Blackstone Code

Chapter 334: Let's talk about it later

"Blackstone Code (

This is a special era, a magical era, where everything changes from good to bad, but everything will be nirvana from destruction.

No one can describe this era in words. People lose their simple coat and begin to become as marketable as the harlequins in the novel, but the speed of social development is faster than when people are simple.

A new day arrived on time, and the rising red sun made the land that had been calm after a night start to heat up again.

A deliveryman who is struggling to ride a green bicycle with newspapers full of newspapers in the front of the car is racing along the road in the community. He can always hold the handle with one hand without slowing down the speed of the bicycle while accurately dropping the newspapers. On the turf in someone else's yard.

Of course, this is also a scene that can only be seen in middle-class communities. Everyone has their own independent yard and green turf.

A lady in casual clothes and an apron hurriedly walked out of the house, picked up the newspaper rolled up on the ground like a short stick, and returned to the room.

She is preparing breakfast for her husband. During the breakfast, her husband will read today’s newspaper. She must prepare everything so that her husband can enjoy a peaceful morning comfortably. Only in this way can he be worthy of him. Work hard for this family.

Twenty minutes later, the man in pajamas walked out of the bedroom. After freshening up, he sat at the dining table and greeted his wife with a smile.

A few years ago, he was still interested in cooking breakfast with his wife occasionally, and even enjoying a different happiness, but now he is not as passionate as before.

His passions are being consumed in the irritating daily life and work. These women who are not going to work will never understand how painful the burden on his shoulders make him. There is nowhere to talk about the huge pressure. Perhaps it is almost stereotyped without disturbing him now. The law of life is the greatest reward for him.

Holding coffee with milk and turning to the first page of the newspaper, the headline attracted him-"The new generation of young leaders of the Baylor Federation!" 》

He glanced at the newspaper headline, which was a newspaper of the Progress Party camp, so such radical headlines were normal.

If it were a Conservative Party newspaper, their headline would probably be "Young People Leading the Trend", which would implicitly express roughly the same meaning, but it is not strong enough and lacks impact.

In the past, people liked this set and everything went through smoothly, but after so much experience, people are tired of those things, and people need something to stimulate their numb nerves.

There is no doubt that the man saw that young and handsome face that made people jealous.

"He must be someone's illegitimate child..." Some jealous men whispered to find some comfort for themselves.

His wife just came over with the cut bread, snorted the mayonnaise remaining on her fingers, and asked casually, "Who?"

"Who else can anyone besides Lynch?" The man wanted to turn the page, but he still resisted. "Recent reports have been reporting on his deeds and what he said, and colleagues are also discussing it. He seems to be overnight. I got out from somewhere in between, people all over the world know him!"

In this man's heart, the federation may be his world, and this sentence seems to be correct. This is also the idea of ​​most federations, and the federation is the world.

The lady glanced at the newspaper quickly. She was also a familiar young man. Lynch has always appeared on the TV screen recently. She knew this young handsome guy.

"He looks handsome in this photo!"

"Handsome is not for dinner!" The man turned a page unhappily. He hadn't read that page yet, but he instinctively didn't like his wife to praise other men, even if they couldn't have any intersection.

The lady was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "But he is very rich..."

The man pursed his mouth. He couldn't refute this view, and then began to sulking. Just when he felt that it was awful since getting up today, his wife kissed him.

"But in my heart, you are the most handsome one, no one can compare to you!"

This sentence trickled into the man's heart, and the irritability in his heart disappeared because of a simple sentence, "Thank you, although I know you are trying to coax me, I am still very happy!"

He looked at his wife's face close at hand, suddenly raised his head and glanced at the clock, "We still have time..."

Such a scene happened in many families. Lynch’s words greatly shocked the entire society. We are stronger than we thought!

In fact, when contacting the entire international community, the Federation and the people of the Federation have a very inexplicable confusion and timidity. They always think that they are not strong enough and their attitude is not strong enough.

They have not been baptized by war, and on diplomatic issues, the previous presidential administration has not been able to make any outstanding and effective measures. Even some war bonds could not be honored, while the federal government at the time was powerless.

They dare not express strong demands, dare not ask others in an irresistible tone that seems like an order. They can only silently bow their heads and continue to negotiate, which makes the citizens of the entire Federation feel sad.

The country’s diplomatic weakness has led to a lack of self-confidence among the people. Even today, with the change of president, this lack of self-confidence still remains deep in people’s hearts.

Until... Lynch appeared, he told people with an unimaginable determination and affirmation that we are stronger than we thought.

This voice from the times made some people excited and carnival. Some people felt that this might be a self-deceiving statement, but young people believe this. This is also what Lynch was rated as a "young leader" by the newspaper with a radical stance. reason.

He activated the lifeless federation and made people start to look up!

It is said that his words even changed some things in the general direction. For example, the things that had originally promised Gevula and other countries to reduce military expenditures and the number of military personnel in service were also suspended.

Even some sergeants who have retired but have not found a job are required to join the militia, especially navy veterans, who are required to return to the army.

This phenomenon seems to be enough to explain what people have realized. What they have feared for many years is now the shackles that hinder their re-emergence. Only by breaking these shackles can the Federation usher in a new life.

When walking on the street, in such a difficult period, young people have more unimaginable vitality than before. They discuss wars and discuss how to achieve their ideals. This is amazing.

"But it's also very dangerous!" In an office, a Conservative Party member of Congress made such a sentence that he thought was very pertinent.

There are some Conservative Party politicians, some capitalists and representatives of certain people in the room. This is just a small-scale meeting.

The congressman sitting behind his desk collected some political donations from Mr. Prayton, 50,000 yuan, which is really not a lot for congressmen, it can only be said to be moderate.

However, he also received a bearer bank voucher from Mr. Prayton. The numbers in it add up to six digits. The money is not supervised by federal law. He can control and own it at will. It is difficult to trace the source.

This is why he called and invited these friends to his office. They wanted to drag Lynch, or the radicals.

For things like politicians, their enemies are always politicians who stand on opposite sides. As for external hostile forces, they are not what they care about. They will be dealt with by the army and higher-level people. All they have to do is to defeat their opponents. It's that simple.

The people in the room are sitting or standing looking at him. The influence of members of Congress in the federal system is already very strong. They can represent the highest ruling institution and power of the federal government.

Of course, these powers are distributed to many people, but each of them is still a force that cannot be ignored.

Mr. Congressman is playing with a very exquisite pen. The price of this pen is a full four digits, but he has dozens of such, "I got it through some channels. After some news, Lynch’s pirate Playton actually had the background of the Gevlar navy. The pirate Mr. Playton had actually been providing intelligence to Gevlar’s ​​navy and sometimes did dirty work for them. "

"Gentlemen, in a way, Preton’s pirate group is a **** of the Gefla navy on the sea. If we rashly go to war with the Preton pirate group, it is likely to trigger the Federation and Gefla. China’s naval forces confronted each other, and even war broke out!"

"This is very dangerous. We have just brought the Federation back from the edge of losing control. What we should do now is to develop as best as we can, instead of provoke Gevlar's sensitivity through a war that we don't know whether we can win. nerve."

"We did this, we didn't gain much, and it would also cause rifts in the relationship between us and Gevlar."

"If we don't do this, we will maintain a friendly cooperative relationship with Gevlar, and we will not lose anything because of this!"

"How to choose, I believe everyone is already very clear."

The congressman was also taken aback when he learned of the news. Of course, Mr. Prayton told him directly, which also made him feel that the situation had reached a point where he had to intervene.

He did this not for the money, but for his patriotic sentiment, for the Baylor Federation, which is now recovering and cannot withstand a defeated war.

Once the Federation's warships are wiped out by "pirates" on the sea, the status of the Baylor Federation in the international arena will plummet, and at that time it may even be excluded from the ranks of the allied nations of the victorious nation.

So in any case, he must prevent the armed conflict with the Federal Navy and the Playton Pirate Group, for the future of the Federation!