Blackstone Code

Chapter 689: Good people are not bad luck

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Listening to Lynch's jokes, Lime became even more anxious.

"Boss, help me, if those people know that their money is frozen in it, they will tear me up!"

Loss and freezing are two situations. Many financial-related investors, especially those long-term and experienced investors, are willing to take some risks. Before they put money into the accounts of foundations or financial companies, they will Sign a contract.

This contract has some hard requirements, such as how to do when there is a loss after opening a position, how to do when further loss, how to do when the stop loss line is reached, and how to ensure the safety of these funds.

They will recognize that their funds have shrunk to a certain extent at the end of the contract period. This is normal. No one can ensure that their investment is profitable every time.

However, they will never agree to the complete freezing of their funds. This is not a joke. This is almost the same as the annihilation of the entire army. Strictly speaking, they have the right to ask the foundation or financial company to give it on the terms after the maximum stop loss. Compensation, of course, must sign an understanding and transfer agreement before this.

If the two parties cannot agree, they will be resolved through justice, but whether it is resolved privately or through judicial procedures, it will be a disaster for Lime at this time!

Because no matter which kind it is, he can't bear it.

He can't get so much money in private, nor can he go through legal procedures, and he may not even be able to pay the high legal fees.

According to the practice of Buppen’s vampires, if they win the case, they must at least charge 15 to 25% of the total amount of the case as attorney fees. Even if they lose the case, they will also receive 3% to About seven percent.

Whether he wins or loses, he may not even be able to spend his lawyer's fees.

At that time, there is only bankruptcy!

He worked hard for so many years and finally his life ushered in a change. With a little improvement, he never wanted to see Buppen's appearance at five in the morning. He didn't want to lose. He wanted to "stay" anyway.

"I can't help you, Lyme, I can't do anything about it." Lynch's voice is still the same, there is no extra feelings, he is used to too much love and hatred, but it is bankrupt, but it is all over again. , He didn't think there was anything in it.

Only if the heart is strong, will not be knocked down by this world, and those who are weak in heart, this world will become their enemy.

"Please, boss, I really can't do anything."

"I know I did something wrong, I should listen to you, this will be the last time, save me, I feel like I can't breathe..."

Lynch couldn't help but laughed, "Your mentality is still immature, Lyme, in fact, I think this shock is a good thing for you. You have had enough hard times, but you haven't tried this feeling. , Falling from a height, thrilling, exciting, and fatal."

"Then it fell to the ground with a ‘bang’ and it broke into pieces."

"If you haven't experienced this kind of feeling, you won't be able to become as cautious as I am, and you can't learn to be in awe, but for the sake of your performance, I will give you a chance."

Lynch’s words were like something the drowning man grabbed, and Lem was grateful. "Thank you so much, boss, you saved me!"

"Don't rush to thank me. I can't take out both the money you earned and your capital. I can only take out a portion of the principal, 50%, and no more."

"You know, it's not easy to do this."

Rhyme, who wanted to fight for it, gave up his idea, "I understand, boss, so probably... when?"

"Within this year, wait for my news. If you make arrangements for your clients, you can borrow some money when necessary. Are there other things?"


After hanging up the phone, Lynch shook his head. He didn't intend to care about this. Anyway, his money was made. But at the moment when the call was about to end, he suddenly had an idea. Some new ideas.

Sometimes two people who are equally good, why are some of them very good, but some of them are just so ordinary, and they don’t have any self-confidence?

This is the power of thought.

It may not be accurate to say that, it was just a flash of inspiration, but it was such an unreliable flash of inspiration, which obliterated 100% of the efforts of 99% of people.

After thinking about his ideas for a while, Lynch picked up the phone and dialed Mr. Wardrick's phone.

Still boring manual transfer, Federal Telegraph and Telecom does not seem to intend to sell the patent to the world, at least not so much now.

After more than two minutes, the call was connected.

This is a personal call, so Mr. Wardrick picked it up immediately. There are often at least three phones on the desk in the office of a big man like him.

One of the more commonly used calls is the secretariat's phone. The secretary or the secretariat decides whether to transfer the call before it has the opportunity to appear in front of Mr. Wardrick.

The second part is a dedicated telephone number for the company's senior management and the board of directors. Only the company's senior management can dial this number. It ringing often means some information communication problems between the company's senior management.

As for the third part, it’s a private phone. It’s unceremonious to say that many people on the board of directors don’t know the number of this phone. Only those who have been approved by Mr. Wardrick have this number.

"This is Wardrick..."

"It's me, Lynch."

"What's the matter?" Mr. Wardrick waved his hand, told the secretary at the door to leave his room and closed the door.

And he got up and took the phone to the small bar, poured himself a glass of wine, he just took advantage of the arrival of the call to rest.

Lynch didn’t get to the point as soon as he came up. Instead, he chatted for a few words, “Listening to the voice, you’ve had a good time recently?”. Before, Mr. Wardrick wanted to show that his relationship with him goes a step further—not to engage in fundamentals, but to Let him try to pursue Severilla, but Lynch refused.

But the meaning of showing closeness is still there, so more small talk will make everyone feel that the relationship is better with each other, and even some nonsense can be said for a while. Isn't this an expression of closeness?

You know that they are all busy people, and being able to take the time to talk nonsense just proves this.

Mr. Wardrick responded with a smile, "It's true. I just spent a lot of money to increase the stock in my hand. Although the chance of impacting the presidium is not great, I am already very satisfied."

The shareholders meeting of the board of directors has not yet been held, and Mr. Wardrick already knows the result, which is actually quite normal.

Many major shareholders and the chairman of the board of directors do not want the executive president of the consortium to be the chairman of the board at the same time. The concentration of dual power on one person will make Mr. Wardrick's power and position within the consortium unprecedentedly swell.

This is not conducive to the interests of other shareholders. Regardless of them as a whole, but at some point, they are also enemies between them.

It's reasonable to fail. After all, he got the bulk of the stock that was compensated this time, which also meant that he lost the right to enter the presidium.

He can see clearly that even if he can't hold the title of chairman of the board of directors now, his actual status is not much different from that of the chairman, but he lacks some of the authority that belongs to the chairman.

He is very satisfied with the result.

Lin Qi pursed his lips and continued, "I heard that the electric motor company was delisted and went bankrupt. What are you going to do?"

"This question you asked is very strange, I thought you wouldn't care about it!" Mr. Wardrick was keenly aware of a slight difference. In fact, now the electric motor company and the new patent are no longer available to Lynch. What's the value.

Gefla announced that Ameria will be established as an "imperial zone." Everything in the imperial zone will be completely different from that in Gefla, and there will be brand new rules.

In these descriptions, the content of welcoming foreign businessmen to invest is also added, which is to pave the way for people like Lynch to invest in the past.

What the imperial emperor said, no matter what the governor did, he could not change and trample at will, that was an act of treason.

But now, Lynch asked suddenly, making him smell a little different, "Is there anything to take care of?"

When he said it with a smile, he was indeed joking, but he was also tentative.

Lynch didn't greet him this time, and went straight to the subject, "If I can let Sauron sign a memorandum of understanding with you to directly erase the threat of liquidated damages, is there any more benefit for you?"

The smile on Mr. Wardrick’s face suddenly converged. He did not answer immediately, but stood up solemnly, walked to the table and took a solid color, clicked it and walked back, holding a wine glass and sitting on the phone. On the sofa.

He thought for a while and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about what I I only have one question. If I can do it, is it good for you? I want to be honest."

"Of course!", Mr. Wardrick directly gave an affirmative sharp, "We initially expect to spend no less than 10 million to fight this lawsuit. If Sauron is tight on his side, this budget will have It may increase to 50 million or 100 million."

"If you can get Sauron and us to reach a consensus to invalidate the liquidated damages, we can save so much money, and at the same time, save a lot of resources and face..."

It is indeed a good way to spend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions to save nine hundred million in liquidated damages. The method is actually very simple. It is to go to court and drag on until there is no reconciliation after twenty years. Even if it is completely dragged to death.

This involves a lot of manpower and material resources, and it also involves social image issues. After all, it is not a good thing to say that things like relinquishing accounts are not a good thing, and image public relations is another expense.

Lynch was still not so polite, "I don't want to know what can you do, I just want to know what can you do?"

"I can be elected to the presidency of the board of directors of the consortium..."