Blackstone Code

Chapter 523: There is only one line between bankruptc

"I have no idea!"

Vila answered Lynch's words, she didn't know if she should do as Lynch said, but there seemed to be another layer of meaning hidden in this answer, answers to other questions.

She was confused and a little overwhelmed.

"Don't think about these unpleasant things for the time being. If you have time, you can think about it. I won't stay in Sabine for too long this time. Let's find a place to eat together in the evening?"

He raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, "Maybe I can wait for you to get off work. You just happen to be able to talk about those digital issues during this time."

For the rest of the time, Vila explained to Lynch how rich he is now and how much cash he has.

The words cash, money, and wealth are not multiple meanings, they are all independent vocabulary, and they express completely different content. This is the value of accountants, because ordinary people don't understand these at all.

In the process of introducing these assets, Wei La talked about a problem that the company is currently facing, "The speed of capital flow in the second-hand goods auction of Interstellar Trading Company is much slower than before, and the transaction volume is now declining..."

She felt it was necessary to talk to Lynch about this situation. In fact, this phenomenon has always existed since the second half of the year.

Except for those cities that have just begun to hold second-hand commodity auctions, they can also contribute good funds. Some old places, such as Sabine City, have difficulty driving more people into second-hand commodity auctions and frantically snapping up those Merchandise.

Even Richard’s capital has been declining in recent months.

This situation cannot be said to be abnormal. It can only be said that the market is becoming saturated, and Lynch has never thought that this kind of business can last a lifetime.

The trade of second-hand goods has a life cycle. It is an industry that "eats both ends". Simply put, in the initial period of economic downturn, second-hand goods will be favored by people.

The reason is very simple. People’s income has started to drop, and the money in their pockets has been declining, but their consumption desire and mentality have not kept up with the change in money reduction, and there is a desire to shop. At this time, the existence of second-hand commodity trading fairs Satisfy their shopping needs and desires.

After the economic downturn lasted for a period of time, people's desire to shop would drop to the freezing point unprecedentedly, the desire to consume was overwhelmed by the desire to survive, and cheap second-hand goods could not attract people's desire to shop, and the entire industry would enter a trough.

The other side refers to the initial stage of economic recovery. People suppressed the desire to shop for a whole "winter" in the economic cold winter. With the re-increasing of income, they began to gradually recover. At this time, there will be a rapid consumption boom. .

No matter what it is, as long as they think it is suitable, even if they don't need it, as long as they think it is good, they will buy it.

That will become a new growth point for second-hand commodity trading, but this period is also short-lived. After this retaliatory consumer psychology ends, second-hand commodity trading will begin to enter a period of plateau, which can also be said to be a new low.

People have money in their pockets and they are reluctant to buy second-hand goods. Except for houses, cars, TVs, etc., which are very practical and a family must, but some families can’t afford new goods in order to be popular, and others will do the same. It's not very selling as it is now.

Coupled with the development of science and technology, with each passing day, those second-hand goods that have been eliminated will eventually be difficult to give away.

Lynch had foreseen it from the beginning, so he took advantage of this wave and made the first real money, and then quickly completed the most primitive accumulation of capital with this money.

In fact, up to now, it cannot be said that these businesses are not profitable, but that they are not profitable. After all, he has no cost. This is the reason why he can make money.

If he hires a lot of employees, then just paying these employees can make him run into a large fiscal deficit. Fortunately, he has only partners and no employees.

The second is the transportation and storage issues. He has done all of these infrastructure constructions. He has his own transportation team and his own warehouse area. Although the left-hand-to-right game is not very good-looking, the things are still in his pocket.

On the contrary, the tepid second-hand trading market at the beginning began to gradually shine. This is also the future trend. This kind of second-hand commodity trading will be replaced by a more flexible free trading market.

Vila and Lynch talked a lot, and in the end, Lin Qi discovered that the most profitable business on his books was actually his 30% of Fox Pictures!

This year's several best-selling works plus "The Adventures of Lynch 1" adapted from the real stories of Lynch and the upcoming "The Adventures of Lynch 2", Lynch can reap nearly 800,000 yuan from them!

This is amazing. In fact, being able to make money like this in a recession has already made many people fall by the eye. This also explains why capital is shifting to the entertainment and pan-entertainment industries.

"So, how much money do I personally have now?" After listening to Vila said a lot of content, Lynch asked a concluding question. After checking the time, he was almost ready to find a restaurant for dinner. .

Wei La, who was sitting next to him, wore glasses, flipped through the ledger that would normally be stored in the vault in her hands, and showed some playful expressions on her face, "I regret to inform you, Mr. Lynch, your personal account and No money, and you still owe a lot of money to the bank!"

This answer did not exceed Lynch’s expectations, and he was also very cooperative and exclaimed, "Am I broke, I am so miserable?"

Vila nodded as if it were true, and said, "It's a pity, it's true!"

After speaking, both people laughed. Vila had only a rough guess about how much Lynch had. Lynch did not give her all the accounts. As far as she knew, there were some overseas accounts that Lynch did not have. Entrusted to her management, of course, not entrusted to others.

And what they are talking about is actually limited to cash, which can be withdrawn from the bank anytime and anywhere. In fact, Lynch is far from "bankruptcy". It is just the bonds he has in the bank, which is a staggering number. Saying this is just a kind of ridicule, a kind of joke.

"It's almost time. If we leave early, will anyone talk about it?" Lynch stood up, and the very gentleman reached out his hand, with the back of his hand up.

This job is a job that men do when they help women who need to stand up. The back of the hand is the most gentleman's performance. If it is the palm of the hand, only close people will do it.

After all, when this kind of etiquette prevailed, there was no feminist movement, and it was even more unlikely that anyone would propose freedom of choice and freedom of choice.

"You are really a gentleman!" Without much hesitation, Wei La stretched out her hand to press the back of Lynch's hand and stood up.

As a woman, getting along with Lynch is a very strange experience. She can feel Lynch’s closeness to her all the time, as well as an unspeakable, somewhat ambiguous feeling.

But at the same time maintaining a gentleman's style and attitude on details, this is a bit contradictory, but the attraction to women is also very fatal.

Lynch smiled and retracted his hand, "I don't do this to everyone."

This sentence is correct, but... always reminds people of some other things, Wei La let out a sigh, she walked to the hanger and took off the coat for Lynch, and said with some uncertainty. "I don't know how I should reject you."

She looked at Lynch. Lynch did not show any unhappiness or any other expressions as she said. It has not changed much from before, "You know, now I've been alone, and the child has grown up, I and Gap The divorce caused him a lot of harm."

"If I don't go back at night, he may be upset. He feels that all this is caused by him, and I may abandon him!"

This is a problem of handing over the child to the parents. Their child has always been taken by Gap's mother. On the one hand, the old woman likes the child, and on the other hand, it also gives the husband and wife enough space~www. But what happened afterwards made their children think that he was abandoned, and sometimes they think that it was because of him that he and his mother were abandoned.

This is a common psychological problem in single-parent families. There is no good way to solve it. Only when the child grows up and matures, there may be some changes.

"Then take him with you!" Lynch added in time, "If he is worried about these problems, take him with him."

"Can you?" Wei La was a little unsure, "Sometimes he can be annoying..."

Under Lynch’s gaze, Vila finally decided to take the child to dinner with Lynch, which also made the atmosphere of the entire dinner a bit strange.

It is not dating. It is obvious that no one will take children on a date, even if they do have children.

Secondly, it's not like a working meal between subordinates and subordinates in a company, with high-end restaurants, red carpets, skilled bands and waiters in red vests and black bow ties.

The people around were talking in low voices. It was obviously in the lobby, surrounded by other tables and guests, but they were not affected by them at all.

Only by listening carefully to the surrounding movement can we hear some whispers in the soothing and melodious music.

All of this is carefully designed. The sound of music just covers the conversations of other table guests. You don't need to deliberately lower your own voice. Normal communication, those that are not noisy music can keep people's privacy.

Under the leadership of the restaurant manager, the three came to a better position. All the way, Wei La's children were looking at Lynch, their eyes full of curiosity.

He seems to be wondering, who is this handsome?