Blackstone Code

Chapter 577: Orgy and restless

"Gentlemen, we will be written into textbooks, and we will become people that every banker and every businessman must know!"

Mr. Herbers, who was sitting on the main seat, no longer had the demeanor of his royal prince, nor the personable demeanor. He was just a drunk who drank too much.

Alcohol made his brain a bit out of control, but he didn't care if he would be a little ridiculous from the perspective of other people at this time. Others were more ridiculous than him. All he wanted was to be arrogant for a while.

If he has made so much money, if it can't make him enjoyable, what about it being written into history books or textbooks?

Obviously he felt a little dizzy, but his spirit was unprecedentedly active and excited. "Think about it, gentlemen, how will people evaluate us in the future?"

"A good banker? Or a successful banker?"

Driven by him, the atmosphere in the room has become unprecedentedly enthusiastic. People are watching him. It can be written into history books and textbooks, and positive imagination is written into it. That is definitely something that capitalists are also pursuing. Kind of realm.

It is impossible for a person to live forever, but a spirit, a theory, and some glorious deeds can help a person live forever, and capitalists also want "immortality", which is what every intelligent creature is pursuing.

"Lynch will be under us, bringing out our greatness like a clown, gentlemen, please drink this glass (please let us drink this glass of wine happily), so that we can have a name in history! "



Already crazy people swallowed alcoholic beverages with their glasses high. Some people vomited while drinking. Some people fell back on their chairs after drinking, but soon began to go crazy again.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in profit, this may be the most shining time in their lives, even after the end of this business, some of them can directly retire!

Many bankers do not own their own money, or that most bankers are "poor people", and only a few of the wealth in their hands belong to them.

For example, Mr. Herbers, he is the richest here, but about 50% of the money in his hand is that of the king who wears cheap coarse cloth and lives a shabby life like the following people!

His own money is only a small part. Most of them belong to the king and some ministers. Like other bankers, their money comes from some investors.

If they didn’t miss this opportunity...No, they couldn’t miss it. They had persuaded the chancellor of Gevra to stand on their side in this matter, and Emperor Gevra agreed with this statement and they won. deal.

They use other people's capital to achieve several times or even dozens of times the value of their own wealth, and they can retire directly.

This amount of money is too much, so much that everyone is excited and happy at this time!

Those gentlemen who were vomiting almost took out a few ten-yuan denominations of Frau from their pockets and threw them on their vomit. Presumably the cleaners would not only not curse them for vomiting here and there, they would also thank them for it. Generosity, this is the value of money and the happiness it brings.

The carnival has been going on. A group of people here are drunk, but they did not stop there. These bankers, whose average age is over forty-five years old, want to continue the carnival.

They found a very famous nightclub, went in, and called all the girls to drink with them.

This is a thing to be happy about, not only they themselves are happy, others should also be happy.

Some people were dissatisfied with these noisy gentlemen, but soon disappeared under the prompt that "all the consumption in this field will be paid by Mr. Herbers", and some even asked the waiter to pay their respect-if With luck, they would like to have a drink with Mr. Herbers.

In short, the countless sloshing craziness of the night ended, and the next day people began to pay for the craziness of the previous night. Herbers grinned and struggled out of his sloppy limbs. He was aching all over. His age has made him unable to be like a young man. Actively conquering, he just lay quietly most of the time, but last night, he was like returning to the summer when he was 20 years old...

Now, he began to regret it.

"Really shouldn't drink!" He grumbled, yelled twice, and his butler immediately walked in.

Seeing a smile that was difficult to hide from the butler’s face, Herbs complained, "You should stop me...", he didn't say it anymore, because he knew that it was useless for anyone to come at that time. , "Well, laugh if you want, hell, help me up, my back hurts terribly!"

Supported by the observation, Mr. Herbers stood up, put on his clothes again, and let out a sigh of relief, "I have a headache."

When he went out, he said that the harm caused by alcoholic beverages to the brain has not been discovered by people, but people will soon know.

As soon as they left the house, two young men in dresses stood up. They were both "agents" for those girls. These people had seen the wealth of Mr. Herbs and his friends yesterday, so they were extremely respectful and low. He greeted Mr. Herbs with his head.

"Don't worry that I am an unreasonable bastard, I look terrible, but I am a person who pays attention to integrity!" He took out the checkbook, wrote a set of numbers and his name on it, and then handed it over. Past.

Watched by the two young men, Mr. Herbers left here quickly.

"What do I have for today?" Mr. Herbers, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, looked at the street view outside the window, feeling the power of this country.

"You have to accept an interview with a financial magazine at two o'clock, the time is about 40 minutes to an hour, and then an afternoon tea salon, which will end from 4:30 to 5 o'clock, and no more than 5 o'clock at the latest. Then you will have a break. In the evening you will have dinner with the Chancellor of the Exchequer..."

The housekeeper made the whole day's itinerary clearly and plainly. According to the past practice, Mr. Herbers will comment or modify the schedule at this time. In short, he will express his thoughts and attitude towards the next day's itinerary.

This habit has been going on for decades and it is not so easy to change, but Mr. Herbers did not say anything today, which made the housekeeper look back curiously.

Mr. Herbers held the head of the civilization stick in both hands. It was a pure gold lion head the size of a child's fist. There were no other gems, but simple pure gold.

Each country has its own style. In the federation, the head of Mr. Herbers’ civilized staff was a falcon with some gems attached.

The eagle falcon can more vividly reflect the federation's spirit of yearning for freedom and adventurous attitude. The colorful gems will not make the federation think that it is not stable enough, they like that kind of civilization rod.

But in the monarchy country of Gevlar, the social atmosphere in the country is relatively serious, so the pure gold lion without any embellishment is more in line with the people's aesthetics here.

Mr. Herbs, who has different styles like this, is suitable for different places.

At this moment, he folded his hands together on the head of the civilization stick, but his eyes were looking at the street outside the car window, as if thinking about something.

The butler did not dare to bother, and shook the glass between the cab and the rear compartment to give Mr. Herbers a quiet environment to the utmost.

At this time, Mr. Herbers is thinking about a question-is Lynch a fool?

After madly venting, some of the backlog of emotions were released, and he also began to reflect on this question, whether Lynch was a fool.

The Federation people praised Lynch with various titles, and even said that he is the leader of the new generation of Federation people. In short, he is good at everything.

Young, handsome, handsome, well-mannered, and good friends with people from all walks of life, such a person may be suspected of overpacking, but is he a fool?

Can he not know what he is doing?

If he knew, why would he do this.

This question came to my mind inexplicably, making him faintly uneasy. Everything went too smoothly for him. It was as smooth as if Lynch was his long-lost sent to him specially. Made a fortune.

But he knew that this couldn't be true, and there must be some secrets hidden in it.

He firmly believes that the ultimate goal of all behaviors is for their own benefit. No one is stupid enough to selflessly dedicate themselves. Even if there is, such a person will not become a successful businessman or a successful capitalist.

But he couldn’t find any flaws. The only risk in Lynch’s contracts with him and others is that Gevlar would allow him to cash out his bonds before June. In this case, Lynch There is no need to pay any interest.

But he can’t take the money Mr. Herbers lent him. Those money was borrowed by him, not changed by him. When the contract expires, he must return the money to everyone else, otherwise they Not only will they be able to take those bonds, but they will also sue him.

Lynch’s risk is too great, but what about his profit?

It is almost invisible. This is very abnormal. There must be something wrong, but Mr. Herbs could not find out for a while.

The sudden annoyance made his expression not as relaxed as yesterday's. In the end, he convinced himself that there shouldn't be any problems beyond his plan in this matter.

After all, the Minister of Finance of Gafra had been "convinced" by him, and he also persuaded his Majesty the Emperor of Gafra through the mouth of the Chancellor of Finance.

The emperor of a country supports this view, so even if other people want to do something to change the outcome, it shouldn’t be that easy, right?

He thought of this and heaved a sigh of relief. Maybe everything was just his nervousness?

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