Blackstone Code

Chapter 259: I know a woman's heart

Bennett, who was in a rage, calmed down unexpectedly during the confrontation with the girl. Although the girl did not express anything clearly, he had already learned everything from the girl's attitude.

Sometimes, anger is not because of hatred and disgust, and sometimes, calming down does not mean acceptance.

"Everything is fake..." Bennett patted his head. "How much did they give you?"

The girl didn't answer, but stood up silently to pack her things and prepare to leave, if Bennett didn't stop her.

At first she thought she would be beaten, but she didn't expect things to be far worse than she thought.

In fact, whether it is Bennett or Anne, the changes in mentality during this time together are very complicated.

Without discussing the process of Bennett's mentality change, don't the girls have an idea similar to the real act of a fake show?

In fact, there is, and more than once she hopes that all of this can become true.

Any girl aspires to be the focus of people's attention, and this is not because of how many clothes she takes off in public.

During the time she spent with Bennett, she felt a life she had never experienced before, only seen in movies and TV.

It is cumbersome-starting from the details of the meal to some daily etiquette, every step can not be wrong, Bennett will not rant and scold her again and again for mistakes, only patiently tell her how to do it Shame in front of others.

It's boring-what styles of clothes to wear in different seasons, what kind of clothes and matching outfits to wear for parties at different times, different purposes, different social circles, and even different classes... Each of them makes girls a headache, and this is actually Very bored!

It is rigid-when everyone can do, what can be said, what can be moved, these have strict rules, when can chat with others, when can only stand beside Bennett, this also has extreme Strict standards, no surprises, and no surprises.

But all of this is part of a desirable life. The combination of these many things has become the most successful ending of the peasant girl in deceiving the children and telling them what a beautiful bedtime story in this world.

But this also made Annie couldn't bear it, because from the beginning, this was a deal, a scam.

No matter what kind of clothes she wears, what kind of occasion she stands in, or who is by her side, she cannot become another person.

She is her, a striptease girl, a girl who needs... in order to make money, synonymous with vulgarity and inferiority in the public perception.

All this is just a dream, and now I wake up from the dream!

After the girl had packed her things, she walked out of the bedroom and looked at Bennett, who was sitting on the sofa holding his head. There was some guilt in her heart. She pursed her mouth, "Are you sure you don't want to beat me?"

Bennett didn't even raise his head this time, let alone speak.

The girl looked at him for a while, left the key to the room, and left here with the suitcase.

She only took her own things, other things, including some jewelry and accessories that Bennett bought for her, did not take away, and they were all left in the room.

Walking on a deserted street, the girl looked up at the not strong sun, and the same not strong enough light made her eyes a little moist. She wiped her tears and lowered her head to speed up.

She doesn't know if the apartment in her previous group has been rented to others, and she will continue to live.

The next day, Joe Griman, who had returned to work, "bloodbathed" most of the credit department with a very ruthless method. About 20 employees were discharged by him for various reasons.

The Sabine branch also held a special meeting for this purpose. In the meeting, it briefly explained the specific conditions of all matters, and required all grassroots banks to strengthen the training and management of bank staff after returning to prevent similar mistakes. happen.

Immediately afterwards, Joe Griman finished processing the auction documents. With the support of the president, he finally organized a small auction and selected suitable bidders for these assets.

Including Lynch, and Lynch is the most financially healthy of these people!

After getting all this done, Lynch wrote a heartwarming thank-you letter to Joe Griman. In the letter, he thanked Joe Griman for everything he had done for him in an accurate and quantitative way. He also greeted him about his injury. Joe Griman was very moved and did not forget to call Lynch to express his gratitude for his care.

Apart from these little things, Lynch is already preparing to participate in the president's celebration ceremony at this time.

This is not a small Politburo meeting. It represents an important opportunity and qualifications to have close contact with the ruler of this country who will be in power for at least six years in the future. Of course, he should be well prepared.

It’s just that now he is not sitting in a tailor’s workshop preparing new clothes, nor is he looking at the design draft in a jeweler’s shop. He is on the phone while playing with a book in his hand. The book is called "How to quickly integrate into the college social circle".

The author of this best-selling book is the daughter of a chaebol director, and she has been in contact with the uppermost circle of society since she was a child. The high society that everyone envied is everyday life for her.

This is a very special girl. Lynch requested a phone call from the publishing house. As a book fan, by the way, he reached some intentions for future cooperation.

For example, when attending a celebration held by the president, the female partner around everyone will be particularly important. Lynch does not have such a person around him, a female partner who can help him open certain situations without losing dignity.

His ex-girlfriend couldn't do it. Among the women he knew, Ms. Tracy might only meet this requirement.

But Ms. Tracy... is too old to be Lynch's female companion. When he was at a loss, he suddenly thought of the book, "How to quickly integrate into the college social circle".

Lin Qishun took a little inquiries about the girl's identity and background, and finally determined that she had such qualifications, and at the same time her age was also appropriate, she was only four years older than Lynch.

In a favorable living environment, the difference between three and five years old will not be reflected in people's faces.

"This is Mr. Wardrick's residence...", the call was quickly connected, and the person who answered the phone spoke in a very authentic traditional Bayer accent, with some rear nasal sounds and the pronunciation of certain words. There is a slight deviation.

This kind of pronunciation is rarely heard outside at present, and occasionally some opera singing sounds have this kind of pronunciation, other than that, it can be said that it is difficult to hear.

"I'm looking for Miss Severilla, I'm a fan of her."

It was the butler of Miss Severella, the author of the best-selling book, who answered the phone. This was the first time he heard such excuses in such a working environment.

But he didn't hung up the phone with sneer, but solemnly asked for Lynch's name and asked him to wait for a while. The lady in the room had to decide whether to answer Lynch's call.

The reason why the butler made such a decision is that the phone number at Wardrick’s mansion is actually not the kind of public phone, and even the middle and high-class people cannot easily get this phone. Only those phones that are similar or even similar to those of Mr. Wardrick. The higher-ranking people know the phone here.

These people undoubtedly represent the mainstream in the mainstream of society, and they are also the core component of society. They are not easily offended by a butler. Although the voice sounds very young, his reasons are also very nonsense.

After a while, some voices came from the phone, and then Lynch heard the sound of the receiver being picked up, and it was a girl who was talking.

He knew that his reasons would be accepted. In fact, from the moment he saw the book, he probably guessed certain characteristics of this girl, such as some vanity, some desire to seek more recognition.

There is no doubt that book fans will be a good entry point.

But this Miss Severilla is not a pure white swan, she is actually smarter than most girls of the same age.

The first words she spoke revealed Lynch’s excuse, “I didn’t know that I actually still have a book fan who can call me, Mr. Lynch.”

People at the same level as her will not read the books she wrote, because that is everyone’s ordinary life. Those who read her books are actually ordinary people who aspire to be a member of her life circle. The social status and class are lower, and these people can't easily control the phone number of her residence, so she thinks this is just an excuse.

But this was indeed a very comfortable reason, and wanted to hear how Lynch would answer. Driven by seven points of curiosity, she decided to talk to Lynch.

"I have really read your book, the story is also very interesting, maybe we can turn it into a TV series, or a movie?" For such a little girl, a girl who Lynch can hit with a few tricks can't resist~ doesn’t care about the cost of the copyright of the adaptation. It is impossible to be short of money when born in such a family.

What she lacks is the attention and recognition of family members, and the envy of her small circle of friends.

This kind of thing cannot be obtained by spending money or cheating on it. It must come from strangers and acknowledged by society!

If one's own work can be adapted by other people's initiative, instead of spending money to adapt or find someone to help adapt, this will undoubtedly prove something to some family members.

Lynch moved the girl, and she suddenly became expectant.

"I believe that your call is not just for this, to tell your real purpose!" Although the girl was moved, she did not agree, but asked if there were any conditions.

Lynch did not hide his thoughts, "I will have a social event recently and lack a suitable female partner. I have read your book and know your situation. I think you are a very suitable candidate!"