Blackstone Code

Chapter 601: International observer

"Editor in chief, Galil's exchange rate has gone up again..."

A reporter knocked on the open door of the office, poked his head and said something like the editor of the magazine who was working on the opposite side.

As the editor-in-chief of the "Wade International Financial Observer" magazine that can be distributed internationally, sometimes his work is not the same as his knowledge and expertise.

It took a few seconds for the editor-in-chief to put down the pen, rubbed his eyes, and sighed.

"I see, go ahead..."

He casually dismissed the reporter outside the door, and could hear his mood a bit depressed.

In fact, this is normal. The mainstream people all over the world believe that Galil will continue to grow. This is true. The exchange rate of Galil has been rising so far, and the business negotiations between the Federation and Guevra have begun. , Galil once again showed a strong momentum.

As a well-informed editor-in-chief, he is actually very clear that Galil is not targeting the Federation Sol, but the Federation's interests in Galil.

Once the business negotiations between the Federation and Gefola go smoothly and a number of cooperations are reached, Nagalil's cheap labor resources can be fully utilized, so Galil's appreciation is naturally a matter of reason.

But he just couldn't tell others that. The mainstream media all said so, and the magazine he worked for couldn't say so.

Not only cannot follow the main trend to say, but publish a series of anti-trend remarks to attract people's attention. This is also the basis for the survival of magazines, and it is also the way they attract investors' attention.

Others sing well, but you sing badly. There will always be people who are based on "I want to understand what you fart and then attack your ignorance" and "I want to see how ridiculous ways you can convince me" Buying this magazine for this reason is a successful marketing method for the magazine itself.

But the editor-in-chief is somewhat unwilling and powerless.

They have just published their negative views on Galil's next trend, and the real-time fluctuation of Galil's exchange rate hit their faces fiercely, and the editor-in-chief has a stomachache.

But is there any way? This is the way and fundamental for the survival of the magazine. If they don’t do this, they will soon be submerged in the entire mainstream market.

There is no brand influence, no point of view that is completely different from others, why should people choose such a magazine of no value?

Just when he felt whether he needed to change a job, the phone ringing before the case suddenly rang, making him shiver.

After cursing a few secretly, he raised the phone, "This is the International Observer Magazine, and I am the editor-in-chief of the magazine..."

He did not add the name "Wade" and cut it down, so that the magazine's name would sound more high-end and high-end.

Soon the editor-in-chief showed some strange looks, because the caller's purpose seemed a bit...unbelievable.

"I want to know that your judgment that the Galil exchange rate will soon collapse comes from the evidence, and I also want to ask whether your magazine accepts sponsorship or investment."

The editor-in-chief quickly replied: "Of course, of course, we accept sponsorships of any nature, and we also accept investment, but there is a requirement for the investment share ratio, with a lower limit and an upper limit."

An investment of one dollar is also an investment, and an investment of one million is also an investment. In the past, it has happened all over the world under the guise of "investment investigation", cheating, cheating and drinking, or even color casts. In order to prevent such things from happening in the magazine. , The editor-in-chief told the other party that there is a lower limit for investment.

The gentleman on the other end of the phone chuckled, "This is not a problem, you can make a call... This call is about investment matters, and I want to know first, why you made such a judgment and judged that Galil would collapse. ."

Opportunity, an unprecedented big opportunity. Although the editor-in-chief is reluctant to admit it, at this moment he has to admit that the president of the magazine does have some ways to operate. It hasn’t been long since their magazine was launched, and it has attracted investors. He doesn’t It feels uncomfortable to publish some anti-trend ideas against my heart.

He sorted out his thoughts a bit, and then said, "This gentleman..."

"You can call me Herbs."

"Mr. Herbers? My God, I know you, Mr. Herbers, the gambling agreement between you and Mr. Lynch shocked the world financial world!" The editor became more excited, this is a celebrity.

If there is anything surprising and incredible in the past few years besides the federal financial collapse, then the tens of billions of pairs bet is one of them.

Even if people say that Galil is not worth money, even if it is not worth money, it is still money, and it is still 10 billion, worth about 80 to 90 million Federal Sol, and more than 40 million Frau. No amount of money can be taken out by anyone.

The financial gambling involving this scale is enough to shake the world. It is said that many countries plan to include this "unprecedented" gambling in the financial field after the results of the gambling are released. As future financial scholars, they should not miss it. Case study and analysis carefully.

Now one of the parties calls, even if Mr. Herbs does not invest in the magazine, just this phone call is enough to make the magazine stand out in the international financial industry.

The editor-in-chief immediately reached out and pressed the record button. He needed to save the recording, of course he would not tell the other party.

"Mr. Editor, please let us return to our question, okay?"

"What reason do you judge that Galil's exchange rate will collapse? I am only interested in this right now!"

"Okay, okay, I'm so excited, I will tell you my judgment now!" The editor calmed down, reorganized his language, and began to narrate his views.

"Mr. Herbers, if you pay attention to the actual situation in Nagalil, you should find a very clear line, or context."

"Federal Sol is gradually replacing Galil's circulation in Nagalil, which was accelerated by the recent march."

"Because the increase in the exchange rate of Galil has made the workers in Nagalil dissatisfied with the continued use of Galil as a currency for payment of wages, workers everywhere are starting to use Galil as a currency for payment of wages. It is required to use the Federal Sol for settlement, and the Galil already held in the hand is exchanged for the Federal Sol."

"Galil's role is fading, and it is quietly exiting the circulation market, but neither the United Development Corporation nor the Nagalil United Kingdom have issued any explanations on this matter. They are ignoring this kind of thing. happen."

"Once Galil's circulation is restricted or even completely withdrawn, it will become a piece of white paper in an instant, and I think this may be the way the Federation looted Nagalil."

"They used an unprecedented method to plunder the property of this country. Once Galil withdrew from the market, Nagalil must immediately start a new legal currency to stabilize the entire commercial society. What could be better than the Federal Sol Is it an effective, more stable currency?"

"No, no, the Federation Sol will replace Galil. Once this happens, the Federation will definitely try to prevent Galil from re-circulating, and Nagalil will eventually become a federal financial colony. "

"If you know, or have heard of Mr. Lynch’s remarks about the'financial war' in Buppen the year before, you can roughly understand the benefits of doing so!"

"These are my guesses, and they are not necessarily correct. There are also some questions that I can't explain in this kind of guessing, such as the official inaction of Nagalil, and how the federation can get Galil out of market circulation... …"

The editor-in-chief has very professional knowledge in related fields. He believes that this is possible, but some problems need to be solved. As long as these problems can be solved, then his guess can be established.

The president appreciates his theories very much. The most important thing is that these theories can attract people's attention, so don't care if these problems and speculations can be solved, whether they are true, and send out the results before talking.

No, it has attracted big shots. In the future, just using "Mr. Herbers' most valued business consulting agency" will be enough to increase the sales of the magazine or directly transform it into a financial consulting service agency.

The phone remained silent, and there was no sound of breathing. The editor-in-chief waited for a while before trying to ask, "Mr. Herbers, are you still listening?"

About a few seconds later, there was a voice over the phone, "Yes, yes, I'm still listening, how likely do you think this view of yours might be realized?"

The editor-in-chief hesitated for a while, "I'm not sure, Mr. Herbers, I use my professional knowledge and my reason to analyze, this is almost impossible to complete."

"Any country will not easily abandon the self-issued currency that it is using and has used it for many years, and switch to currency issued by other countries. This is tantamount to completely abandoning the management and management of the domestic market. Control."

"But from a perceptual point of view, I think what is happening right now is very consistent with my judgment and assessment of these situations. It is indeed happening."

"I can't give you an accurate figure, that is irresponsible, I can only say that there is a chance, and the chance is not small!"

The breathing sound in the receiver gradually became thicker. After a while, the voice in the receiver rang again, "Thank you for your help, Mr. Editor, my assistant will contact you again later, maybe you will be interested in some new jobs. ..."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Herbers rubbed his face vigorously, and he finally understood where the problem was roughly.

But now he is facing a dilemma. If he takes back the money in advance and then sells it to transfer the losses, then the liquidated damages will allow him to eat a pot.

If he bet that Lynch didn't do that, if Galil's exchange rate really plummeted, his loss would be even greater.

After thinking about it, he forced himself to calm down, and then began to arrange work.

Information is the most critical factor in the financial market. If you have more information than others, you have a greater chance of winning.

Mr. Herbs mobilized all his power to gather information to ensure that he can minimize the loss.

Sitting in the room with the light turned off, the pipe and the bowl gave off some dim light, and a cloud of turbid smoke was suddenly ejected from somewhere, accompanied by a person's name, and full of hatred——


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