to produce for the military, let alone export."

The little count showed some disappointment, and sighed again, "Actually, I'm also very embarrassed. You know I shouldn't say that, but I still want to ask, is there really nothing I can do?"

Beep Pavilion

Lynch asked again for a confirmed answer, "Yes, there is nothing we can do."

"And...", he smiled, "You shouldn't have meddled in this matter, do you know what I mean?"

"The situation in Gafla is no longer something that can be solved by some planes and pilots. In a few days, a war that will determine its fate will break out."

"Even if I have the ability, it's too late."

"And now that you are in the Federation, although there is no big problem in saying this, it will also make some people think that your position is problematic."

"Here, wealth is your talisman, but when you have a problem with your position, wealth can also hasten your death!"

This sentence is not meant to scare people. Why did those multinational companies collapse in the blink of an eye?

Large companies ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions have even implicated many members of Congress!

This is not one or two big companies, but many companies. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of position.

If these joint ventures or multinational companies did not think about withdrawing funds from the federation, but lived and died with the federation, would the federal government take action against them?

You know, the Conservative Party was in power at that time, and with the social ideology at that time, it was unlikely that they would take such radical actions!

So in the final analysis, the federation welcomes rich people.

After all, only when there are more rich people can the society of the Federation become more prosperous.

However, the buttocks must be upright, and you can't enjoy the dividends of the federal era while turning your heart towards foreigners!

If someone's position is wrong, then those multinational groups that fell before are their role models.

Lynch quickly changed the subject, "Compared to this, I heard that there are many people from Gafla's side these days?"

Speaking of this topic, the little earl had a lot of smiles on his face, from the bottom of his heart.

He nodded and said, "Because of the war, you know, they always thought the situation wouldn't be too bad, but in fact..."

Most of Gefra's middle and upper class didn't think they would lose. Even if they lost, it wouldn't be like now. At most, it would be a painless apology and compensation, rather than being beaten to the island.

This is the common problem of corruption and arrogance!

Now these people have recognized the reality and started to flee in a panic. Their first choice is a federation that already has its own people and is strong!

Many uncles of the former little earl, and some of the great nobles, are actively contacting him.

He is now at the head of the Gefra noble group in the Federation, which has allowed him to make a leap in a way!

Regardless of whether they thought highly of him or looked down on him before, they had to visit him first, which made him feel a little flustered.

Lynch nodded current status is very special, you have to do a good job of arranging these people, and let them understand the rules of social operation here. "

"It's best to throw away the set of things they have in Gafla. Otherwise, if something happens, it's not easy for us to intervene."

"The Federation is indeed a tolerant country, but it is also a country with independent sovereignty. Anyone is welcome here, but no one is allowed to hurt it!"

The little count was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it. He felt that there was something in Lynch's words, but he couldn't understand it for a while.

He pondered for a while, and vaguely realized that it should have something to do with what he just said, but he was not very sure, so he could only look at Lynch pitifully, hoping that he would give him some hints.

Lynch thought that he and the little earl's mother had a little bit of close friendship, and finally reminded him.

"You are already a federal citizen. Every word and every action you make should be in line with your position as a federal citizen!"

"I say that, can you understand me?"