Blackstone Code

Chapter 376: 1 good movie

"Friend Lynch!" As soon as he walked through the passage, Lynch heard Mr. Fox's shout. He walked towards Lynch with a smile, and their respective female companions released their hands before they touched. Keep a very appropriate distance with the two.

  Sometimes social etiquette is really cumbersome. You have to know when to do what to do. Doing a little wrong will lead to speculative ridicule.

   People will not obviously laugh at someone who is ashamed or disrespectful, and even cares about reminding others of what they have done wrong, but at the bottom of their hearts, they are still laughing at these mistakes.

   It’s like being unable to make a sound when drinking soup. Those people will regard these as a measure of the superior and the inferior.

  If someone does something wrong, they will laugh too, but it must be the tolerant smile of the superior to the inferior.

The two of them hugged and separated. Only Mr. Fox would use "Linch friend" when calling Lynch. This kind of expression is actually very street, but he likes to call Lynch like that. Maybe he thinks of Lynch as himself. An important role in life, so I also gave him a special title, or something to commemorate.

   He will behave normally when dealing with others.

"Your body looks great!" Lynch gave a compliment, and his gaze was collected from the female companion next to Mr. Fox. It was a girl in her twenties that Lynch had never seen before. He didn't know how big it was.

  Some girls will look very young no matter how old they are, but the girl in front of me will seem to give people a very contradictory feeling.

   She looks very mature, but she feels that she is actually very young and not very old.

  Secondly, she has a great figure, which can be said to be the standard required by most federal women for figure, and she is also very bold in dress.

   This is not the last time that girl, Mr. Fox changed a female partner, of course, there are many such phenomena in this industry.

   Judging from some subtle interactions between the two, their quality of life should be good? Mr. Fox is almost fifty years old? It is indeed commendable to maintain such physical fitness.

   "Of course? I'm still young!"? Mr. Fox said as he introduced Lynch to his female companion.

   Is this a girl who has only filmed an adult movie after her debut? For some reason, she tried to get Mr. Fox's line. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   As for why you choose such a girl? Instead of a more orthodox female star? Perhaps it is to avoid trouble.

   Those orthodox actresses also have normal fans. Once they make a noise, it will be a public incident, which may make the Fox and his son hurt, such as a breakup scandal or something.

  Mr. Fox knows very well? He can't marry any girl who can be his daughter? Even younger than his son. This is unfair to Little Fox.

At the same time, it is impossible for him to distribute his money to those women who hope to get some benefits from him, simply for the benefit of those women who are with him, so he keeps on changing his female partners and those who can be dismissed at any time? Has become his first choice.

   He took Lynch to the side, "I have done what you told me? I have found someone too. After the premiere is over? Let's find a place to sit down and talk."

Yesterday, Lynch called him, hoping that he could find a documentary director? One or two documentary screenwriters? He wanted to talk about his new shooting plan-"The Federation in Nagalil" ".

   Mr. Fox has released several movies now? With the addition of the name Lynch, he is already a small well-known film producer in the industry. If you want to find some directors and screenwriters, it is a matter of phone call. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   Lynch and him exchanged a few more words before entering the theater. Mr. Fox has others to receive.

   As always, Mr. Fox greeted the guests outside. Little Fox was dealing with the scene here. It is difficult to see the traces of the past life on them from the father and son. The kind of rashness that comes from the bottom of society and comes from the streets.

   They wear decent clothes and stand in front of celebrities and talk confidently. This has to be sighing. Money is really a **** good thing, and clean money is a **** good thing.

   As time approached, the light in the theater dimmed, a single film in focus appeared on the big screen, and people began to keep quiet because the movie was about to play.

   More than ten seconds later, the entire theater went dark completely, the big screen suddenly lit up, and there was a line of white characters on the dark background—this film was adapted from real events and novels.

   is this line of words, and a very special feeling rushes to the face.

   The beginning of the picture is the shaking lens and the branches and leaves of various unclear categories whipping the lens. Someone is running wildly, and the sound of the theater's sound is heavy breathing when running violently.

   The strong motion lens and the large-angle rotation give people a wonderful feeling of being on the scene.

A leopard suddenly sprang out from the bushes behind him and chased it closely. The race between humans and beasts, the sense of urgency in the face of death, caught all the viewers in an instant. Heart.

   Lynch could feel the girl next to her become very nervous, and could not even hear her breathing.

   After ten seconds, the screen suddenly fell forward, and everything fell into darkness.

   This scene comes from the second act of Lynch’s Adventures, the jungle is in danger. The general content is that he accidentally lost his way in the dense natural rain forest of Nagalil, then discovered the ruins and returned to the human society.

  Although many scholars and experts believe that human beings can't get out of the original rainforest without auxiliary equipment, but this does not prevent this book from becoming a bestseller.

   For a full ninety-five minutes, it was all around the story that caused a fight against the natural environment and wild animals, and some relics and the like were interspersed in it.

In the end, Lynch was forced into an ancient ruin. After fighting with agencies, ruins guardians and other enemies, he finally escaped from the ruins’ underground waterways and drifted to a somewhat backward town outside the rainforest. superior.

The desperate search and rescue team found him. When his good friend, an archaeologist, celebrated the rest of his life with him, he accidentally discovered an antique he brought out, one that should be worn in the hand of King Po Yain, the legendary hub. On the ring.

   And the whole movie, it also ends here.

   After a short period of calm, people quickly responded with warm applause. No matter what the critics have, at least the audience who came to enjoy the movie are very excited and still have some meaning.

There is no doubt that the ring that Lynch accidentally used as a souvenir at the end will be the cause of the next series of movies. Maybe there will be a third and fourth one in the future, which will take all of Lynch’s experience when he was in Nagalil. Take all the adventures out.

I have to say that this is a successful movie. James, his screenwriter, and the director have thrown away those things that want to reflect the epic and heaviness. They make the plot connection faster, more compact, and screen switching. The speed is also faster, and the sound and light stimulate more.

   There are no philosophical principles, there are only actors who constantly show their bodies, show their faces, show their muscles, and show grand scenes.

Exciting ninety-five minutes. It is said that the initial version has 130 minutes, which is also mixed with a large section of knowledge popularization and various background introductions, but in the end, under the strong request of James, it was re-edited and obtained The recognition of Fox and his son.

   A successful movie!

   Lynch applauded. There is no doubt that this movie will be a success. When people are still pursuing long shots and stream of consciousness, this movie that already has the tone of a commercial movie will inevitably detonate the market.

  Maybe it is not deep enough, has no connotation, is empty in content, and is indiscriminately fabricated. It may not get any awards, but as long as it can sell, it is the greatest affirmation of it.

   Fox, father and son, and the main creative staff all took the stage. They should be congratulated and blessed by people. After the intense applause ended, Lynch was also invited to the stage. People hoped that he, the "party" could say something.

   Facing thousands of viewers in a movie Lynch looked back at the big screen that had ended, "He is not as handsome as I am!"

   People’s laughter rang out instantly in the theater, including the actor standing on the side could not help laughing. Lynch also nodded and added, "This is a fact!"

   People laughed more enthusiastically, and some people agreed with Ying Hao. Of course, this is indeed true, after all, it is a film "adapted from reality".

When everyone was almost laughing, Lynch’s expression became a little more serious, “A great movie. I didn’t participate in the filming process. This is the first time I saw this movie today, but I want to say , It must be a great movie."

   "The faster rhythm, more vivid color conflict, stronger tension, I noticed that when the whole movie was put down, no one seemed to go to the bathroom or snoring with others, which explains its attractiveness."

"Of course, there is the most important point..." he paused and teased, "Someone will definitely accuse me, but I still want to say that this time I didn't see the preaching, it made me dedicate myself to it. Going in, let me go through an adventure again, of course, this time it must be more exaggerated."

   "It is an excellent movie because it has an excellent team, excellent directors, screenwriters, actors and our Fox father and son, it has all the elements for success..."

   Lynch stopped abruptly as he spoke. He tilted his head to look at the emcee standing aside, "Did I steal your job?"

   The emcee's response was also very quick, "It depends on whether they pay me!"