Blackstone Code

Chapter 623: The last one

Text 0623 The last cut

sweating a lot!

Mr. Herbers, who has always cared about his appearance, no longer cares about this. He took off his hat and coat, leaving only a small waistcoat and a white shirt, and even the collar of the shirt was covered. He tore it open.

He stood outside the service desk responsible for the customs approval, endured a severe headache, suppressed his anger that was about to run away, and gritted his teeth and asked, "Where did my procedures fail?"

He slapped the stack of paperwork on the counter, looking very painful.

The headache has been plagued him since this time. His personal doctor told him that it was caused by emotions and sudden high blood pressure. He has started to take medicine to lower blood pressure, but the effect is not very good. Still going on.

The whole head seemed to be split. Sometimes he wished to tear his scalp, found the crack on the skull, and rammed his head open to see if there was something inside that made him unhappy.

He pursed his mouth tightly, not wanting to lose his attitude, his emotions are already on the verge of exploding.

The customs broker sitting behind the service window said unhurriedly, “According to the requirements of the Federal Financial Regulatory Commission, the departure of more than 50,000 cash from Hong Kong must be approved by the Financial Regulatory Commission."

Currency is also a kind of goods, and it is also a kind of special goods. No country will allow the illegal circulation of currency, which will seriously affect the order of a country's commodity market and financial market.

In order to stabilize the domestic commodity market and free market order, any large amount of cash entering and leaving the port must be reported.

You need to apply for approval when you come in, and when you go out.

The staff's statement did not violate any regulations, let alone make things difficult, it was just the most common business.

However, it is not an easy task to get the approval of the Financial Management Committee. It is not that when the FSC says that you want to leave Hong Kong, the approval will be sent down there. The whole process is not so simple.

From the motivation to the purpose, there needs to be a meticulous investigation. For example, why should such a large amount of money be shipped out of the port instead of through a bill of exchange or a promissory note?

For another example, how to prove that the money you declared must be the money you withdrew from the bank and not the proceeds of other criminal operations?

This survey period can be short or long. How to determine the nature of it depends entirely on whether anyone is willing to endorse this matter.

If there is, for example, Mr. Wardrick is willing to endorse this matter, and his reputation, social status, power and wealth fully meet the conditions for endorsement, the review process will be very short.

But once a problem occurs, the Federation will find Mr. Wardrick's trouble if it can't find Mr. Hebers. In the face of such a considerable amount of money, most people are not willing to come forward.

If there is no endorsement, then the process will become long, ranging from a few days to a month. The more money to flow out, the longer the review time. What Mr. Herbers currently lacks most is time. He has no time at all. So he took another path.

His hand was shaking uncontrollably, he pulled out a sheet from the pile of procedures, and handed it over, "This is the procedure for my previous customs declaration. I want to transfer the money. This is in line with the federal law and customs declaration. Rules, you must let it go!"

He took out the document he applied for entry. This document can play a key role. I came in 10 billion and went out 10 billion. Two sets of complete documents can fully prove the money. The nature and legitimacy of the law are in line with federal laws, so you don’t need to apply for approval to the FSC, you just need to file for the record.

For the record, a phone call matter.

Mr. Herbers suddenly slapped his temples hard, and a sharp pain made his eyes dark. He quickly took out a pill bottle from the pocket of the horse clip, took out a pill from it, and stuffed it into his mouth. , Swallowed.

After ten seconds, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt much better.

When he looked at the staff at the counter, he saw that the other party was making a call, as if he was still avoiding him. The young man's gaze kept passing over him, giving him a very uneasy feeling.

Just when he faintly felt that something was wrong, two policemen, customs policemen, appeared at the door.

At the same time, Mr. Hebers' assistant ran in from outside. The police did not stop him. Their target was not Mr. Hebers' assistant.

"Sir, our cargo is controlled by the police..."

With a buzzing sound, there was no sound in Mr. Herbers' ears, only the buzzing tinnitus. He watched the assistant screaming hoarsely, but could not hear any sound!

He almost fell, but fortunately his assistant helped him, and the police leaned in. One of them had his hand on the handle of the gun...

Everything in front of him began to spin and twist, and Mr. Herbers lost consciousness in a short time and fell to the ground.

About an hour later, Mr. Hebers' condition stabilized, and he also woke up from a coma, lying on the bed with a medicine bottle hanging by his side.

The solution in the dropper kept dropping, and he felt tired.

When the assistant saw him waking up, he leaned in for the first time. It may be that he called out Mr. Herbers’ name and the door of the ward was opened. A staff member of the Bureau of Investigation who appeared to be a federal agent was obvious. He looked inside, and then backed out.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Herbers rubbed his head, "I don't remember clearly, it seems that what happened, and then I fell, what happened?" He slowly raised his head and looked at himself Assistant.

There was still some fear on the assistant's face. He pursed his mouth and said in a low voice, "Our money has been seized by the customs."

Mr. Hebers seemed to be unaware of the seriousness of the incident. His eyes looked at the ceiling without aura, "The reason, why did they do this?"

"The staff member who previously reported for us to enter the customs is said to have been investigated for suspected duty crimes and we were involved. At present, the federal government believes that our money was illegal when entering the customs, so we can't leave..."

"What they mean is that after the staff member's interrogation result is obtained, we can determine whether we are suspected of bribery, which is about a few days."

"Hehe..." Mr. Hebers suddenly laughed. After the laughter stopped, he pushed the medical equipment on the bedside to the ground and roared loudly, "A few days, a few days, I Where can I get a few days to waste them?"

How many days?

Can't wait for a few days at all!

The angry Mr. Hebers suddenly stopped moving, as if he had lost control of his body, lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, there were some tears in his eyes.

Is this your trap, Lynch?

Sure enough, a deadly move!

But he still had some doubts. Although the stabbing was fatal, he was unlikely to fall because of the knife, and he would still have a chance to catch his breath.

Yes, it is true that the money cannot be paid now. He has no way to make a sum of money to cover his losses through short selling, but as long as he waits until the end of the contract period, he returns the money to Lin Qi. What he paid It is nothing more than some good interest, which is not enough to completely kill him.

He will indeed be finished, but he will not be completely finished!

If all this is really Lynch’s means, he shouldn’t let himself go so simply, is there something he doesn’t know is happening, or is about to happen?

At this time, Mr. Herbers had given up struggling, his only curiosity was how Lynch gave himself the last blow!

At the same time, in the royal capital of Nagalil, the cadres of the former Nagalil Al-Shabaab have been assembled, and within a few days they gathered from all over the country to the royal capital.

This is thanks to the federal people for bringing convenient and fast transportation. The emergence of railways has shortened the distance between cities and allowed them to gather together easily.

Akumari also came. As the leader of a province, he also mastered driving skills. He will play an important role in this liberation cause.

He is going to drive a truck to smash through the walls of the palace, lead everyone in, and overthrow this decadent kingdom and rule!

Although Akumali was still a little hesitant at this time, he did not believe that changing the ruling structure through violent means would definitely bring positive and upward things to the bottom of society.

In some of the books he read from the Federation during this time, there is a point of view that he deeply recognized that peace and order should not be born in violence.

This point of view illustrates a fascinating truth. To put it simply, "newborns should not be nurtured in destruction." If violence can nurture peace and order, then this peace and order is also false.

Just like the current Nagalil, is peace and order born through violence really peace and order?

No, not necessarily like this The new ruling class has gained their status and power through violent means, and they will favor violent means to satisfy their demands.

If peace and order are to come to this country, peace and order should be born through peaceful and orderly methods.

It's just that Akumari has not integrated and condensed some of his own ideas, and the chaos of the country does need to be controlled. Perhaps he will gain some new gains from this huge change to improve his ideas!

The time was pointing to three o'clock in the afternoon, and Akumari wore a helmet and got into the emergency modified open car, then aimed at the wall of the palace and stepped on the accelerator.

The modified truck sprayed out from an alley like flying, and slammed into the wall of the palace in a place where there were no people.

Weak walls can't withstand the products of modern industry at all, and they are smashed away with almost no resistance.

Its designer did not consider that there would be such a day when a group of people smashed through the walls of the palace and rushed in.

A large number of people from the Nagalil Al-Shabaab, brandishing clubs and even sharp blades, rushed in along the broken gap. Less than half an hour later, the entire Nagalil was shocked by the same news.

The palace was destroyed. The king ended his life after killing the queen. Almost all the other royal family members were captured, and the royal family withdrew from the historical stage of the United Kingdom of Nagalil.

At the same time, an organization claiming to be the "Nagalil Democratic Party" announced the takeover of the royal capital and actively called on the governors of various provinces to put aside their prejudices and start peace talks.

For the Nagalil, an era is over!

:. : M.x

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