Blackstone Code

Chapter 327: delegation

"Blackstone Code (

Standing at the port, Lynch, as an important participant, naturally became one of the greeters.

This time, the momentum to promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between Nagalil is not very big. On the one hand, Nagalil is a backward feudal country, and the federal people instinctively dislike these people.

With the advancement of some things, the federal government will definitely want to popularize the situation in Nagalil. Even if it shows its good side, it is also a kind of repressive society that is difficult to accept for the federal people. They do not like this country. And their rulers.

However, they are full of sympathy and compassion for the people at the bottom of the country.

On the other hand, the final result of this negotiation is still unknown, and the federal society is unlikely to expand the effect of propaganda until there is a definite result.

If the publicity is too good, but the result is not satisfactory, this kind of contrast will give people an unbearable sense of humiliation, especially since Nagalil is still a small backward country.

The Federation and the people of the Federation who are showing their value in the international community do not think that they are worse than Nagalil, so they are even less likely to bear a huge gap and facts.

On the contrary, the simple publicity now, if a good result is ushered in, it will be a surprise instead.

Seeing that the cruise ship coming from afar appeared in people's sight after more than an hour later than the scheduled time, some gentlemen walked out of the bar in the port.

The seaside is very windy, and some people are curiously watching onlookers. "Watching foreigners" seems to have become an interesting activity popular near the port.

These foreigners are different from the foreigners they have seen on TV. They are more real and have a higher status.

As the cruise ship approached the shore, a group of Nagalil natives, who were obviously different from the Baylors, got off the ship.

Their skin tone is darker than that of the Baylors, and their hair is mostly dark brown or black. They are not very tall, and seem to be shorter than the Commonwealths.

In order to show a certain culture of Nagalil and reflect their identities, these people are all wearing traditional Nagalil clothing, which is the kind of... roughly the kind of long skirt pants plus a coat.

They have many ornaments from animals, such as the feathers of some birds, the teeth of some animals or other things, as well as gold and gems.

When these people appeared in the eyes of the people, some people clearly showed a certain discomfort. It may be that they think these people are too barbaric. There was a report not long ago.

According to the report, the Nagalil people would pull the feathers of a very beautiful bird alive and make them into various exquisite decorations.

Birds living in the forest flew freely for a lifetime, and eventually met humans. Not only did they lose the freedom to fly, they also became a delicacy in people's dishes.

The federal people who love freedom and regard themselves as more precious than life hate this barbaric behavior. This has also become one of the reasons why some animal protection organizations are hostile to the Nagalil people. By the way, the people of the animal protection organizations The vast majority of people are not vegetarians, they also eat meat, and they eat more happily than anyone else.

In this group of people, Lynch quickly saw the governor, he followed in the middle of the team.

This time, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a 46-year-old middle-aged official, graduated from the Academy of the Holy Harmony Alliance and is also a member of the Holy Harmony.

This is an official with bright prospects. It is generally believed that if Mr. President can defeat the radical faction representatives used by the Progressive Party to accompany him in the election campaign in one year and seven months from now, then there is no doubt that the undersecretary is very good. It may go further.

Lynch glanced at Mr. Truman, who was one step behind him. Mr. Truman's face was obviously with a faint, indescribable sarcasm, and he seemed to be a little bit uncomfortable with the undersecretary of diplomacy who was one step ahead of him.

It may be that Lynch's eyes are special. Mr. Truman quickly noticed that someone was watching him, and he quickly found that person.

Seeing that it was Lynch, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, then he looked away, and the hidden sarcasm on his face was gone. The whole person stood with low eyebrows, nothing special at all.

In fact, Lynch didn't know that Mr. President had some ideas. He has only been in office for three months, and he has almost no control over the president's cabinet and various domestic departments.

Although he put some "owners" in important positions, these "owners" are actually "partisans", not his true confidantes. In dealing with some issues, he also interacts with these officials. It's different.

For example, he recently advocated letting Mr. Truman take on more important responsibilities, but there are some different views in the Progressive Party, which makes him uncomfortable.

The most critical contradiction is that the "International Policy Affairs Research Office" overlaps with the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" in some jurisdictions. If the power of the Office of International Policy Affairs is increased, it will inevitably further infringe upon the powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and harm the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs. The interests of the undersecretary.

Where there are people, there will be disputes over interests, and there will be conflicts. The two seem to be calm, but in fact there are signs of confrontation.

What Mr. Truman lacks now is a "name", otherwise the leader in charge of this foreign affairs is him, not the "young" undersecretary.

After all Nagalil’s delegation landed, the young undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took the initiative to greet him, sent greetings from the foreign minister and the president, and left enough images in front of the media. Will be one of his wonderful resumes!

Then the two sides began to introduce each other, and Lynch was also fortunate to be the last member of the reception team.

According to the plan, after welcoming diplomatic delegations from abroad in front of the public, the next step is to send them to the local hotel for corrections and preliminary negotiations. The delegation will then be divided into three parts to visit and negotiate with the Federation.

The most important part is that officials from the central government of Nagalil will travel to Buppen with the undersecretary of foreign affairs, which is the center of the country's politics, economy, and culture, and is more suitable for handling these matters.

The second group of people will look around the folklore and customs of the Federation. This is a more official statement. In fact, these people are members of the Nagalil ruling class. Their purpose of coming to the Baylor Federation this time is actually very simple. That is to play.

They will not participate in any official or commercial negotiations. They are here to consume. Of course, in name, they are here to learn about this country that may establish diplomatic relations.

So if you have close contact with people's lives here, there will be no problems in contact with everything here.

The third group of people are business negotiators. They will visit the main industrial cities of the Baylor Federation, visit some major factories, and reach some technology import contracts as much as possible to lay the industrial foundation of Nagalil.

This is also the main reason for this diplomatic activity. As a country that even relies on the import of bullets from the Prayton firm, watching other countries are developing rapidly, they have become more and more uneasy and want to achieve a certain degree of self-reliance. It is imminent.

Not to mention that you can make everything, but at least bullets and other things must be solved by yourself, right?

Lynch is in charge of the third group of delegations, receiving and reaching some trade intentions. Mr. Truman meant it would be a little bit more or less.

However, the deputy chief had a different idea. He had talked to Lynch before that, and he must promote some heavyweight trade. As for why he did this..., probably to show how successful the negotiation he led was. !

Just as everyone was about to get in the car and leave, the governor of Magura's province Dragor found Lynch, "Those things you said...", he looked around, "Is it piled here too?" "

Lynch nodded, "It's in the warehouse next to you, do you want to go see it?"

Drago nodded and said "Wait a minute", and then walked to talk to some other people, and when he came back, there were two more members of the visiting group around him.

The skin of these two people is obviously whiter than the others, and it is okay to say lighter. From the outside, they seem to be mixed.

"My assistant, can we go and see the embargoed equipment?"

Facing the request of Governor Drago, Lynch reported the matter to the undersecretary and got the approval of the undersecretary. Then the group of people rode in two cars and came to the warehouse rented by Lynch.

The Baylor Federation has more than one external deep sea port, but here is the most convenient one. The straight-line distance from here to Nagalil is shorter, the navigation time is less, and various expenses are naturally saved.

With the help of workers in the warehouse area, a group of people entered the warehouse and opened the dust cover.

The two people brought by Governor Drago immediately walked to the side of these machines, with notebooks in their hands, while checking the models and names of these devices, while checking some key points.

Lynch didn’t stop them, so he asked these people to inspect them so generously. You should know that these machines produced a batch of goods not long ago, and after that, there are special people responsible for maintaining them. These can be put into use immediately. middle.

After checking some equipment randomly, the two spoke to Governor Drago in Nagalil for a while. After about a few minutes, Governor Drago nodded to express his satisfaction.

On the way back, the two were sitting in the same car. The Governor of Degra gave some news to Lynch, and the Prayton firm planned to sabotage the diplomatic visit.

This news is very important. As for whether it is true or not, let’s treat it as true, and Lynch believes that it is very likely to be true!