Blackstone Code

Chapter 243: A noble and elegant man with lofty ideal

Latest website: Lynch politely listened to the other party's narration in about seven or eight minutes, and then shook his head apologetically, "Sorry, I have no plans to increase investment in this area for the time being, and..."

He glanced at the Fox and his son in the crowd not far away, then regained his gaze and smiled and said, "I invest in people, not companies. I'm sorry!"

The vice president of Surprise Box Studios had some regrets but politely expressed the pity that he did not reach the intention, and then left calmly.

Because of the financial tsunami, those big companies have been affected more than many small companies. Surprise Box has basically been wiped out in some non-entertainment investment projects.

This makes their cash flow a little difficult. If they don't want the company to have problems, then finding some new investors and cash is the best and must be done.

The entertainment industry is now in a very strange situation. It is clear that the federal government has relaxed various policies closely related to the entertainment industry, but investors are more cautious than ever.

Obviously, many people can casually list some reasons why the entertainment industry will be the next growth point of the federal economy, but they just don't invest money.

They are still waiting and watching. These people will never invest money easily before figuring out whether they can make money or continue to lose money. They have already suffered a loss in the stock market, and the residual pain is still irritating them. Nerves, before the pain disappears, they will remember these lessons for a short time.

The departure of the vice president of Surprise Box made Lynch’s “female companion” just over the chat with the other ladies, and returned to Lynch’s side.

According to the etiquette of this kind of occasion, they came together, so they must also go together when they go. Anyone leaving alone will be regarded as an inappropriate disrespect by people, and will even be ridiculed secretly.

There is no doubt that the girl does not want to be the latest joke in the entertainment industry, and Lynch doesn't really care very much. Of course, he doesn't want to be a negative talker if he can choose.

The two stood close together, but there was nothing to say. This embarrassed the young girl. She felt that the normal situation is that the two should naturally talk about something, at least like a normal "pair".

After thinking for a while, the girl decided to break this somewhat special and embarrassing atmosphere. She asked a question, "Lynch, do you usually watch movies?"

If Lynch answers him, in fact most people will answer that way, because this is Lardimo, this is the core of the movie circle, how many people here do not like watching movies?

As long as Lynch answers him to watch a movie, the girl can extend the topic, such as talking about the types of movies he likes, talking about the types of actors she knows, and even telling a little theater joke.

In this way, the atmosphere between the two will not be too awkward, and it will be more natural.

But when she didn't expect it, Lynch shook her head directly, "I don't watch movies!"

The smile on the girl's face solidified for half a second, and she concealed her embarrassment by stroking the flanks of her hair.

She felt that she couldn't chat with Lynch, he just chatted to death.

In fact, Lynch knows what this girl is going to do, but he is not interested in this girl. He has experienced so many things in his previous life, such as the various relationships between two different genders, it is difficult to attract his attention.

Compared with these short-lived and boring short-lived pleasures, a higher level of accomplishment is what a man of his age pursues.

Money, power, status and every success!

A successful man should put the whole world in his palm to play with wantonly. Only the loser will linger in the vulgar fun between the beds. Lynch is an elegant person.

This cold meal, which was destined to make the girl feel boring, finally came to an end after more than half an hour. As the final end, Lynch and the girl left together.

They took Lynch back to the hotel after putting the girl down when they passed the place where the girl currently lives.

He won't leave here until three days later. In Baylor Federation, the box office changes in the first three days are enough to reflect the total box office of a movie under normal circumstances. People have a set of scientific calculation methods to calculate these.

Even if it is not accurate, it is not bad.

Not only Lynch, but Fox and his sons are waiting for the first movie to be released in this new year. Many more people are waiting. The entire industry is waiting!

Early the next morning, Lynch happened to run into Little Fox on the way back after finishing his workout in the hotel gym. He had some uncontrollable smiles on his face. When he saw Lynch, those smiles were even more difficult. Take control.

He was in the corridor, haha ​​laughed out loud, in fact, this is a very rude performance, but now... just leave it!

"The pre-sale box office came out, 490,000 yuan, which is 30% more than the issuing company's forecast!" Little Fox was over-excited, but understandable.

The investment in this film is actually not big, all the costs add up to less than 750,000, the cost of shooting is only a small part, and the rest is promotion and distribution.

In fact, even if it sells mediocrely, Lynch and the others won't have any losses. They still hold the heroine's agreement for the next five adult-level movies, all of which can be sold at a price.

But they obviously want their business to succeed. This has nothing to do with how much money they get, but a pursuit of success.

Soon Mr. Fox also appeared in the hotel restaurant with the heroine, and they had breakfast together.

He had talked to Lynch about this issue privately, and he just coveted that young and energetic body.

He also talked about this issue with his son Little Fox. Little Fox will not have an extra stepmother, let alone split the money that belongs to their father and son. However, in the process of Fox’s relationship with this girl, he hopes Little Fox will be slightly Maintain respect for girls.

This is not compulsive, but simply does not want to cause some ethical troubles.

Who knows that the federal society is a dirty society, but everyone, including themselves, will use morality to pretend to be noble and clean. If you don't want to be an alien, then you have to "communicate."

As for the girl herself?

She can take off her clothes on the screen for money. Why can't she lie beside a rich man because of money?

Actually speaking, Mr. Fox is not old either. He is only in his forties and less than 50 years old, and he is well maintained, a little younger than his actual age, which is more appropriate.

When talking about these things at the dinner table, everyone's interest is high. The interest of the Fox father and son comes from the income they are about to get, and the interest of the actress comes from her upcoming female star, even if it is a **** star, this also means So her income is about to double.

In the future, she can take off less clothes, make more money, and even publish a book. She thinks about the name, and it's called "Put on Clothes".

"The issuing company told me from the strategy team that our final box office may be between 4 million and 5 million, and we can get around 1.5 million to 1.7 million!"

Little Fox has cooled from his ecstasy. He is talking about the news he got from the distribution company, "Except for all necessary expenses and expenses, we can make the least money on this movie..."

He used his mind, which is not very sensitive to numbers, to make a laborious calculation, "Probably a profit of about 600,000 yuan!"

He did not forget to comment, "This is an amazing profit. We have only spent more than three months for it, and the return rate is close to 100%. Maybe we can continue to deepen our investment in this industry."

Lynch nodded noncommittal when he heard this. Calculated based on his 30% equity, he would probably have an income of 180,000 yuan. It feels good to be able to earn income without doing anything!

Mr. Fox didn't accept it immediately, but looked at Lynch. Instead of considering these things for himself, why not listen to the opinions of smart people.

Lynch also understood the look in Mr. Fox's eyes. He took a five-yuan bill from his pocket and handed it to the girl, "Go outside and buy me a pack of cigarettes."

The girl just glanced at Mr. Fox, then twisted and stood up, smiled and took the money from Lynch and left.

She knew that she was not qualified to hear the next words, which also made her suddenly have some other thoughts.

The handy money seemed to become less sweet at this moment. This girl who relied on taking off her clothes to get money suddenly wanted to gain the respect of others inexplicably, even if she could only let her stay quietly aside.

This shows that for people who lack control and depth, success may be a more terrifying poison than failure!

After watching the girl leave and there are no other people nearby, Lynch tore the bread while saying, "You can first buy some comic publishing houses, publishing houses, mainly for the copyright of their literary works and comics."

"Compared with new creations from scratch, after some works with fixed audiences and fanatics are changed into movies, there will be more simple and intuitive benefits, at least it can ensure that we will not suffer serious losses."

"But, don't invest too much money in this area, and don't buy those that seem to..." Lynch searched for several words to accurately describe his is difficult to pass the existing ones. For works expressed by technology, such as magic knights, we still do inappropriate lighting and shadow effects, or we can do it but require more investment. These are all things we don't need. "

"Popular, simple, intuitive, love and hatred should be obvious, and the adult version should not be let go. It is best that the actors we find are also willing to cooperate with the adult version of the performance..."

The Fox father and son used their minds to record everything Lynch said, and Lynch also selflessly gave the father and son some help.

Any successful person is not the only one. Those who want to get all the benefits into their own pockets, in addition to living well in China, they can only live "excitingly" in real life.

Moreover, for the current trivial interests of the federal domestic entertainment industry, Lynch did not care at all. His eyes had long been on international trade and various trade plunders.

A hit movie, never plundering a country will make more profit.

Not before, not in the future, never!