Blackstone Code

Chapter 1919: Thank you for the invitation, people sit

Outside the Ruby Opera House, many onlookers gathered, some good and some bad.

Lynch rolled down some of the windows, but quickly rolled them up again.

What these people say is nothing more than words that violate the laws of heaven and lack creativity.

Today is the premiere of the film made by Penny, because this is the first film in the Commonwealth and even in the world that reflects the reality of homosexuality, more like a documentary.

So from the beginning of its establishment, it has been criticized.

Everyone sees love differently, and some people think that love is not an outpouring of emotion, but an obligation to God.

Like the responsibility of the family to society, it is not arbitrary and should not be distorted.

All choices that go against the basic fact of love between men and women are blasphemy against the Creator!

The crew actually encountered a lot of things during filming.

From someone throwing bricks to writing threatening letters, there are different tricks almost every day.

Lynch dispatched some Blackstone Security personnel to arrest some people and suppress the harassment of the filming crew.

Now that the filming is over and the film is released, this group of troublemakers reappeared.

Those vicious slogans will largely affect people's consideration of going to the cinema to watch, and this matter has to be resolved.

The car started slowly and stopped outside the red carpet of the Ruby Opera House.

Penny is the main creative, she came here with the film crew, Lynch has no female companion today.

The flashing lights flashed crazily, and people on both sides kept shouting Lynch's name.

He is not a star, but he is more popular than any other star!

He waved his arms to greet people, and he stopped for a while to give reporters and cameras a better picture.

After a minute or so, he walked to the registration office and signed his name on the poster wall.

After posing a few more poses, under the guidance of the staff, I walked into the Ruby Opera House.

Today's premiere was mostly filled with industry insiders and film critics, and only a small number of votes were obtained through the channels of the production company, only a small part.

The subject matter of the movie is very taboo, and it is difficult for mainstream society and mainstream religious groups to accept it.

But this problem really exists in this society, and it doesn't exist just because people don't admit it.

Not long after Lynch sat down, the lights in the opera house dimmed, and a movie started playing on the big screen.

There is no long opening title, except for the name of the movie and the leading actor and director, the feature film starts directly.

The content of the film is actually not complicated. A group of young men and women, by various chances and coincidences, entered this taboo environment.

The pain of these people is shown in the film, which features a group of actors playing the characters who end up embracing and slashing their wrists in the bath.

People's incomprehension, hostility and even hatred towards these people make their lives full of ups and downs.

Stress can come from anywhere.

Their friends, parents, siblings, even their significant other!

Some people choose to put on a mask, pretend to be a heterosexual, marry a heterosexual they don't like at all, and live in pain for a lifetime.

In the end, neither of them was happy, not even their children.

Someone chose to let everything end, and finally lost their body temperature in the arms of their lover.

The world cannot accommodate them, they can only go to another world to find a safe haven.

There are also people who choose to go to the end.

The sun may be bright, but it can't warm people's hearts.

It's a grey-toned film with a tragic ending.

Only tragedies can shake people's hearts, and good things are always forgotten after a moment.

Such a profound topic must have a profound ending.

The movie is shot very well, the plot, picture, and logic are all very good.

Lynch heard from Penny that, in fact, the screenwriter may also have some self-selection in terms of sexual orientation.

People are very shy about talking about this issue. No matter who they are, it is always difficult to speak. They will express it in some other ways.

At least people won't stare at him too much because of this.

In the final picture, the slightly haggard Penny and her girlfriend got on a long-distance bus to a strange city, with no yearning for a new life in their eyes.

Only deep confusion.

Although they have not broken up and are still together, no one knows how far they can go.

Spending time in constantly changing environments, maybe one day, they will meet the end just like everyone else.

After the movie ended, the atmosphere in the movie theater was very depressing. The performances of the actors in the movie were wonderful, and they all showed their love for the other half.

The kind of love that can't be fake, true love, and pure love.

Some people will smile knowingly because of some of their small actions. At this moment, the movie viewers do not discriminate against homosexuality, they only have the joy of that beauty.

But now, people can't laugh.

The better the actors perform, the heavier the ending will be!

Everyone's heart is pressed with a heavy stone, and even the heartbeat becomes laborious.

Three minutes have passed, and there is still no sound. The main creative team is almost desperate.

Just then, someone stood up and started applauding.

Then more and more people stood up, and the applause continued for several minutes.

The main creative team breathed a sigh of relief, and Penny took everyone on stage together, everyone's faces were flushed.

Excited, excited, whatever.

A reporter asked Penny because she was also a producer besides starring, "Why did you choose such a script? Don't you know that people always avoid this topic?"

Penny was very generous, "It won't exist just because someone shuns it."

"Someone told me that there is no right or wrong in love. If there is something wrong in loving someone, it is not the person who is wrong, but the society, the world, and the God who created us!"

"It shouldn't have given us the power to love others when it created us."

"We just want people to face this issue, it shouldn't be humble, it should be blessed by people..."

Today's journalists and film critics are less difficult because they all have a souvenir.

Lynch's souvenirs are almost all practical things, such as money, two hundred dollars.

Two hundred dollars is not much, but it is definitely not too little, especially for some freelance writers.

Even if these people are assholes, they will not take other people's money and bite people back.

There may be such people, but they can only bite once, because next time no one will invite them.

In addition to the media and film critics, those ordinary audiences seem to have expressed their liking for the film.

Like Penny said.

A good movie is not only a story, but also a journey of the soul.

The next day, all major entertainment newspapers reported the first reviews of the movie.

Most film critics and the media gave relatively positive comments and ratings, and a few who were not invited expressed their dissatisfaction with the quality and content of the film.

Some TV programs in the evening invited some actors of the main creative team, screenwriters, directors, etc., and talked with them about things in the shooting process, as well as the movie itself.

The full-scale screening two days later achieved a good box office.

Penny's name has also been repeatedly mentioned by major media.

From a third-tier actress who emerged a few years ago, to a top-notch actress who is now very popular, now she is also a producer.

Federal people always like to talk about growth, and this is the best definition of growth!

In addition to the movie itself, people's attention is also focused on the group of psychopaths who oppose the broadcast everywhere.

Or could it be said that the federal people really had enough to eat?

In fact, these people don’t have any organization to organize them. Most of them are based on the community. Standing on the side of the road, they may chat a few words about not liking the movie, and then form a group to oppose it.

There is no interest, just a simple dislike. Some women interviewed expressed that they were very worried that the movie would teach children badly.

She said that if her children turned out to be gay, Penny would be taken to court to make her pay.


Penny's agent expressed his willingness to provide free movie tickets for these opposition groups, let them watch the movie, and find some places that can be used to attack the movie.

The existence of these people has indeed attracted many people who didn't want to watch it.

According to a survey conducted by a statistical agency, about 63% of people are worried that it is a disgusting movie before watching it.

They mainly don't want to see same-sex kissing and more touching and so on.

But after watching it, only 11 percent expressed discomfort with the film's content.

Some of these people's discomfort comes not from the **** subject matter itself, but from the film's imperfect ending.

A middle-aged woman even asked the investigators in a very rhythmic way, why can't these lovers stay together and live happily!

The "Federal Times" described it as "a good movie not only makes people spend more than an hour of happy time, but also makes people think and make some changes in society."

There is no doubt that the movie was a success.

The main creative team organized a celebration to celebrate the success of the movie.

Lynch showed his face and left quickly.

In the evening, Penny, Slanni and two other girls came to Lynch's villa together.

They need to express their gratitude to Mr. Lynch for supporting their performance and film.

In fact, these girls also talk about this issue in private.

They once asked Penny such a question, did she enter the film industry, and if she wanted to be famous, she must sleep with others.

Penny's answer is also very straightforward, the investment in each film is not a small amount.

In addition to the follow-up production, publicity, etc., no one will put so much money on a person who has not shown value.

Since you can't prove that you are better than others and have more box office appeal, then you have to pay, no one is an exception!

I'm sleeping with someone else anyway, why not find someone better, younger, and more handsome?