Blackstone Code

Chapter 491: After the rain

  The next ten years of Nagalil will be the ten years of the Federation, and the decade of the rapid rejuvenation of the Federation. Whether the locals have the ability or not is not important anymore. The important thing is that they can be obedient!

   "Next, our main work will be on two aspects..." Lynch stood in the crowd and talked about some of his ideas and the development direction of the city.

  The new mayor standing behind him feels funny that Lynch is actually more like the "mayor" than him, because he doesn't know anything, and he certainly doesn't need to know anything.

  All he has to do is to constantly sign the documents Lynch handed him, and he only needs to do this.

   Thinking of this, his original nervousness gradually calmed down. He thought of the words that the mayor said before his death, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth that he didn't even realize.


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   No, I won't be the next one.

   A dog is not worth the next one, and bullets also cost money!

   This looks sad, but at least it can make people live longer.

  Mr. Mayor...

   A good title!

  Looking at Lynch’s back, the incoming Mayor, his eyes flashed with a certain kind of wisdom, which rarely appeared on people like him.

   The end of the unrest means the beginning of construction. On the second day after the end of the unrest, Lynch appeared in the city, not only him, but also many federal businessmen, as well as some international reporters invited to report.

   It is necessary to reflect the difference between Federalists and "foreigners", so that when people talk about Federalists, they do not think of "foreigners" first, nor do they associate Federalists with "foreigners".

In this environment, the Nagalil people can get closer to the federal people and trust the federal people. It is not too difficult to do this, as long as they participate more actively in various social events and take the initiative. .

   A large number of reporters, international reporters and federal reporters are all around Lynch. This is the first time they went into the country after the turmoil in Nagalil to understand what happened here.

Of course, they will not reveal to the outside world that they chose the Mong U province as the core area of ​​the report because Lynch gave them a price that they could not refuse. They would tell people that this is the core of the unrest and the first place to calm down. .

   After the turmoil, the city was bleak, and there was no one to see on the originally very busy road, and there were some dried blood stains that were blackened after oxidation.

   Some roadside doors were destroyed, and the interior space of the open black hole revealed a sense of silence.

   In some houses, a few heads will pop out, and their black and white eyes will look at the pedestrians outside without any emotion.

   The reporters kept capturing the pictures here. Everything here makes people feel terrible. This is the scar that the turmoil brought to the city that cannot be smoothed in a short time.

   "...According to some news I got from the chief of police, that is, the newly appointed mayor, all of this was led by an organization called the Nagalil Youth Party."

   "This illegal civil organization, which is currently classified as ‘dangerous’ and has ‘anti-government tendencies’, has been premeditated for a long time. Their purpose in launching this turmoil is to achieve their selfish and ulterior goals."

Lynch, who walked in the crowd, said with a heavy face to reporters some facts that had happened, "Their main targets are the wealthy groups in the city. They used some distorted slogans to try to conceal some facts." New 81 The fastest computer terminal for Chinese website update: https://www.@x81zw@@

"They blame their poverty and social discrimination on class contradictions, without considering whether they have worked hard for their lives and whether they have done their best for their own destiny. They will only blame others and be full of destruction. Desire."

   The pictures on the road are indeed miserable. They gradually walked into the prosperous part of the city, which was more terrifying than the city center area they had passed by just now.

   There are hardly any complete rooms on the roadside. There are a lot of blood stains inside and outside the door of every house. There is a jewelry store with half an arm exposed in people's sight.

   Amidst the exclamation of the reporters, he stopped at the door and the soldiers of the Blackstone Security Company quickly laid out the line of defense. Of course, this also made the atmosphere a little nervous, which was exactly what Lynch wanted.

   Some curious people and reporters entered the room. Everything in the room was destroyed, but it must have been a place with exquisite decoration before this.

There was not one person lying on the ground, but two people. One of them had a big hole in his head, and only half of the contents were left in it. The hot weather made it dehydrated seriously, and the dry and shriveled ones began to emit a strong smell. taste.

   The other is a young girl. It is obvious that she was subjected to severe violence before her death. It is worth noting that her **** are missing and her left hand is missing from her wrist.

   The new local police chief explained to everyone, "The gangster may not be able to take off her ring and bracelet, so cut off that part."

   "The remaining injuries may be purely for venting anger."

   These pictures were recorded by the camera in the most realistic way. Soon people came out of the room. The newly appointed police chief also asked to clean the corpses here, and their method of cleaning was to burn them on the spot.

   "This is more terrifying than war!" said a reporter from a country that had never experienced war. There was no look and excitement in his eyes, only a fear of chaos.

Lynch's ears are very good. He heard this and nodded in agreement, "Yes, you are right. The whole world has entered the era of civilization, and barbarism should be completely eliminated in this era. "

   "This is not for some people, but for the entire human society. Things like today shouldn't happen again..."

   People continued to walk and came to the most severely affected area in the city, the rich community. The situation here is much worse than that in other places. Almost every household has encountered terrible things, regardless of foreigners and locals.

   In the beginning, mob groups targeted foreigners, but soon the hatred spread. From targeting foreigners to targeting the rich, everyone suffered.

   There were no people in the whole community, and there was only ruined ground everywhere, and there were shocking black blood stains.

   There are traces of violence on the ground and on the walls.

   Looking at the struggling blood handprints one after another on the white walls, people seem to be able to feel the fear and despair of those people before they die.

   The atmosphere has become very solemn, but this is also what people must see, and the entire international community must see it.

  The development of Nagalil is certainly impossible to ignore the various conflicts between foreign races and local aboriginals, from culture to ethics, morals, values, worldviews..., there will be many conflicts.

   These conflicts are big news once they break out.

   In the past, although people despised those ignorant and backward countries, it was strange that they would stand by them on certain issues, because looking at issues from the standpoint of the weak is more in line with a general public value.

   This is like a powerful country invading a weak country. People will never say that the aggression is right. If the aggression is good, the weak deserves to be invaded.

   Even if they cannot do anything, they will give more public opinion support to weaker countries in international public opinion.

Now, Lynch is preventing this stupid phenomenon from happening in Nagalil. He wants to expose the cruelest and most brutal aspect of the indigenous people to the world. Then when some problems arise in the future, people will naturally stand The federal people.

   "Next, I want to take you to meet a victim's family. They were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe, but their male owner died tragically under the gun of a mob in order to protect his wife and children..."

   "This hero who sacrificed himself in order to protect his wife and children is called Simon."

   "Mr. Simon and I are very good friends. Before the turmoil began, we had just participated in a salon together. Unexpectedly, he just..."

   "Sorry, I'm a little sad..."

There was a sad expression on Lynch’s face. A female reporter from the Federation also took the initiative to comfort him, “He is a hero. Whether it is his family, the Federation, or even the whole world, people will know his Ordinary, but extraordinary deeds..."

   Yes, the next one to visit is Mr. Simon's family. Lynch is also very strange. Mr. Simon is dead, but his child survives and it is not just Mr. Simon.

   A total of nine children of foreign businessmen survived in this turmoil. This is nothing short of a miracle. If there is nothing tricky in it, Lynch was the first to not believe it.

   How can there be such a coincidence, but these heirs can survive intact, so those merchants are so great?

   He has heard that many of those people are indifferent to their local families, and they also know that their purpose of getting married and having children is just to better integrate into the local society.

   They will not contribute their lives to the indigenous wives and children, but it is not important. The important thing is that their money is kept and sufficient news materials are also provided.

   After obtaining the consent of Garton, he became the first victim's family to be interviewed. He would put some problems in front of the camera and put them under the magnifying glass of the international community.

   People soon came outside a courtyard with a tombstone, which is very scary and surprising, even in some relatively conservative countries, such as Gevlar, who is still implementing the monarchy.

   They will only bury their loved ones in the backyard instead of the front yard, which is not in compliance with the funeral rules.

   Maybe it’s that people’s eyes were too much on the tombstone, and they came to greet them, and the young man who opened the door for them squeezed out a bit of grin, "When I saw him, he was lying there. I don’t want to move him anymore."

   "He propped up a piece of sky for us, and also protected our safety. He is too tired, so let him rest. This will let him and let us all feel that he has never left..."