Blackstone Code

Chapter 544: superior

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It was already around nine o'clock in the evening when Lynch left. Originally, Mr. Wardrick should have shown the noble quality of being a host and a guest. He should try to invite Lynch to spend the night in his house.

After all, it is late, and leaving at this time is not in line with social etiquette.

In the past, the traffic was inconvenient and the society was not as stable as it is now. Walking at night is a very dangerous behavior. Whether it is riding a carriage, driving by yourself, or walking, it is very dangerous, so as long as it is dark, the owners Will keep the guests in their own house overnight to avoid danger.

Although the current society does not have these dangers, this kind of etiquette has been retained. It is basically a symbolic inquiry. Guests may not be willing to stay at the host's house.

But Mr. Wardrick didn't keep him courteously. He is a little bit elusive about Lynch now. What if Lynch really lives?

He just rejected his baby girl, if they meet tomorrow morning, maybe something else will happen.

So he watched Lynch leave with a smile of "Let’s go," without saying a word to keep him, watching Lynch’s car go away, he turned back to the room and went to Severilla’s Room.

At this time he also complained to the housekeeper, "Our house should be equipped with an elevator. I know some people think that such a house should not be equipped with an elevator, but you see, I am also old, and I am really tired of going up the stairs! "

The housekeeper said that he would arrange people to do these things as soon as possible, design new decoration schemes, and install elevators.

When she waited on the fourth floor and saw her in Severilla's room, she looked as if she had just cried. As a father, he must comfort his baby girl.

"You shouldn't be sad for someone who doesn't like you. Besides me and your mother, there won't be a third person who will be sad because of your sadness." Although Mr. Wardrick is a big man, he said I am also very proficient in saying "family" like this.

Severilla shook her head. She looked at her father, "No, I am not sad because Lynch rejected me. What makes me sad is that good people are willing to defile me and stay away from me, and those who just want to make me feel better. The belly becomes your son-in-law's person, but outside, like wild dogs, line up to look for opportunities."

"I'm sorry for myself, good people look down on me, and the only people who can see me are wild dogs!"

This sentence was very successful and left Mr. Wardrick speechless for a while, "When people are sad, they are very emotional, and the angle of thinking about things is also very strange. You don't need to slander yourself in this way."

"If you don't choose you, it's his loss, not yours!" Mr. Wardrick did not intend to discuss this issue with the emotional little girl.

However, at this time Severilla counterattacked very quickly, and the angle was very tricky, "I only saw him leave with a smile, and I can only sit here and cry, I am not sure whose loss it is!"

"Uh..., well, it looks like you need to calm down now...", he raised his hand to express surrender. Only after Severilla calms down can he continue to talk about this issue with her, otherwise he will be caught Tormented crazy!

Let the maid stay in the room to avoid Severilla doing things that people can't imagine, Mr. and Mrs. Wardrick left the room.

On the way back to their room, both of them were a little emotional.

As the hostess of the room, Mr. Wardrick's wife said softly, "In fact, Lynch did pretty well..."

In this circle, only a handful of people can keep clean, and more are still very complicated. For example, her brothers can no longer be described as complicated, that is, extreme chaos.

Compared to those who are confused but have no merit, Lynch actually has a high score.

Mr. Wardrick shook his head, "It's not that simple. Lynch will have a group of his own, and we also have. You have made some complicated things a little simpler. You have forgotten those things that happened when we first got married. ?"

Speaking of this, his wife recalled, "Sorry, I did think things simpler, just watching her cry over there, I am also very sad as a mother."

"She will be fine because she is my daughter!"

In the early days of Mr. Wardrick and his wife’s marriage, the two families behind them argued with each other and even attacked who would lead the new family.

Of course, the leader is still Mr. Wardrick, but how should the chairman of the board and the board of directors of those companies arrange?

How should the person in charge of each industry arrange? One team becomes two teams, and how should those redundant people be arranged?

A carelessness may bring about very troublesome changes and shake the foundation of this new family. Fortunately, Mr. Wardrick has excellent means to solve these problems, but if they still choose a strong alliance for Severilla, This will definitely happen in the end.

Lynch’s strength will never allow people who are not him to enter the core of his interest circle, which means that now Mr. Wardrick, those trustworthy people around Serviera are likely to be rejected by the people of Lynch’s family. Suppression, and even fierce conflicts occurred as a result.

If these people can't beat those of Lynch, Severilla will not be able to bring them "fairness", and this is also very obvious, their daughter will definitely not be Lynch's opponent.

Then the business empire built by Mr. Wardrick in his lifetime is likely to collapse in a very short period of time.

Those who hold the core secrets of the group will leave in droves, join the camp of their opponents, or stand on their own. The label of Mr. Wardrick will eventually die out. This is the last thing Mr. Wardrick wants to see. .

So he thought from the beginning that Severilla’s husband can come from a big family, but he must not be too good and not too strong to suppress Severilla. Only in this way will the part that belongs to him and hers. Continue to postpone it.

In fact, what Severilla said just now is not bad, good people should stay away from her, otherwise they can only be suppressed by Mr. Wardrick and trained to be docile, such as Doolin.

Only those who are thinking about eating and waiting to die, being rich and free and don't need to do anything, but have a resounding surname, are her best destinations.

His wife wanted to say something, but in the end she said nothing.

Sometimes Mr. Wardrick will be very stubborn. The number of times he has succeeded in these years is unclear. This also makes him stubborn, because he is always right, and he has a mysterious confidence in his judgment.

The next day, Lynch’s photo appeared on the headlines of major newspapers. A young man’s wealth of 10 billion Galil in two years was enough to shake the entire Confederation.

Even if 10 billion Galil is exchanged for Federal Sol, there may only be more than 80 to 90 million, but it is very blunt, who has seen so much money put together?

Five shipping containers used to load things, five containers full of money must overflow!

It's money!

The craziness of the media can be imagined. Some media have even picked up everything Lynch has done in the past. From his desperate bet, the relationship between the Federation and Gevlar will undergo a flipped change, thus successfully buying the bottom of the war bonds. Start.

Every time his business plan is like the illegitimate child of God, it has incredible magical powers. Although there are losses in it, the number of losses is very small, so small that it can be completely ignored in comparison with his profit.

The major media, TV stations, and program planning groups are all madly inviting Lynch, hoping that Lynch can appear on their programs.

The most popular talk show under the largest TV station in the Federation even gave Lynch 600,000 yuan in appearance fees to invite him to the talk show that lasted less than two hours.

Of course, this also has something to do with the crazy money spent by some title companies and advertisers. As long as Lynch can be invited to participate in the show, some advertisers who cooperate with TV stations are willing to bear a large part of the cost!

After selection, Lynch decided to participate in some programs and interviews, such as the most authoritative magazine in all fields at present, "The Wave", and the most famous speech program of the Federation "Euler Ninety Minutes". "Wait.

According to the relationship between distance and time, Lynch first participated in the "Euler Ninety Minutes" program.

The host is a host whose stage name is "Oula". It is said that this host also has a deep background and comes from a certain political family.

It is precisely because she has a strong background and is not afraid of anyone's dissatisfaction with her, so from the time she started to build this show, she never considered "letting go" the guests.

She will ask some tricky questions, ask some embarrassing questions, expose the masks of some big names or tear their scars away.

Letting the male guest throw the microphone and leave the room in anger, and causing the female guest to collapse and cry, has almost become the biggest attraction of this show.

While you are not afraid of being targeted, her background also makes it impossible to refuse her invitation. In only half a year, this show has become the hottest show in the Federation. People like to watch those big people show their fragile side here. At 8:45 in the evening, Lynch came to the studio and was able to show on in about twenty minutes.

From nine to eleven o'clock is the golden period of cleaning up, and most of the heavyweight programs are scheduled to compete with other TV stations for ratings during this time period.

In order to make the program full, the program that Lynch participated in is live. If there is a live broadcast accident, there may be commercials, but there is absolutely no opportunity to modify it.

It is also one of the characteristics of this show to show people the most real side of people to the audience. Compared with the crying and angrily leaving the show, what happened in the live broadcast is more credible.

Before going on stage, the director of the show found Lynch, "Mr. Lynch, I must tell you again that we have no desk book, no plan, no teleprompter, everything is the most natural interview."

"If you encounter a question that you can't answer, you can refuse to answer..." He paused after speaking, and seemed a little worried, "Sometimes the host will provoke you, don't be fooled!"