Blackstone Code

Chapter 1857: normal heart

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"Want to try, young girl?"

Penny's gaze stayed on the girl in the pool for a moment, then she looked at Lynch.

Guys are always after fresh animals, you can't demand that they have to be faithful to something, that's not the right way to get along.

Lynch also noticed the girl in the swimming pool. Her long flaxen hair was floating in the water, and there seemed to be a mermaid appearing and disappearing under the sparkling water.

But now that's not what he's thinking about, he shook his head, "Didn't I tell you, did I go to high school?"

Penny rolled her eyes, high school has become synonymous with indulgence, not many people would study honestly in school.

Boys and girls are constantly experimenting with new positions and new partners.

The affirmative movement has been so successful, how wary people were of men and women in the past, how quickly this moral dam is collapsing now!

You know, in the past, most girls had to go to girls' schools, where the rigid and rigid management system suppressed women's emotions and hearts.

It's all right now, no one is stopping the hormones from flying around anymore.

Lynch has also experienced many, many girls, and handsome boys are the stamp collecting objects of almost all girls.

Their idea is very simple, that is, to have **** with Lynch once, and then tell other girls that she succeeded.

There is no need to have any feelings, it is purely a way of showing off for the purpose of obtaining bodily fluids.

Until Catherine appeared, she defended Lynch's body from being abused by more girls.

This is going to go on for a long time, until people notice that abortion is becoming more common among high school girls, and moral education will be reinvigorated.

But before that, it's just that!

"We're going to make a movie together." Penny moved to Lynch's side, clinging to him.

Lynch nodded, "Do you need investment?"

"Needs some, but there's still a little... small problem."

Penny tried to keep her tone as light as possible, "You know they always think that I don't have any good acting skills, and I haven't made a literary film. I want to challenge this time."

"At least I have to shut them up and let them understand that I also have excellent acting skills, not just relying on my face and you!"

Speaking of this, she is very angry. No matter how successful she is now, the media regards her as a representative of the younger generation of actresses.

Some old antiques still think she is just a vase, even though she actually won the best actress in the academy once.

Now she has the capital to pursue her dream, and she needs to train newcomers, so she thinks she can give it a try.

Lynch had no objection to this, "As long as you are happy."

She accompanied some caution, "It's just that the story of the script is a bit sensitive."

"How sensitive?"

Penny glanced at the girl in the pool again, and laughed dryly, "Same-sex theme, I knew it was a good story when I saw the script."

"Ethics, morality, sex, and redemption, changing times..."

"You know, it's definitely a good script!"

The openness of same-sex is being made public and commonplace within a certain small range.

In the past, people were oppressed by ethics and morality, and it was difficult to choose their emotions freely. This is often the beginning of tragedy.

But now, with equality and freedom becoming more and more popular, people have more and more channels to speak out, and same-sex issues have also begun to be discussed.

Some people think that homosexuality is contrary to religious morality. God created men and women, not for men to be together, nor for women to be together.

This is against the will of God.

From a moral point of view, it is difficult for homosexuals to have children of their own. Family problems and social problems are all real.

For supporters, feelings are pure and violent, and once they explode, they are hard to contain.

It's not their fault they think they didn't hurt anyone, they just fell in love with a divorce who was put into a wrong body by God by mistake!

Coupled with the fact that a new infectious disease of the immune system began to gradually appear in more infected people, many problems were complicated and demonized.

It's a great script, with depth, substance, and... visuals.

In order to make it easier to be accepted by the market and the audience, the screenwriter suggested choosing two beautiful girls as the leading actors.

People obviously have little resistance to beautiful young girls, it's better than two bearded men kissing in the shower!

In addition to the two leading actors, this script has some other **** lovers. In the story, they are not as disgusting as people think.

Only ordinary, pure, but passionate feelings.

Penny has found some people who are willing to appear on the screen from the fashion capital of Benlett, and they will play their real selves in front of the camera!

The project is sure to get a lot of flack, and it's okay for a sixteen-year-old girl to have an abortion in high school, but it's not acceptable for someone to have a crush on someone of the same sex.

They can accept their children being promiscuous, but strongly disagree with their being faithful to same-sex partners.

It's a weird, closed, scary society, and there's bound to be a lot of resistance for a film like this to be released.

Even if the filming is completed, it is still unknown whether the film can be arranged and whether the cinema will accept the screening.

After all, seventy-five percent of the people in the Federation are believers, and love between the same **** obviously violates the teachings.

So in the final analysis of this matter, Lynch must come to the platform in the end. His attitude can break people's prejudices!

Lynch recalled a friend whom he only met because of work contacts.

After discussing business again and drinking too much, he suddenly burst into tears and talked about the senior who slept in his bed many years ago.

It was the first time Lynch saw it, and the pure emotion made people sigh.

He choked up and said that the one thing he wanted to do most in his life was to hug the person who always took care of him, but he never had the courage until he was completely lost in the crowd.

Some people, you can choose not to see, but they are there.

"I agree, but you guys have to try to accommodate the perception of society, you know, not to be too drastic."

"What you have to do is guide, let the society engage, accept this group, not make them stand on the opposite side."

As soon as Lynch finished speaking, Penny pushed him down on the recliner, and she kissed him carelessly.

But soon, he realized that something was not quite right...

The little maid and her cousin stood in the house, looking at the three people by the pool with red faces...

Surprising, but within reason.

Everyone replenished their strength in the afternoon, and even the little maid and the little maid joined the battle at night, so that Lynch failed to get up on time the next morning, and didn't get up until after eight o'clock.

After a simple breakfast, he rushed to the office of the Financial Management Commission.

The Financial Management Committee was originally one of the congressional committees. Later, as the financial content continued to increase, the committee was finally separated from Congress and became an independent government agency.

It is mainly responsible for management, supervising the order of the financial market, and reviewing the qualifications of listed companies. It is an institution with considerable power.

In the Commonwealth, power is basically equated with wealth.

The main office building of the FSC is very beautiful and looks very luxurious.

Lynch entered the conference room under the leadership of the welcoming staff.

Today's meeting was initiated by the Presidential Palace and jointly convened by the Financial Supervisory Commission and the Security Committee.

The main issue is how to effectively prevent international hot money from making destructive investments in the Federation.

The destructive investment mentioned here essentially refers to the purpose of these money investments. They are not invested for normal financial operations, but to avoid the risk of international wars.

Once the risk is reduced, they will withdraw immediately.

The financial index pushed up by them will fall heavily again, which may cause an unstoppable financial disaster.

As a senior consultant of the Financial Security Office under the Security Committee, Lynch is also a very well-known entrepreneur. He was named by Mr. Truman to attend this meeting.

At 9:45, everyone arrived and the meeting officially started.

Both the FSC and the Safety Committee have obviously done their homework, and the FSC attendees put forward some ideas.

For example, the problem of increasing the investment cycle. Among them, foreign capital, for example, needs a certain waiting time to enter the market.

After entering the field, it takes a while to leave the field.

And before foreign capital enters and leaves the market, the Financial Supervisory Commission will make advance announcements on the three major exchanges to remind local investors of possible risks.

This idea is actually very mature. If local investors have enough time to prepare, they can naturally avoid great risks.

The Security Committee also thinks this proposal is good.

In addition, there are requirements for investor status, such as the need to live in the Federation for a period of time before free financial transactions can be carried out.

Or there are some other related requirements. In a word, investors must be put on collars, and they cannot be allowed to unscrupulously destroy the order of the federal financial market.

During the period, the chairman of the FSC took the initiative to mention Lynch, "Mr. Lynch, we have discussed so much, do you have anything to add, or make some suggestions that we have not considered?"

As a very famous businessman in the Federation, although Lynch is young, no one dares to ignore him.

Lynch smiled, "What everyone said is actually pretty good."

"Of course I also have some ideas of my own that I want to discuss with everyone."

"We have been talking about how to limit the intervention of international hot money in the market, why don't we change our thinking?"

"Why don't we turn intervention into guidance?"

"We can use international hot money's desire to avoid war to guide them to carry out socially beneficial economic construction at home."

"Turn their money away from purely financial operations and into physical investments!"