Blackstone Code

Chapter 321: Learn bad as long as 3 times, no objecti

"Blackstone Code (

Nagalil will no longer be as safe as it used to be. As the development of the entire world begins to accelerate, many countries like Nagalil will no longer be excluded from people's sight for some reason.

Every country is very dissatisfied with the results of this world war. They are accumulating strength to prepare for the next world war. Once the next world war breaks out, it will be used to promote civilization, morality, etiquette and other things. Will be torn in an instant.

People will no longer let anyone go because of "non-cooperation". At that time, when speaking with weapons, no one can refuse the request of the giant steel ship.

In fact, the rulers of Nagalil had some insights. The high priest originally wanted to send his young son to study in Ameria, and would support him as a businessman there by the way.

The Anmerian region will be full of opportunities in the next period of time. At the same time, this is also the most important overseas territory of the Gevlar Empire. They will definitely attach great importance to them, more than to some areas in the country.

The high priest is looking for a way out for himself, or to find a way out for his children, do these people like the provincial governor have the same idea?

There must be, but Lynch has not had enough contact with them, and his status in these people's minds is not high enough. These people can't just tell him some private things easily.

However, he still passed the high priest sending his youngest son to study abroad, and faintly discovered some of the key points.

"What are you going to do?" Mr. Wardrick corrected his posture and asked in a discussing tone, "If we do too much, even if the high priest in your mouth forgets that he has such a favorite child, Nor will it enter our trap."

"The ruler's indifference to family affection is more terrifying than you think!", he explained a little bit, so as not to have problems with Lynch's consideration in this regard.

If it is simply to control the child that the high priest likes as a threat to control the high priest, then this idea can be said to be worthless.

Faced with such a situation, the high priest would rather lose this child, and would not let himself become a puppet in the hands of others. As long as his power is not lost, he can have more children.

This is a problem, Mr. Wardrick has vaguely already had some countermeasures, but he wants to hear how Lynch solves this problem, whether he is astonished as always, or is it hackneyed.

Lynch smoked the cigarette calmly. He also changed his sitting position, pressing his wrists on the edge of the table. If viewed from the side of the two, Mr. Wardrick’s upper body was slightly tilted back. This is in behavioral science. It is called "defensive psychology".

Keeping a proper distance can provide more sense of security and can also highlight one's own status.

And Lynch leaned forward slightly, with more body movements in his hands, called "aggressive psychology" or "aggressive psychology". When advocating his own thoughts, he used some body language to give the place more oppression, forcing the other party to identify with him. Thoughts①.

This kind of behavior is actually very common in some negotiations. Those strong representatives like to increase their persuasiveness by throwing something out, and their attitude is more aggressive, as if they can violent anytime and anywhere.

On the contrary, those who have become disadvantaged themselves, all of them maintain the ridiculous "gentleman posture", and straighten their spine as far as possible from the negotiating table. They are just gentlemen trapped in the lion's cage and can't wait. I just want to escape.

Perhaps it was because of feeling the resurgence and momentum coming from Lynch’s body, Mr. Wardrick moved the ashtray in the distance to his hand with Klove’s hand, "Don’t put the ashtray everywhere. Yes……"

It was just an inconspicuous little action, a sentence that may not be very critical, but unexpectedly reversed the attack and defense at this moment. He advocated a point of view-he is the master.

Lynch smiled, and the atmosphere became lighter in an instant, "Mr. Wardrick, you know there is something called the'gambler's algorithm'..." He rolled his wrists, trying to find a word in his mind To express what you want to express, "mathematical model?"

Mr. Wardrick shook his head, "Sorry, I am not interested in mathematics, but I am very interested in listening to you."

Lynch nodded slightly. "There is a saying among some gamblers that when they lose one dollar, they will bet two dollars on the next hand, so that if they win, they can win back the first time. Loss, while still earning a dollar."

This statement is not surprising. Mr. Wardrick hasn't changed much in his heart. He just nodded cooperatively to indicate that he had heard it.

Lynch smiled and continued, "If he still loses the second time, he will bet four yuan on the third time, so that the previous loss will be recovered in this hand."

"Eight yuan..."

"Sixteen yuan..."

"Thirty-two yuan..."

"Up to hundreds or even tens of thousands, or several million!"

"Just once!" Lynch stretched out a finger, "Just once, as long as he can win once, not only can all the money he lost before can win back, but he can also win the money he originally wanted to win."

The expression on Mr. Wardrick’s face at this time has become very focused. This may indeed be just a gambler’s algorithm, or it may not be, but it is not important. It has actually stated a very clear A very common phenomenon in the financial field.

In fact, when many companies face a suddenly deteriorating business, what they will do is not to leave immediately, but to increase investment in the hope of regaining profits. However, the more they invest, the more difficult it will be for them to leave behind.

In the history of federal finance, there have been many similar examples, and even large consortia, all because they initially wanted to save a little bit, but as a result, they invested more and more, and even started to hurt their capital. "Loss" dragged down.

In fact, saying that it is a "small loss" does not mean that a small loss can really bring down a company, but the constant sinking costs have caused the problem to become more and more serious and more difficult to give up.

He could roughly imagine what Lynch meant, but he still had some hesitations and doubts. In fact, he shouldn’t have such questions and doubts. It’s just that he was unconsciously controlled by Lynch and fell into "Linqi". Time", so he was led away by the nose.

"So how do we make sure that this high priest will lose every time, and will continue to bet after losing once?"

Lynch shrugged and leaned back on the back of the chair. What he needed to advocate had been instilled in Mr. Wardrick, and he could change his posture.

He curled his lips, "Because we are both the players at the table, the croupier, the referee, and even the makers of the rules of play."

There was a thoughtful look on Mr. Wardrick’s face. He found that Lynch’s thoughts were brighter than what he had just thought. Once the high priest put his house on the side of the Federation, even if the Federation wants to kick him out, he will Will not leave easily.

He cannot do without the Federation, so he must be controlled by the Federation, unless he wants to have nothing.

Not only is there nothing, then the trade between him and the Federation will become the last straw to overwhelm him, and he can only obey the arrangements of the Federation.

Mr. Wardrick nodded in satisfaction, and he asked a question again, "What are you going to do?"

"Starting with that boy, of course this also needs some help from you, Mr. Wardrick..."


After some close talks, Mr. Wardrick stood at the gate of the manor and watched Lynch leave. This kind of treatment can be said to be very high-standard. Even members of Congress have never enjoyed such treatment, which makes the butler very curious. , But dare not ask.

On the way back, Mr. Wardrick suddenly asked, "Do you know the'Gambler's Algorithm'?"

The butler was taken aback and shook his head, "I will find out as soon as possible, sir."

" I already know...", he said, paused, "Also, I just negotiated with Lynch about one thing, and the young lady will join him in an exhibition in a few days. , Arranged for our people to protect the young lady, and they are not allowed to contact them in private. Do you understand what I mean?"

The butler walking behind kept his head down, "I use my life to ensure that the lady is chaste when she leaves, and when she comes back!"

Mr. Wardrick nodded in satisfaction, saying that might make people think that he was a little stiff and harsh, but it was better than a joke about a girl who lost her chastity and became an upper class.

In this circle, it’s not as clean and glamorous as people think. Whether it’s those gentlemen or ladies, the ugly and mean yindang in their bones, the smell of rotten eggs almost comes out, rumors will ruin him. Girl, he doesn't allow this to happen.

The next thing he has to do is to convince the board of directors to agree with his ideas, and at the same time to convince some members of Congress and the president's staff. These international affairs must be carried out only after consultation with the highest ruling class of the federal government. After all, foreign affairs are involved.

At this time, a young man was enjoying the drunken fandom of the Federation.

Those fair-skinned milk-like girls crawled around him in extremely simple clothes, and the various kinds of wine that were almost invisible in Nagalil filled a bath, cigarettes, alcohol, sorrowfulness, no Something better than this.

It took only a few days for the seventeen-year-old to get used to life here and was fascinated by it.

He has forgotten that poor and backward place in Nagalil. He suddenly felt that his father had made him come here as a very wise choice. He loved this place and loved everything here!